LIQUIDMASS has allowed the team to advance in two fronts towards protein characterization in liquids. Activities have been devoted to the development of two complementary technologies, hollow resonators and silicon nanowire resonators. We have successfully developed both technologies: Technology 1) Hollow transparent resonator sensors and Technology 2) Open nanofluidic resonator sensors based on nanowires and ionic liquids. We have patented both technologies and the results have afterwards been disseminated to scientists and the general public. We have demonstrated applicability in biomedicine of the first technology in fields not envisioned in the DoA, in the classification of cancerous cells (ACS Sens. 12, 3325, 2019), detection of bacteria from liquid samples (licensing agreement with Company Nanological, Nat. Nanotechnol. 15, 469, 2020) and nanoparticle characterization (Sci Rep 11, 3535, 2021). The second technology has provided the first mass flow controller and sensor for open nanofluidic channels (registered pending patent1). We have also developed novel optomechanical transduction methods for these devices. Optomechanical transduction of vertical nanowires has been attained for the first time in Liquidmass (Nano Lett. 20, 4, 2359, 2020) and large dynamic range nanowires designed, fabricated and characterized (Nano Lett. 21, 15, 6617, 2021). These advancements have been very relevant for the application of the technology in biomedicine, as we can address now large arrays of vertical nanowires having a large dynamic range for mass detection of a wide range of nanoparticles, as viruses or biomolecules. We have simulated the transport of proteins along the open nanofluidic devices based on nanowires and ionic liquids and separation of proteins has been demonstrated in these simulations. As an alternative to the initially envisioned nanowires, we have also developed membrane resonator devices for the analysis of nanoparticles and protected the technology and methods through registered pending patent2.