Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MEVINO (MAKING an EASY and VALUABLE way for INNOVATION WITH PEER LEARNING)
Période du rapport: 2016-02-01 au 2017-04-30
On the other hand, governments, non-governmental institutions and entrepreneurship networks are looking for successful practises, promising policies and good entrepreneurial environment to support and improve entrepreneurs in this field to prevent them from falling back.
In order to fill this gap, within the scope of INNOSUP project ‘MEVINO’ (CSA‐LS 68943), transfer of good practises in partner organizations, the enhancement of existing programmes and establishing new models for intermediaries which give technical support to SMEs are set as goals in our MEVINO (Making and Easy and Valuable Way for Innovation with Peer Learning) project. MEVINO aims at increasing innovative young business activities through delivering proper support for potential entrepreneurs and start-ups. This project realizes it by focusing on peer learning of project partners, implementing successful practises on innovation and entrepreneurship and cooperating in related topics. The expected impact of the project is expanding the successful measures created by this project to the regional level and to the national level later on by meeting regional needs and entrepreneurial deficiencies.
MEVINO project consists of 4 partners:
• Mevlana Kalkınma Ajansı (MEVKA ) from Konya, Turkey
• Fundacion Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion-Albacete (CEEI Albacete) from Castilla-la Mancha, Spain
• Agentziya Za Regionalno Ikonomichesko Razvitie (SZREDA) from Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
• Kompass Zentrum Für Existenzgründungen gGmbH (KOMPASS) from Frankfurt, Germany
Except KOMPASS, 3 of these partner regions generally suffer from the lack of SMEs’ and young businesses’ innovation activities. The fourth partner KOMPASS has a relatively better innovative system compared to other partners. “4+1 Phase Model” and “Guidebook for trainers – Continuing Education for Start-up Consulting by Business Advisors in the Public Sector”, elaborated under the leadership of KOMPASS, are highly acknowledged sample results on international level and already transferred to other regions.
On the first step of the MEVINO project, each partner made a critical analysis of the current situation and related problems are defined by categorizing them under SWOT report. On the second step, according to the findings and the good practises mentioned above, similar successful applications and studies are evaluated within the MEVINO project and improvement measures are created considering the unique qualifications and needs of each partner region. Addition to this, stakeholders for each improvement measure is designated to make the measures more influential and comprehensive. Feasibility checks for most of the measures were also made for testing their applicability.
Overall, the whole project cycle includes this steps:
• Peer review of current service delivery system and entrepreneurial ecosystem
• SWOT documentation of current service delivery system
• Elaboration of Improvement Measures and designating stakeholders
• Feasibility check of the Improvement Measures
• Implementation of the Improvement Measures & Monitoring
So far, the project hasn’t resulted in any tangible result since it’s still in the development stage. However, the meetings with the stakeholders and the feasibility studies indicate that the improvement measures that are created by peer learning and analyses are needed approaches to the certain problems in each partner’s location. In addition to this; in order to prevent the possible exploitations or mistakes, pilot schemes before final implementation are also planned by the project partners.
• A better support service for innovation oriented entrepreneurship activities
• More transparent and easier working entrepreneurial mechanisms
• More collaborative and institutions related to innovation and entrepreneurs
• Long-term partnerships between entrepreneurs, public and private bodies.
• Lesser unemployment rates by fostering entrepreneurship