Periodic Reporting for period 4 - TempoQ (Temporal Quantum Correlations)
Reporting period: 2020-11-01 to 2021-10-31
Entanglement between two or more particles is often believed to be the central phenomenon in quantum information theory. Consequently, many works have been devoted to the study of entanglement theory. There are, however, other correlations in quantum theory, which are not captured by the framework of entanglement theory. Such correlations appear if sequences of measurements on a single quantum system are made, and not measurements on two distant particles. These temporal quantum correlations have recently moved into the centre of attention for several reasons. First, the improvement of coherence times in quantum optics experiments made it possible to observe temporal quantum correlations with trapped ions or polarized photons. Second, certain theoretical models of quantum computation are naturally formulated in terms of sequential measurements on a quantum system. An example is the paradigm of “measurement-based quantum computing”, where first a complex state is prepared, and then the computation is performed by making measurements on that state only. Finally, there has been a revived interest in foundational issues of quantum mechanics, such as the Kochen-Specker theorem or Leggett-Garg inequalities. Both results use temporal quantum correlations as a central ingredient.
It is the central aim of this proposal to reach a full understanding of temporal quantum correlations. For that, we will study the different notions of temporal correlations and their connection to information theory. Furthermore, we will study the relation to hidden variable theories and whether temporal quantum correlations can be used to prove the quantumness of a system. Finally, we will study implementations using nanomechanical oscillators and applications in measurement-based quantum computation and quantum device testing.
The second field of research concerns the connection between temporal correlations and the quantumness of a system. One point is here the derivation of noncontextuality inequalities. We provided a general method to derive Bell inequalities (which are also noncontextuality inequalities) for hypergraph states, which can be described by a nonlocal stabilizer formalism [M. Gachechiladze et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 070401 (2016)]. The violation of these inequalities increases exponentially with the particle number, but is robust against particle loss. More recently, we provided a systematic method to generalize Bell inequalities to more parties [F. Bernards et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 200401 (2020)] and this method can be used to study temporal Leggett-Garg or contextuality inequalities. A second major result concerns the nature of contextuality. We were able to show that the Kochen-Specker set with 18 vectors from Cabello et al. [A. Cabello et al., Phys. Lett. A 212, 183 (1996)] is the minimal set for any dimension, verifying a longstanding conjecture by Peres [Z.P. Xu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 230401 (2020)].
The third research area concerns the applications of temporal correlations. In [T. Simnacher et al., Phys. Rev. A 99, 062319 (2019)] we presented a general method to characterize and test quantum memories based on their ability to preserve coherence. We introduced a quality measure for quantum memories and characterize it in detail for the qubit case. The measure can be estimated from sparse experimental data by looking at few temporal correlations only. In [M. Gachechiladze et al., Phys. Rev. A 99, 052304 (2019)] we introduced a deterministic scheme of universal measurement-based computation, using only Pauli measurements a hypergraph state. This scheme leads to a different notion of computational depth, in contrast to the usual cluster-state scheme.
In summary, the project was extremely successful, not only in the sense of reaching its original ambitions goals, but also in opening novel research directions. The results have been published in international high-impact journals (such as Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, and Review of Modern Physics) and attracted the attention of the international scientific community. In addition, four workshops with totally about 190 participants have been organized. Finally, several of the team members received prizes, e.g. or for the best paper on quantum foundations.
Two more results should be mentioned as unexpected, but opening new research directions for the entire field. First, we established connection between the marginal problem (asking whether there is a global pure state compatible with some given marginals) and the problem of characterizing quantum correlations, especially entanglement [X.D. Yu et al., Nature Communications 12, 1012 (2021)]. This allows to transfer results from one field to the other and back. Second, combining modern methods of graph theory and convex optimization, we solved the Peres conjecture for contextuality [Z.P. Xu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 230401 (2020)]. This result allows to identify the minimal and cleanest scenarios where quantum contextuality and temporal quantum correlations can lead to an advantage in information processing.