Periodic Reporting for period 4 - CHILDROBOT (Children and social robots: An integrative framework)
Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2022-12-31
As research on child-robot interaction (CRI) has traditionally been a fragmented field, the main aim of the project was to develop an integrative framework of CRI by synthesizing theories and concepts from communication research, human-robot-interaction, as well as psychology in a new way. Focusing on eight-to-nine year old children, the project studied (1) the antecedents of children’s acceptance of social robots; (2) the consequences of CRI for children’s learning of prosocial skills from social robots and their relationship formation with them; and (3) the processes that explain why such effects emerge. The project also provided new standardized measures for CRI that facilitate the study of crucial aspects of CRI among children.
The project has generally advanced our understanding of the antecedents, consequences, and underlying mechanisms of CRI and systematized and integrated existing knowledge on the topic. We now better understand why children do – and do not – accept robots and that robots can be role models for children’s prosocial behavior. We recognize, more than before, the crucial role of communication for child-robot relationship formation. And we now grasp better than before the important role that anthropomorphism, perceived similarity, and perspective taking play when children form relationships with social robots. Overall, then, the project not only broadened and deepened, but also enhanced and integrated our sense of the characteristics, underlying processes, and consequences of children’s interaction with social robots.
Our results have been published in academic outlets and been presented at conferences, both to academic and non-academic audiences. Although the research of the project has dealt with fundamental, basic questions, the implications of the results may be of interest to robot companies and roboticists as well as to those interested in whether and how to use robots among children.