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Digitally controlled Braille jet printing

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BrailleJet (Digitally controlled Braille jet printing)

Période du rapport: 2015-06-01 au 2015-10-31

The aim of the BrailleJet project is to create a new type of affordable Braille printing system, which would help the visually impaired people in their everyday life.
The overarching objective of the feasibility study is to mitigate risks related to subsequent phases of the innovation project, i.e. the risks associated with the planned industrialization, the commercialization of the BrailleJet device and post-project exploitation of the results.
Our objectives were to assess the market for BrailleJet, to define operational, technological and economic feasibility and to determine user experience satisfaction. Other objectives were to identify potential manufacturing partners, to find European distributors and potential test sites. Finally we prepared our risk mitigation plan.
As part of the work performed, the BrailleJet conception has been revised and updated, and all planned tasks aimed at mapping and minimizing the risks inherent in the implementation of the project have been fulfilled.
In addition to wide market research, the accomplishment of the user experience study, as well as the required material examinations and technological tests, an international partners’ network guaranteeing the success of product development and the introduction onto the market has also been established.
The results of the work performed have been summarized in the BrailleJet Feasibility Study.
The final result of the BrailleJet SME Instrument Phase 1 project is that we understood much better the needs and possibilities of the market and we were able to harmonize of our goals with them. Furthermore, we have built a very strong project team and we have implement every actions that aimed to mitigate the risks of the commercialization of our product.
For all these reasons the BrailleJet project is ready to move to the next phase of the implementation.
The BrailleJet will be a significant societal impact when it will become available on the market. Our product will significantly improve the quality of life of the blind and visually impaired people.
Logo of BrailleJet
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