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Innovative active-uptake foliar nutrition technology capable of significantly reducing pesticide rates

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MICROMIX-ECO-2015 (Innovative active-uptake foliar nutrition technology capable of significantly reducing pesticide rates)

Reporting period: 2015-07-01 to 2015-12-31

This project aims at developing AMIXTM technology to commercial-readiness stage, focusing on an innovative formulation capable of minimising the dosage and maximising the effectiveness of pesticides. The technology has been developed as an enhanced foliar application formulation of micronutrients. Repeated observations in early trials indicate the formulations mechanism also influences the absorption of other molecules such as pesticides. This Feasibility Study aims at confirming such observations and advance the development of AMIXTM technology as an effective biostimulant and micronutrient for food crops.
(1) Enhance formulation and dose regime: Trials to assess the effect of the formulation when combined with fungicides on selected crops. Results: Validated the potential to reduce fungicide inputs with AMIX micronutrient formulations. The more vigorous, healthy plants were the ‘AMIX+fungicide’ treated, presenting no adjuvant effect from the combination with fungicide.

(2) Regulatory requirements and IP protection - Review of Regulatory issues and IP protection mechanisms. Results: There is no evidence that the formulation will require registration as a plant protection product. The IP resulting from this project should be protected by following the available mechanisms identified by the report.

(3) Basis for Business Plan. Identify route-to-market to roll out formulation to addressable market. Results: There is a window of opportunity for reducing pesticide dosage in the market, particularly in the EU region. The technology has the potential to reduce the pesticide input on 25% on average on food crops.
Following the results of this feasibility study, AMIXTM technology has the potential to reduce the pesticide input on 25% on average on food crops. It represents a reduction of 4,000 tonnes of fungicide dosage (active ingredient basis) in the cereal crops in EU by 2020, if 10% of the market adopts this technology. This represents a turnover of €12 million for Micromix within 3 years of the business launch. The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2 will be sought to support the development of the following stages.