CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The main objective of this task is the development of tools for visualization and monitoring of the existing production system status in context sensitive ways adapting results from the IDEAS, ReBORN and SelSus project e.g. to cope with the requirements of a flexible production system (e.g. Plug & Produce system) and dynamic scheduling aspects which add further complexity that needs to be made transparent for production engineers to trust and use this kind of system. Therefore measured data, captured by field devices in different types of entities within the real and the simulated production system, has to be processed to enable immediate assessments regarding the KPIs defined in WP1. The information will be provided in a context sensitive way, e.g. users get an individual visualization as well as specific monitoring and analysis instruments with regard to their functions and tasks related to the production system. This includes for example monitoring of aggregated production key figures for strategic decisions on management level and visualization of detailed machine parameters (e.g. utilization), consumption data (e.g. energy demand) and process parameters (e.g. lead times) enabling rapid intervention at shop floor level. Hence the users will be able to make beneficial decisions regarding KPIs, to identify improvement potentials and to react properly to changes or disruptions within the production system. In addition, resilient decision rules for an optimal operation of the production system in general and the use cases from WP 7-10 in particular. Through coupling with the simulation developed in T.4.1, the tools can also be used for education and training purposes as well as TPM operators.
Harmonization and development of the simulation control logic including the integration of all models and routines into one consistent simulation environment. This task will develop mechanisms for the reconfigurability at the shop-floor level, namely the machinery and robotics that compose it. This reconfiguration derives from the need to optimize the production of the manufacturing orders, where, the agent-based planning and scheduling tools, developed in T4.1 and T.4.2, act as a major start event input of the reconfiguration procedure since deviations from initial plans, i.e. tactical and operational decision changes, will be enhanced and their outcome more potentiated if a structural re-organization happens alongside at the shop-floor. The work that has been developed in the IDEAS project regarding agent-based reconfigurability will be applied in this task.
Dissemination plan, 1st iterationThis task will carry out publicity and dissemination activities to the scientific, technical and industrial communities in order to ensure a substantial impact both at the EU level and at international level. The actions planned are: Generation and periodical actualization of publicity material: Logo, brochures, templates, and other actions that create identity, consistency and awareness of the project. Events Participation: The project partners will participate in multiple related European Events (Conferences, Fairs, Congresses, etc.) – a minimum of at least six events will be targeted. In addition, the consortium will identify at least 2 International Events (outside of Europe), where the main research and development results will be presented. A dedicated project partner will be responsible for the demonstration of the project results at Industrial, international large expositions and fairs, like the European ICT Conference, Automática, SPS/IPC Drives, CeBIT or the Hannover Fairs. A minimum of three workshops and/or special sessions within international conferences will be held at progressive stages in the work (concepts and approach, work-in-progress and final results). Publications: articles will be produced for international industrial-oriented conferences (e.g. IEEE INDIN (Industrial Informatics), IEEE ETFA (Emerging Technology and Factory Automation), IEEE ICIT (International Conference on Industrial Technology), IEEE ISIE (International Symposium on Industrial Electronics) and IECON (Annual Industrial Electronics Conference), scientific, technical journal and wide-publicity papers (e.g. White Paper, Press Release) by the research, technology supplier, and end-users partners of the project. At least two Press Releases addressing (i) PERFoRM Major Vision and (ii) PERFoRM major RTDI-outcomes and Initial Business Strategy. In order to increase the impact of the project, the consortium plans the generation, edition and publication of a Book addressing PERFoRM-vision, -approach, -results of prototype demonstrations and business strategy. A PERFoRM homepage with consortium-internal access, EU Commission (private) access and public access sections will be set up at the very beginning of the project to introduce project goals, objectives, scientific and technical approach and to expose the project outcomes for newcomers. In a complementary way, a PERFoRM-communication platform to facilitate the consortium-internal communication will be installed during the first quarter of the project.
