"Towards the achievement of the InVID objectives, we: a) developed techniques for breaking news monitoring, content acquisition and indexing, fragment-level video conceptual annotation (1st objective); b) built a toolset for video verification by means of forensic analysis, near-duplicate detection, video logo detection and identification, location detection, and context aggregation and analysis (2nd objective); c) identified current practices and legal framework on UGV reuse in the news industry and developed a module for user-generated content (UGC) rights management that faciliates negotiation of copyrights and terms for reuse (3rd objective); d) built an infrastructure that enables the storage of and access to diverse types of content that is gathered, processed and verified, based on a distributed, scalable, and integrated storage, indexing and retrieval platform and a web-based interactive user-interface for content visualization and discovery (4th objective); e) developed a complete video verification technology that encapsulates the entire set of InVID technologies for content acquisition, analysis, verification and rights management technologies, and was validated by external users to secure a usability that meets the needs of the verification community, and a lightweigt browser plugin that integrates a subset of the InVID verification tools and allows journalists to speed up the verification process by automating repetitive or cumbersome tasks of this pipeline (5th objective); f) maintained and further extended the established links with the verification community via a multitude of dissemination and networking activities, while keeping the exploitation strategy of the project very much focused on constantly re-assessing the market environment and on solving ""real life"" issues for journalists dealing with social media video content, aiming to ensure that the developed InVID tools and services will attain significant and marketable added value (6th objective). The work carried out in this action resulted in 4 integrated technologies: a) the InVID Verification Plugin, a freely-available browser extension with more than 9.800 users worldwide, that helps journalists in their fact-checking and debunking tasks, b) the InVID Multimodal Analytics Dashboard, an integrated web-based solution for newsworthy video collection and discovery, c) the InVID Verification Application, a complete web-based tool for advanced video verification, and d) the InVID Mobile App that allows the quick provision of trusted and newsworthy content for the coverage of a breaking news story."