Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NET- MARKET- FLUIDICS (Networking and market approach to tackle the bottleneck of deploying micro and nanofluidics in Europe)
Période du rapport: 2016-01-01 au 2017-06-30
To address this problem it was raised the Net Market Fluidic (NMF) project ( Its main goal was the creation of a European network with the main professionals (researchers and industrials) working in micro and nano fluidics to identify and address bottlenecks that keeping these technologies to reach the market. For this, it was established the following specific goals:
1. Creation of an online open access network with the main European research centres, university groups and technology centres working on micro and nano fluidics (WP1, WP2 and WP3).
2. Promoting alliances with industries to involve them in the Network and specifically in actions carried out by the European network of nano fluidic (WP3 and WP4).
3. To create novel patterns to succeed in the system integration, production affordability and to manage the diversity of potential actors in the field (WP4).
4. Key analyses on the ongoing developments and state-of-the-art technologies of micro/nano fluidics in Europe (WP4).
5. Promoting collaboration between research centres and industry in different sectors of application of the micro/nano fluidic technology (WP4 and WP5).
6. Design a pilot project to address the development of micro/nano fluidic technology in a particular industrial sector (WP5).
7. To ensure the success in the industrial exploitation of the pilot project through the guidance and coaching by offering to the winner project: market approach adapted to the proposal technology necessities based on the maturity level, dissemination and promotion with private investors of the idea/technology and other required actions considered after proposal analysis by experts in different fields (WP5 and WP6).
•The first phase (from January to February 2016) of the NMF project was faced the search and analysis of existing research groups, companies and patents in micro and nano fluidic field emphasizing on those placed in Europe and/or with close activity to the European Union. This analysis enabled the Consortium to provide a global vision of target participants and stakeholders to be included into the project network (WP1).
•Next months the Consortium activity was focused on (i) the design and validation of the database (through partners which acted as beta testers), (ii) analysis of complementarity between KETs, (iii) also de Data Management Plan was updated according to the last performed changes and (iv) a detailed NMF guideline was created to include information about how to participate in the Network, address confidentiality issues and detail how to submit a collaborative project proposal, among other information (WP2 and WP3).
•In October 2016, Net Market Fluidics interactive Market Place (database) was launched into MicroTAS conference in Dublin, followed by an intense campaign of recruitment from consortium partners by attending specialized conferences and events (NanoBioTech, CPhl Worldwide, NanoSpain, among others. This resulted into the registration of more than 100 new participants to the Network (WP4).
•From mid-October to mid-December 2016, the database was improved based on the feedback of the new participants and Consortium partners suggestions, also an active recruitment campaign was developed. Additionally, within this period, corresponding partners have focused on the design and organization of two key events: (i) the Sectorial Workshop and (ii) the retuning and adecuance of the pilot project competition (WP4).
•From October 2016 to April 2017 was designed, implemented, promoted and solved the 1st Pilot project competition celebrated under the framework of the NMF European project. More than 12 R&D or technical proposal were participated into the competition showing great technological challenges in the field with a high quality of the entries (WP4 and WP5).
•The Net Market Fluidics (NMF) project´s showcasing event was hold in the EuroNanoForum 2017. The NMF consortium organized specific actions for the showcasing event within the three days of EuroNanoForum2017: presentation of NMF project results in specific session of the EuroNanoForum, NMF matchmaking to search private investors and potential participants and active and dynamic promotion of the network (WP5).
•The Net Market Fluidics success can be shown in figures (WP6 and WP7):
- Nearly 300 registered professionals from industry and research all over the world.
- Organization of a pilot project competition with more than 12 submitted proposal.
- Organization of a Sectorial Workshop with specialist in the field.
- Attendance of more than 20 events in micro and nano fluidics.
- Active role in social media and in regional and national press.
This network encompasses relevant European researchers and industrials (nearly 300 professionals) whose main goal was to identify and address bottlenecks that prevent the deployment of these technologies to the market.
2. Impact on the European Industry
The involvement of industry was materialized by two actions: 1. Alliances through consortium partners linked to industrial associations and 2. Registration of industrials members in the online Market Place.
The interactive Market Place let industrials to express their real needs and contact to researchers and/or other entities able to provide assistance and solution to their problems.
3. Impact on market
•To help though the online Market Place to identify and solve bottlenecks that prevent micro and nanofluidics technologies to reach the market.
•To increase the number of innovative products and processes reaching the market.
•The visualization of necessities in regards to job positions through the online tool.
4. Impact on regional and European level
•Increase on the number of collaborations and alliances between innovation stakeholders of the involved regions (intra-regional cooperation) and trans-regional cooperation between stakeholders coming from the involved regions.
•Boost in the technical relationship with other related technical networks and platforms.
•Increase in the visibility of new technologies with potential application in the European industry.
5. Social impacts
•This project has identified new sectors or applications of micro and nano fluidics, and it has provides new opportunities to create highly qualified employment at international level and promote a more competitive economy.
•It has been originated and developed as an integrated project, with members from different European regions, trying to eliminate north-south and east-west dichotomies, fostering a high-employment economy where exchanging expertise and best practices delivers social and territorial cohesion.