Requirements for Innovative Production Systems - Functional requirements analysis and definition of strategic objectives and KPIs, 2nd iterationManufacturing domain includes a broad range of different technologies, production approach and business model; in order to fully leverage new technology enabling the integration robots and flexible machinery into complex and distributed production environments a sound analysis of each specific domain needs to be carried out. Specifically in PERFoRM project, this task will bring the project to a clear definition of general business and strategic requirements and objectives regarding the expected results and how to measure and benchmark them. This last point requires to identify an appropriate set of KPIs (technical and business) able to provide a significant data base, but without overloading usecases with too detailed requests that would prevent (if the indicators are too detailed) aggregations and comparison.
Definition of the System architectureThis task will design of the overall system architecture based on smart production components that is able to support the seamless system reconfiguration and enhance the planning, simulation and operational features according to functional requirements and strong KPI driven monitoring and control from WP1. The design of the system architecture will consider: • The plugability mechanisms to support a seamless and on-the-fly system reconfiguration based on the results achieved during the EU FP7 IDEAS project. • A network of cyber-physical components (composed by physical devices and embedded computational applications), each one providing functionalities encapsulated in its interfaces, namely services in the context of a service-oriented architecture aiming to achieve interoperability. This task will consider the efforts and work already developed in EU FP6 SOCRADES and EU FP7 AESOP. • Mechanisms for the dynamic discovery, composition and coordination of modular and heterogeneous smart production components to create highly customized production systems. This task will consider the efforts and work already developed in EU FP6 SOCRADES, particularly, the Petri nets based formalism for composition and aggregation of applications, as well the orchestration of these applications. • The local and global control perspectives, developed in the EU FP7 GRACE project, combining the flexibility and responsiveness provided by local behaviour with the optimization ensured by global structures. The need to ensure a transition from existing systems to new smart production systems environments, the architecture should include the definition of appropriate encapsulation methodologies and tools for existing shop floor components as well interfacing and interoperability with legacy and floor applications.
Fundamental dissemination material (website, flyer)Project website, flyers, tempaltes etc.
The PERFoRM Integration Approach• This task will integrate the results from previous work packages (WP2-WP4) into an approach an innovative plug&produce production systems. Harmonized concepts from previous WPs will be integrated into one solution. Additionally, it will be checked which production environment is available within the manufacturing systems of the four use case providers. Special attention will be paid to the legacy systems (HW&SW) in order to prepare an “as-is” status of the current installed base. This knowledge is taken as major input for task 1.2 in order to be able to elaborate a suitable migration strategy for the use cases.Integration and harmonization of results from WP2, WP3 and WP4 • As-Is analysis of installed production base
The PERFoRM migration strategy for a generic migration scenario and for additional show cases within the testbeds in WP 6. 1st ReleaseThis task aims to develop a structured migration strategy to transform any given (traditional) production system to the new one that is able to respond promptly to the requirements imposed by the new paradigms. It needs to be realized, that system evolution cannot take place in a single step. Migrating as a whole (and in once) would lead to an enormous waste and risk, which will only be acceptable (manageable) in few, very special cases. Additionally, in a realistic way, the introduction of new smart systems and devices will coexist with existing configuration imposing that the migration strategy also copes with the integration phases, realizing their impact on the migration strategy. Instead, a migration path needs to be identified, which will migrate sections of a given production safely and smoothly, not affecting the system performance (e.g. with degradation of the local and overall operational parameters or reduction of available functions). A generic migration strategy will be described targeting towards PERFoRM technologies and functions. The migration plan will describe the chronological and logical order of activities, and may consist of: • Analyzing current systems including state of documentation and tools. • Identifying area/areas and deciding on new PERFoRM system. • Install and integrate with old systems in the first area. • Replace old systems stepwise. • Optimize control, communicational, data links, and how legacy systems behave when they are connected and interoperating with the PERFoRM-compliant systems/sub-systems. In a second step, this generic migration plan will be refined according to the particularities of the PERFoRM use cases and legacy environment, being also identified the issues to be tested.
