CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
It includes details on the methodology to measure the social impact of the POWER DSP.
Data Management PlanData Management Plan (DMP) – to include details of the management of the digital research data generated in the action, in particular regarding: (a) the research data repository and measures taken to make it possible for third parties to access, mine, exploit, reproduce and disseminate — free of charge for any user — the following: (i) the data, including associated metadata, needed to validate the results presented in scientific publications; (ii) other data, including associated metadata; (b) information to be made available via the chosen repository about the tools and instruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary for validating the results e.g. specialised software or software code, algorithms and analysis protocols (and — where possible — provide the tools and instruments themselves).
Dissemination activities final report, including final conference reportIt reports all dissemination activities performed during the project lifecycle.
Public engagement activities report_3rd releaseIt provides the 3rd release of the public engagement activities report.
Report on the gamification modelIt includes assessment results of the gamified models that will be developed to support the visualization of implicit knowledge structures of individuals and communities.
Report on the piloting of the DSP POWER modelIt includes specifications on configuration and customization of each pilot.
Report on the current situation regarding DSP applicationIt in cludes study of previous experiences of DSP application performance in the political and social sphere of environmental policy-making.
Review of cost and adaptation measures related to UWCSIt includes a comprehensive review matrix of UWCS adaptation measures including the costs and benefits of each measure.
Project dissemination plan and materialIt provides the plan for the Project dissemination of results, including channels, activities and materials.
Methodology for the implementation of the long-term visionsIt explains how the creation of a POWER DSP in the municipality can lead to a guaranteed post-project knowledge creation, consensus and political continuity so that the municipalities can fully guarantee the complete implementation of long-term visions.
Report on tailoring the POWER digital platforms for city audiencesThe aim of the deliverable will be to adapt DSP’s Graphical User Interface as well as other digital POWER external facing platforms to the needs of the varying citizens across the different municipalities using the DSP and to set up a road map (or standard) for future tailoring and adaptation.
DSP MOB software, Beta releaseIt includes technical specifications on design and development of the DSP MOB tier, following the conclusions provided in D2.1.
Report on best practices in water management for all 4 use casesIt includes analysis of best practices in city water management with regard to each issue of the pilot cities.
Market analysisIt includes: market analysis across the sectors of POWER, benchmark across disciplines, exploration of business models employed by potential competitors, etc.
Report on the socio-economic UWCS improvement options for each partner cityIt provides socio-economic UWCS improvement options for each partner city.
Guidance document for the analysis of UWCS governance in municipalities and regionsIt provide guidelines on how to perform the analysis of UWCS governance in the partner cities, including a questionnaire for interviews with partner city representatives.
DSP HUB software, Beta releaseIt includes technical specifications on design and development of the DSP PUB tier, following the conclusions provided in D2.1.
Report on the UWCS governance analysis of partner citiesIt reports the main conclusions from the UWCS governance analysis of the partner cities realised.
Public engagement activities report_1st releaseIt provides the 1st release of the public engagement activities report.
DSP General architecture, functionalities and analysis reportIt includes the main architecture and functionalities analysis for the DSP, including the specification of contextual features for the each environmental and social issue, to be tested in the city pilots.
DSP PUB software, Beta releaseIt includes technical specifications on design and development of the DSP PUB tier, following the conclusions provided in D2.1.
Report on trends and pressures and City Blueprints of partner citiesIt includes an assessment of trends and pressures and UWCS performance in the partner cities.
Report on the engagement modelIt includes the specifications of the engagement model developed and implementation process.
Business planBased on the results of D5.6 a business plan for expansion and sustainability is provided.
Report on Socio-technical requirementsIt includes the socio-technical requirements that will serve as basis for the design of use cases and scenarios.
Guidance for an integrative multi-objective assessment method to enhance sustainable transitions of UWCS in municipalities and regionIt proposes an integrative multi-objective assessment method to enhance sustainable transitions of UWCS in municipalities and regions.
Project communication strategy and roadmapIt includes the roadmap of the communication activities of the project and of the actions for public engagement.
Report on the workshopsIt reports on the workshops performed in each pilot city.
Public engagement activities report_2nd releaseIt provides the 2nd release of the public engagement activities report.
Data Management Plan (DMP) – to include details of the management of the digital research data generated in the action, in particular regarding: (a) the research data repository and measures taken to make it possible for third parties to access, mine, exploit, reproduce and disseminate — free of charge for any user — the following: (i) the data, including associated metadata, needed to validate the results presented in scientific publications; (ii) other data, including associated metadata; (b) information to be made available via the chosen repository about the tools and instruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary for validating the results e.g. specialised software or software code, algorithms and analysis protocols (and — where possible — provide the tools and instruments themselves).
Josep Pinyol Alberich, Farhad Mukhtarov, Carel Dieperink, Peter Driessen, Annelies Broekman
Published in:
Water, Issue 11/1, 2019, Page(s) 11, ISSN 2073-4441
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Elelman Richard, L. Feldman David
Published in:
Futures, Issue 101, 2018, Page(s) 80-91, ISSN 0016-3287
Elsevier BV
Farhad Mukhtarov, Carel Dieperink, Peter Driessen
Published in:
Environmental Science & Policy, Issue 89, 2018, Page(s) 430-438, ISSN 1462-9011
Elsevier BV
Hyowon Kim, Jaewoo Son, Seockheon Lee, Stef Koop, Kees van Leeuwen, Young Choi, Jeryang Park
Published in:
Water, Issue 10/6, 2018, Page(s) 682, ISSN 2073-4441
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Martien Aartsen, Stef Koop, Dries Hegger, Bijoy Goswami, Johan Oost, Kees Van Leeuwen
Published in:
Regional Environmental Change, Issue 18/8, 2018, Page(s) 2445-2457, ISSN 1436-3798
Springer Verlag
Jacomien den Boer, Carel Dieperink, Farhad Mukhtarov
Published in:
Water, Issue 11/10, 2019, Page(s) 2032, ISSN 2073-4441
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Farhad Mukhtarov, Carel Dieperink, Peter Driessen, Janet Riley
Published in:
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Issue 21/3, 2019, Page(s) 288-301, ISSN 1523-908X
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
S. H. A. Koop, C. J. van Leeuwen
Published in:
Environment, Development and Sustainability, Issue 19/2, 2017, Page(s) 385-418, ISSN 1387-585X
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Mathias Becker Ksenia Koroleva, Kalina Drenska Diogo Vitorino, Jasminko Novak
Published in:
European Journal of Sustainable Development, Issue 8/4, 2019, Page(s) 214, ISSN 2239-6101
European Journal of Sustainable Development
Novak, J, Koroleva, K.
Published in:
Sustainability, 2019, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Mekjian, S., Jurisch, K., Silk, C.
Published in:
Alternative Kommunal Politik. Energie- und Wärmewende. Ausgabe 6/2019, November/Dezember., 2019, ISSN 0941-9225
Verein zur Förderung kommunalpolitischer Arbeit - Alternative Kommunalpolitik e.V. (AKP)
S. H. A. Koop, L. Koetsier, A. Doornhof, O. Reinstra, C. J. Van Leeuwen, S. Brouwer, C. Dieperink, P. P. J. Driessen
Published in:
Water Resources Management, 2017, ISSN 0920-4741
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Strzelecka, A., Riley, J., Ozawa-Meida,
Published in:
WDSA / CCWI Joint Conference 2018, Issue Vol 1 (2018): WDSA / CCWI Joint Conference 2018, 2018
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