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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DISCO (Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation)

Période du rapport: 2015-07-01 au 2015-10-31 has developed several innovative software applications that will be integrated, refined and commercialised as key objectives within this DISCO project to provide a software ecosystem for manufacturing supply chains to connect, collaborate and improve competitiveness. The ecosystem will unlock the potential of four new business models: (1) connecting SMEs with top-down hierarchical supply chain platforms; (2) enabling SMEs to form extended enterprises with other SMEs so that they can win new work together; (3) or aggregate SME purchasing demand to reduce costs; and (4) provide visibility of multi-tier supply chain capabilities and risks so that Government and industry bodies can focus resources to develop sustainable supply chains.
There are several major risks by scaling up the ecosystem too early without a robust technology, operational, commercial and financial plan. Even though there are no competitors offering such breadth of applications for manufacturing SMEs it is still critical that each individual application is commercially competitive with existing market offerings and that the leadership team fully understand where the unique selling points and commercial opportunities are for The plan to rapidly scale the platform needs to be underpinned by a robust business plan and have sufficient funding until it is cash generative.
This feasibility study successfully captured validated inputs to support a robust business plan for phase 2 commercialisation funding and can be summarised as follows:
• Technology & Operational Feasibility: a review of potential benefits of predictive analytics on supply chain optimisation so build a technology roadmap and define Key Partners, Key Activities and Key Resources that supported the Phase 2 business plan to develop commercial grade platform & cost of aftermarket support;
• Market & Commercial Feasibility: a proof-of-concept platform was developed, tested and demonstrated at 20 pilot organisations ranging from OEMs to micro-SMEs; assessing potential return on investment for each pilot organisation and offering a proposed commercial model which supports the assumptions on the Value Proposition, Customer Relationship, Customer Segments, Channels, Revenue Model and Cost of Customer Acquisition.
• Business Plan & Financial Feasibility: using the inputs from the technology feasibility a technology roadmap with forecasted resource requirements and costs was generated; clearly defined business case and Value Proposition, Revenue Model, Cost Structure, Route to Market and IP strategy.