Self-Adaptive Large Scale Demonstrator Design and Set-UpIn this task self-adaptive and reconfigurable characteristics will be demonstrated at a systems level for a large scale system in a relevant industrial environment. The demonstrator will deploy the technologies developed in WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5 and provide information for validation and verification purposes. The demonstrator will comprise the developments generated in WP2 by including standard interfaces to enable a “plug and produce” approach and by being integrated to the industrial manufacturing middleware to enable connectivity to manufacturing operations and business systems such as MES and ERP for planning and scheduling and general operations control. Integration to the middle layer will be facilitated by the software interfaces developed in WP3. Self-adaptability and quick reconfigurability will be enable by methods and tools also developed in WP3 and WP4. Key to this task, as a differentiating factor, is the full deployment of tools provided by WP4 to support planning, scheduling and operational performance in general. The methodologies and strategies defined in WP5 will be used to support the migration of existing systems to a self-adaptive and reconfigurable approach. At the same time, this task is expected to provide meaningful feedback to WP5 for the refinement of these methodologies and strategies. The process of de-risking the technologies developed during the project will culminate with this demonstrator in in time to have maximum impact on the industrial use cases to be developed in in WP7, WP8, WP9 and WP10.
Report on community building and innovation transfer events and cluster activities"In this task the activities concerning participation in clustering events and an inter-project exchange will be coordinated. The objective of this task is to establish a community that supports the innovation transfer and business and social aspects evaluation, and enable further dissemination and exploitation of project results. The members of the consortium will liaise with related EU projects, in order to ensure a higher scientific and technological impact of the project findings and solutions, as well as to foster exploration of possible synergies and complementarities. Particularly, it will be established channels of dissemination and knowledge exchange with past and on-going projects, being present with its results and focused demonstrations in the workshops organized by related EU projects. Note that the project partners have great presence in the FoF program, due to their participation in several and heterogeneous FP6 - FP7 projects. The implementation of clustering and networks of interest, e.g., exploring industrial and social networks such as LinkedIn and ResearchGate, is one way to achieve this objective. Especially synchronization with activities inside the EFRA-organization, the German Industry 4.0, will be actively promoted by consortium partners, who are also members of the so called HORIZON2020 FoF and of the Industry 4.0 platforms. One particular aspect that will be developed in the framework of this task takes advantage of the HSEL´s, UNINOVA’s, IPB´s and POLIMI´s current effort in disseminating research project results among industry, academy and the society in general. The project will organize specific events in Europe, but also world-wide like in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Synergies to international recognized bodies like the IEEE IES Industry Forum, Industrie4.0 platform, IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems and Technical Committee on Industrial Agents will be built, targeting multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural audiences to disseminate project results and helping creating a bigger and stronger PERFoRM-community as well as helping the transfer of innovation and of course re-enforcing the project scientific, technical and societal impacts. The experience of ""European Project Leaders"" framework which was developed to disseminate previous European RTD projects (by consortium partners in FP7) will be employed to take the advantage of synergistic cooperation. The first objective is to target appropriate audiences to assure related RTD projects partners could present their knowledge and experiences in a more efficient and effective way. The target of the community will be international academic institutions, industrial partners and governance bodies to be involved in a wide range and guarantee short and long term collaborations. This could help for a balanced development of the innovative results from projects, thanks to international support. The community will present results with the brand and identity of European project leaders which can help to facilitate the industrial and academic engagement with other continents. The outcome will help European partners to be active players in the international industrial movement in future. "
Specification of the generic interfaces for machinery, control systems and data backboneThis task will design the generic interfaces for machinery, control systems and data backbone that are part of a decentralized production system, based on the knowledge and insights gathered from previous EU FP7 projects, such as IDEAS, PRIME, GRACE and IMC-AESOP. Different types of (hardware and software) production components, as defined in WP1, will be considered in this task. To allow a generic usage of standards, a differentiation between generic requirements (valid for all entities) and complementary requirements (depends on type or application) is envisaged. This is a crucial aspect, keeping in mind the enormous amount of different type of entities in a production system. Beside automated manufacturing and assembly machines, testing equipment for quality control and manual processes need to be considered. The interface enables the component to describe itself (What am I? What are my capabilities? What materials, weights, dimensions, fixings, etc. can I handle? Etc.). For this purpose, proper component description must be defined using current standards, e.g. AutomationML or ontologies, which can be extended to include particular functionalities, e.g. operational data. In particular, some work in this issue was already developed in the EU FP7 IDEAS project, which will be considered here. The identified lacks of such work will be improved to accomplish the defined industrial requirements and objectives. This task works closely with task 2.4 since the standard interfaces must be well aligned with the standards for the middleware. This is the reason why UNINOVA and HSEL are strong participants in these two tasks. Regarding the aspects of the standard interface of a production component, the determination of required data to be exchanged depending on the interfacing partner (machine, product, “agents”, visualization, etc.) needs to be defined.
