Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUREST-PLUS (European Regulatory Science on Tobacco:Policy implementation to reduce lung diseases)
Reporting period: 2017-07-01 to 2018-12-31
The project coordination (WP1) has established a clear and effective coordination and communication plan between partners, participating networks, important stakeholders and the EU. Among other specific objectives, it ensures and establishes high standards and quality criteria needed for the designated milestones and deliverables of each WP of the Project.
In WP2 a large multi-country cohort study has been initiated with the primary objective to evaluate the psychosocial and behavioural impact of the TPD, as well as other tobacco control measures of the FCTC. WP2 has finalised a Survey Questionnaire and Sampling Plan, a First Study Subject Approvals Package, the All Approvals Package and a Midterm Recruitment Report.
The primary task of WP4 is to conduct cross-sectional and longitudinal cross-country comparisons, examining differences and similarities between before the implementation of the EU TPD and longitudinal comparisons of any differences in changes after the implementation of the EU TPD. The Wave 1 and Wave 2 cross-sectional and longitudinal data will also be compared with (1) data collected from the 6 countries in the project (Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain), (2) data collected from other EU countries involved in the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation (ITC) Project (UK, France, Netherlands), and (3) data collected from selected non-EU counties from the ITC Project (e.g. Australia, Canada, Kenya, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Zambia). WP4 has produced a Priority list and analytical plans of Wave 1 cross country analyses.
The overall objective of WP5 is to assess support for TPD implementation and FCTC policies across 28 EU MS in 2015 through a secondary analysis of the 2015-SETS. The survey was conducted in January 2015 in the 28 EU MS and included respondents aged ≥15 years. Nationally representative samples of persons aged ≥15 years old were selected through a multi-stage sampling design in each of the 28 EU MS. Interviews were conducted in people's homes and in the language of each country. A total sample size of approximately n=27,000 adults was obtained. Although the questionnaire design does slightly change over time, the main objectives have remained unchanged: mapping the current consumption of tobacco products, understanding the motivations behind smoking and the attitudes underlying smoking behavior, and identifying measures to reduce the number of Europeans who smoke. WP5 has produced a Final analysis plan of the 2015 SETS dataset.
WP6 evaluates the changes in e-cigarette products that will be attributable to the implementing Act of Art 20 of the TPD. Hence the aim of WP6 is to evaluate and re-evaluate the labelling/packaging practices, the technical design/safety features and chemical composition of e-cigarettes in 9 EU MS before the implementation of Art 20 of the TPD. To assess the potential changes we will identify the most common examples of e-cigarettes in the 9 EU MS participating in the EU-PLUS project (Greece, Germany, UK, France, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Hungary), well before TPD Art 20 is implemented. WP6 has made a Report on the Pre-TPD status quo for e-cigarettes.
WP7 will work towards maximising the impact of the project by supporting the consultation with stakeholders and the dissemination of the project’s results. WP7 has launched and maintained the project website and prepared the consultation meetings with stakeholders.
Moreover, the strong integration of the transdisciplinary components of the EUREST-PLUS Project represent another advance beyond the current state of research in the EU. WP6, which will focus on measuring the parameters of product design of e-cigarettes before and after TPD implementation represents an advance in studies of e-cigarrettes. This will be the first time that changes in e-cigarette product evolution attributable to policies will be evaluated and also linked with population based indexes collected from WP2 and WP3. EUREST-PLUS thus represents a substantial advance beyond the state-of-the-art in the EU with respect to research on tobacco use and tobacco control policies and regulations.