3rd Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress report v3.0
Executive SummarySummary Reporting main outcomes of EASY Pv
User Needs, Operational Concepts and System Requirements documentTest and Verification Campaign Report
Maintenance and M&C platform user manual
Maintenance and M&C platform user manual
RPAS Standardisation, Regulation and Legacy documentEASY PV RoadMap v2.0
6th Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress report v6.0
1st Quarterly progress reportQuarterly Progress Report, to be delivered every 3 months
Dissemination Plan towards potential users2nd Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress report v2.0
8th Quarterly progress reportQuarterly progress report v8.0
Operational Validation ReportEASY PV RoadMap v3.0
7th Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress report v7.0
EASY PV platform Architecture Design v1.0EASY PV platform Architecture Design v2.0
5th Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress report v5.0
4th Quarterly progress reportQuarterly progress report v1.0
Test and Verification Campaign MethodologyTest and Verification Campaign Methodology
RPAS (including automated ground station) user manualTechnical workshop (Presentation materiel)
Commercial support to field test v2.0
Project Brochure v2.0
EASY PV platform HW
Users’ workshop
Project Brochure v1.0
Maintenance and M&C platform SW
Maintenance and M&C platform SW
Articles/ press releases/ Dissemination activities (delivered during duration of the project)Maintenance operational course (Presentation materiel) v1.0
Maintenance operational course (Presentation materiel) v1.0, to be delivered at T0+20. It will include the leaflet and the introduction to the course and advertisement materiel). This materiel will be PU
RPAS (including automated ground station) SWRPAS (including automated ground station) SW
"Deliverable performed according to the GA (""Article 29.3 - Open access to research data"") including the following steps. 1. Data Management Plan (this document) creation. 2. Data repository management (referecnes provided in this document) More details used to write the document Guide for the Coordinator: EASY-PV is already registered in the Open Air:"
Marco Nisi, Fabio Menichetti Sistematica S.p.a,
Bilal Muhammad , Ramjee Prasad CTIF Section, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Ernestina Cianca CTIF Section, Department of Electronics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Alberto Mennella, Graziano Gagliarde TopView srl
Davide Marenchino Entec S.p.a,
Published in:
Global Wireless Summit GWS 2016
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