Guidelines for seamless integration of Humans as flexibility driver in flexible production systems, 2nd iterationThe task will analyse the impact and influence of the human integration as a flexibility driver in the production systems. This will require the identification of the requirements for different needs and roles of human actors in the production system. In that regard, different production and assembly set-ups ranging from manual, partly automated to fully automated production scenarios will be analysed taking into account different working situations. In fact, the potential role of Human worker as flexibility driver will be studied in relationship with ergonomic, cognitive and decision making characteristics of the task as well as the type of interaction and understanding of the technological framework (including novel self-adjusting and self-controlling CP systems, visibility on the new sensing-decision-reaction loops) enacted in the factory. The analysis will leverage existing methods for manufacturing process modelling, job descriptions, working instruction standards, complemented by collecting personal recommendations and viewpoints with interviews on the shop-floor. The results from this task will further act as a basis for T.3.3 and T4.3, where human observations and monitoring and visualization of KPIs will be elicited. Results will be eventually validated in WPs 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Guidelines for seamless integration of Humans as flexibility driver in flexible production systemsThe task will analyse the impact and influence of the human integration as a flexibility driver in the production systems. This will require the identification of the requirements for different needs and roles of human actors in the production system. In that regard, different production and assembly set-ups ranging from manual, partly automated to fully automated production scenarios will be analysed taking into account different working situations. In fact, the potential role of Human worker as flexibility driver will be studied in relationship with ergonomic, cognitive and decision making characteristics of the task as well as the type of interaction and understanding of the technological framework (including novel self-adjusting and self-controlling CP systems, visibility on the new sensing-decision-reaction loops) enacted in the factory. The analysis will leverage existing methods for manufacturing process modelling, job descriptions, working instruction standards, complemented by collecting personal recommendations and viewpoints with interviews on the shop-floor. The results from this task will further act as a basis for T.3.3 and T4.3, where human observations and monitoring and visualization of KPIs will be elicited. Results will be eventually validated in WPs 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Updated implementation planThe objective is to provide actual and accurate planning for various planning exercises that need to be carried out. Activities to be performed in this task are: • Create implementation plan and collect input and needs for changes, • Define and check consequences according to budget, scheduling and objectives, • Communicate and if necessary arrange meetings with WP managers, • Prepare updated plans for final approval and communicate updated plans with the consortium.
The PERFoRM migration strategy for a generic migration scenario and for additional show cases within the test beds in WP 6. 2nd ReleaseThis task aims to develop a structured migration strategy to transform any given (traditional) production system to the new one that is able to respond promptly to the requirements imposed by the new paradigms. It needs to be realized, that system evolution cannot take place in a single step. Migrating as a whole (and in once) would lead to an enormous waste and risk, which will only be acceptable (manageable) in few, very special cases. Additionally, in a realistic way, the introduction of new smart systems and devices will coexist with existing configuration imposing that the migration strategy also copes with the integration phases, realizing their impact on the migration strategy. Instead, a migration path needs to be identified, which will migrate sections of a given production safely and smoothly, not affecting the system performance (e.g. with degradation of the local and overall operational parameters or reduction of available functions). A generic migration strategy will be described targeting towards PERFoRM technologies and functions. The migration plan will describe the chronological and logical order of activities, and may consist of: • Analyzing current systems including state of documentation and tools. • Identifying area/areas and deciding on new PERFoRM system. • Install and integrate with old systems in the first area. • Replace old systems stepwise. • Optimize control, communicational, data links, and how legacy systems behave when they are connected and interoperating with the PERFoRM-compliant systems/sub-systems. In a second step, this generic migration plan will be refined according to the particularities of the PERFoRM use cases and legacy environment, being also identified the issues to be tested.
Report on decentralized control & Distributed Manufacturing Operation Systems for Flexible and Reconfigurable production environmentsIncreasing uncertainties and rapidly -changing conditions in the market are challenging the Manufacturing sector. Thus, new paradigms need to be adopted for flexible and reconfigurable production systems. They can enable the integration robots and flexible machinery into complex and distributed production environments in order to monitor and control production and distribution processes. This leads to an optimization of resource utilization and increases safety of more and more human oriented workspaces. This task will collect and classify different decentralized distributed control approaches covering the state of the art approaches used in the use cases. They consist of the existing integrated tools on the corresponding levels from the shop floor up to the top floor. This covers the communication between these tools, which is based on industrial as well as IT communication protocols along with the data representation standards used. Two main areas will be addressed; the first will focus on the advantage from the industry perspective in utilizing flexible machinery and robots in the production floor considering implications of existing components being already present (Siemens, WHR, PRIMA, GKN). The second area to be addressed will deal with the identification of features coming from scalable architectures that enable optimized and collaborative workspaces in manufacturing which can be oriented to processes and users (POLIMI IPB UNINOVA). The latter aspect will be an integrated part and to some extent also a prerequisite for integrating new innovative production systems into manufacturing.
Dissemination plan, 2nd iterationThis task will carry out publicity and dissemination activities to the scientific, technical and industrial communities in order to ensure a substantial impact both at the EU level and at international level. The actions planned are: Generation and periodical actualization of publicity material: Logo, brochures, templates, and other actions that create identity, consistency and awareness of the project. Events Participation: The project partners will participate in multiple related European Events (Conferences, Fairs, Congresses, etc.) – a minimum of at least six events will be targeted. In addition, the consortium will identify at least 2 International Events (outside of Europe), where the main research and development results will be presented. A dedicated project partner will be responsible for the demonstration of the project results at Industrial, international large expositions and fairs, like the European ICT Conference, Automática, SPS/IPC Drives, CeBIT or the Hannover Fairs. A minimum of three workshops and/or special sessions within international conferences will be held at progressive stages in the work (concepts and approach, work-in-progress and final results). Publications: articles will be produced for international industrial-oriented conferences (e.g. IEEE INDIN (Industrial Informatics), IEEE ETFA (Emerging Technology and Factory Automation), IEEE ICIT (International Conference on Industrial Technology), IEEE ISIE (International Symposium on Industrial Electronics) and IECON (Annual Industrial Electronics Conference), scientific, technical journal and wide-publicity papers (e.g. White Paper, Press Release) by the research, technology supplier, and end-users partners of the project. At least two Press Releases addressing (i) PERFoRM Major Vision and (ii) PERFoRM major RTDI-outcomes and Initial Business Strategy. In order to increase the impact of the project, the consortium plans the generation, edition and publication of a Book addressing PERFoRM-vision, -approach, -results of prototype demonstrations and business strategy. A PERFoRM homepage with consortium-internal access, EU Commission (private) access and public access sections will be set up at the very beginning of the project to introduce project goals, objectives, scientific and technical approach and to expose the project outcomes for newcomers. In a complementary way, a PERFoRM-communication platform to facilitate the consortium-internal communication will be installed during the first quarter of the project.
Report on exploitation strategies and use of project results, 2nd iterationIn this task a detailed plan will be defined and implemented with the participation of all consortium partners to realize an effective exploitation of project results. The specific exploitation actions of the project will be coordinated through the establishment of an Exploitation Board consisting of the research partners responsible for making the results broadly available, the development partners that will embed the results in their own specific products and solutions, and the industrial end-users that will review and validate proposed approaches for exploitation. The Exploitation Board will be the reference body for exploitation purposes and will coordinate a number of activities in order to facilitate the successful exploitation of the project results and maximize the wider impact of all project outcomes. The overall approach for exploiting results and gaining impact on the market can be summarized as follows: Identification of the innovations having potential for being marketed; establishing strategic plans for introducing project outcomes into developments leading to product and service improvements; development of innovative, marketable offerings outside the project; active dissemination and marketing of innovations; pushing information towards industrial associations, standardization bodies and scientific and industrial community for impacting widely spread application of results. At the end, the risk of implementing the project results and business solutions to help potential business partners will be addressed.
Report on exploitation strategies and use of project results, 1st iterationIn this task a detailed plan will be defined and implemented with the participation of all consortium partners to realize an effective exploitation of project results. The specific exploitation actions of the project will be coordinated through the establishment of an Exploitation Board consisting of the research partners responsible for making the results broadly available, the development partners that will embed the results in their own specific products and solutions, and the industrial end-users that will review and validate proposed approaches for exploitation. The Exploitation Board will be the reference body for exploitation purposes and will coordinate a number of activities in order to facilitate the successful exploitation of the project results and maximize the wider impact of all project outcomes. The overall approach for exploiting results and gaining impact on the market can be summarized as follows: Identification of the innovations having potential for being marketed; establishing strategic plans for introducing project outcomes into developments leading to product and service improvements; development of innovative, marketable offerings outside the project; active dissemination and marketing of innovations; pushing information towards industrial associations, standardization bodies and scientific and industrial community for impacting widely spread application of results. At the end, the risk of implementing the project results and business solutions to help potential business partners will be addressed.
Harmonization of generic simulation and specific parametrized models into one simulation environmentThe key objective of this task is harmonization, development and prototyping of simulation techniques and buildup of an expandable model to analyze the dynamic behavior of a flexible (agent-based) production system. This objective will be subdivided into three work steps comprising the definition of requirement specifications, the conceptual development as well as the implementation of the developed concept into simulation tools. By initially defining the basic requirement specifications for the simulation techniques including important aspects such as defining appropriate system boundaries, incorporating defined key performance indicators (KPIs) specified in T.1.2 and T.1.3 in WP 1 will be established. The second work step concerns the development of a simulation concept and its techniques based on existing approaches and software engines. Based on the requirement specifications, this part develops the entire logic of the simulation comprising a modular structure enabling expandability for new elements, a software in the loop system architecture (interfaces to other tools: data flow, control flow, timing) as well as the main “control logic” for optimization of the specified KPIs from T.1.2. Apart from monitoring and optimizing typical production criteria such as degree of utilization, lead times and failure safety the simulation concept will further integrate energy and resource related aspects to enable dynamic environmental assessment of the production system. Furthermore a mechanism must be developed to provide data for the behavior models e.g. for instance regarding the optimization of energy and resource demand, production related criteria (see T.1.2), the integration of field device information, reconfiguration capability, internal material supply etc. However, the key function of the “control logic” of the concept will be to dynamically adapt to changes in product variants and volumes representing a production system, which can easily produce decoupled from its usually constraining cycle time. In this context the concept will further incorporate important aspects of the internal material supply for the separate production modules. To achieve the aforementioned objectives this aspect is of great relevance, since a constant supply of materials (components, modules etc.) has to be guaranteed at all times. This work step explicitly takes complex interdependencies regarding product and production structure and control (e.g. just in time, capacity and inventory control) into consideration to account for existing intralogistic and reconfigurability concepts. The third work step will deal with the implementation of the developed concepts and its sub modules into a simulation environment to subsequently demonstrate and prototype the results of the concepts. At this point it is stressed that the developed simulation techniques are built on existing simulation software.
Report on identified standardization needs / gap analysisThe objective of this task is to push forward standardization activities with regard to project contents, where this is considered as beneficial for further application of the implemented solutions in industry. To do so, potential standardization needs will be derived from an analysis which maps generalized use cases (from the 4 applications of the project and previous projects from which technologies are contributed) and available technologies, i.e. existing standards and developments which are also to be analyzed in this context. In order to fill the gaps identified, the respective concepts will be identified and extracted, i.e. harmonized and commonly described, from the research results which are already available. Based on this gap analysis and these concepts, appropriate standardization consortia (focus will be on international activities like IEC and ISO) and other feasible committees and organizations (e.g. for IEEE and OPC-Foundation guidelines, like the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents) for bringing in the respective results will be identified, and the introduction and representation of the concepts in the selected committees will be prepared and executed.
Self-Adaptive Highly Modular and Flexible Assembly Demonstrator Design and Set-UpThis task will focus on the deployment of self-adaptive and reconfigurable production modules, which can easily aggregated to high-speed assembly systems. The concept for the deployment of highly modular and highly flexible assembly systems will be based on the standard interfaces, “plug and produce” mechanisms and middleware solution developed in WP2. Self-adaptability and quick reconfigurability will be enabled by methods and tools also developed in WP3 and WP4. Key to this task, as a differentiating factor, is the full deployment of tools provided by WP4 to support planning, scheduling and operational performance in general. The methodologies and strategies defined in WP5 will be used to support the migration of existing systems to a self-adaptive and reconfigurable approach. At the same time, this task is expected to provide meaningful feedback to WP5 for the refinement of these methodologies and strategies.
Report on standardization concepts and activitiesThe objective of this task is to push forward standardization activities with regard to project contents, where this is considered as beneficial for further application of the implemented solutions in industry. To do so, potential standardization needs will be derived from an analysis which maps generalized use cases (from the 4 applications of the project and previous projects from which technologies are contributed) and available technologies, i.e. existing standards and developments which are also to be analyzed in this context. In order to fill the gaps identified, the respective concepts will be identified and extracted, i.e. harmonized and commonly described, from the research results which are already available. Based on this gap analysis and these concepts, appropriate standardization consortia (focus will be on international activities like IEC and ISO) and other feasible committees and organizations (e.g. for IEEE and OPC-Foundation guidelines, like the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents) for bringing in the respective results will be identified, and the introduction and representation of the concepts in the selected committees will be prepared and executed.
Self-Adaptive Machines Demonstrator Design and Set-UpThis task will focus on the deployment of adaptors and plug and produce systems developed in WP3, as well as the reconfigurability mechanisms for machinery developed in WP4 to enable self-adaptive machines and robots in a relevant industrial environment. The work package will focus on two main types of representative machines i.e. machine tools and robots. Both demonstrators will use standard of-the-shelf machines and enhance them with the appropriate interfaces and tools to enable them as self-adaptive and reconfigurable machines. The machines then will be tested under change over and new product introduction scenarios.
Planning procedures for energy and agent-based planning and (re)-schedulingThis task will focus on the harmonization and standardization of methods and techniques for coupling the planning and scheduling layers of the production system, and also with the other system components. This coupling will ensure the information and events exchange seamlessly between these two layers making them symbiotically integrated. Dynamic energy and agent-based planning tools will guarantee a tactical and capacity scheduling of resources available while the scheduling will ensure the real-time and on-demand reaction to disturbances that appear. To this extend, agent-based technology, have already proved as a good solution to address the aforementioned requirements promoting the distribution, autonomy and decentralization of the decisional nodes. The work developed in the GRACE projects regarding agent-based planning will be applied in this task.
Requirements for Innovative Production System Functional requirement analysis and definition of strategic objectives and KPIsManufacturing domain includes a broad range of different technologies, production approach and business model; in order to fully leverage new technology enabling the integration robots and flexible machinery into complex and distributed production environments a sound analysis of each specific domain needs to be carried out. Specifically in PERFoRM project, this task will bring the project to a clear definition of general business and strategic requirements and objectives regarding the expected results and how to measure and benchmark them. This last point requires to identify an appropriate set of KPIs (technical and business) able to provide a significant data base, but without overloading usecases with too detailed requests that would prevent (if the indicators are too detailed) aggregations and comparison.
Matthias Foehr, Jan Vollmar, Ambra Calà, Paulo Leitão, Stamatis Karnouskos, Armando Walter Colombo
Published in:
2017, Page(s) 185-206
Springer International Publishing
Ana Cachada, Flavia Pires, Jose Barbosa, Paulo Leitao
Published in:
IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2017, Page(s) 3492-3497, ISBN 978-1-5386-1127-2
Leitão, Paulo; Barbosa, José; Foehr, Matthias; Calà, Ambra; Perlo, Pietro; Iuzzolino, Gregorio; Petrali, Pierluigi; Vallhagen, Johan; Colombo, Armando W.
Published in:
Studies in Computational Intelligence - Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, Issue 3, 2017
Ambra Cala, Arndt Luder, Ana Cachada, Flavia Pires, Jose Barbosa, Paulo Leitao, Michael Gepp
Published in:
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2017, Page(s) 1147-152, ISBN 978-1-5386-0837-1
Boschi, Filipo; Tavola, Giacomo; Taisch, Marco
Published in:
Issue 2, 2017
F. Boschi, C. Zanetti, G. Tavola, M. Taisch, P. Leitao, J. Barbosa, A. Pereira
Published in:
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2017, Page(s) 732-740, ISBN 978-1-5386-0774-9
P. Fantini, G. Tavola, M. Taisch, J. Barbosa, P. Leitao, Y. Liu, M. S. Sayed, N. Lohse
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5711-5716, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
A. Cala, M. Foehr, D. Rohrmus, N. Weinert, O. Meyer, M. Taisch, F. Boschi, P. M. Fantini, P. Perlo, P. Petrali, J. Vallhagen
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5735-5740, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
Filippo Boschi, Giacomo Tavola, Marco Taisch
Published in:
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 2016, Page(s) 349-358, ISBN 978-3-319-51099-6
Ricardo Silva Peres, Mafalda Parreira-Rocha, Andre Dionisio Rocha, Jose Barbosa, Paulo Leitao, Jose Barata
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5723-5728, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
Frederik Gosewehr, Jeffrey Wermann, Armando Walter Colombo
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5699-5704, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
Paulo Leitão, José Barbosa, Matthias Foehr, Ambra Calà, Pietro Perlo, Gregorio Iuzzolino, Pierluigi Petrali, Johan Vallhagen, Armando W. Colombo
Published in:
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 2017, Page(s) 359-372, ISBN 978-3-319-51099-6
F. Boschi, C. Zanetti, G. Tavola, M. Taisch
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5717-5722, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
Paulo Leitao, Jose Barbosa, Arnaldo Pereira, Jose Barata, Armando W. Colombo
Published in:
IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2016, Page(s) 5729-5734, ISBN 978-1-5090-3474-1
Giacomo Angione, José Barbosa, Frederik Gosewehr, Paulo Leitão, Daniele Massa, João Matos, Ricardo Silva Peres, André Dionisio Rocha, Jeffrey Wermann
Published in:
Procedia Manufacturing, Issue 11, 2017, Page(s) 896-904, ISSN 2351-9789
Dominic Gorecky, Stephan Weyer, André Hennecke, Detlef Zühlke
Published in:
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Issue 49/31, 2016, Page(s) 79-84, ISSN 2405-8963
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