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This deliverable will analyse and report on the experiences and assessment results from the PROFIT platform
Data and information streams - assessment toolsThis deliverable will report on the mechanisms developed and established in order to detect, in a (semi-)automatic way, data insufficiencies like outdated information, potentially untrustworthy information, or even contradictory sources.
2nd Progress ReportSecond progress report will highlight the results achieved at the technical work packages and contain the details of effort progress according to the plan finances risks and organizational issues of the 2nd reporting period It will further contain a complete financial statement of the project an exposition of the achieved goals and other results of the project and a detailed explanation of any deviation from the original goals
First Pilot ResultsThis deliverable will report the first findings of the pilots to be used for D54
Dissemination and communication activities report - 1st versionThese periodic deliverables (M12, M24, M36) will report on the various dissemination and communication activities, including the outcome of the various workshops, open days and user days that will be organised.
Market Sentiment Models and IndicatorsThis deliverable will report on the market-specific sentiment models developed within PROFIT. These models will provide input to D4.2.
1st Progress ReportFirst progress report will highlight the results achieved at the technical work packages and contain the details of effort, progress according to the plan, finances, risks and organizational issues of the 1st reporting period.
Advanced Econometric and Machine Learning ForecastingThis deliverable will report on the econometric and machine learning forecasting models developed within PROFIT It will also describe the financial early warning system that result from these models
Adaptive Assessment of Financial Literacy LevelThis deliverable will report on the assessment tools to be developed within PROFIT to assess the literacy levels of its users.
Sharing activities and crowdsourcing mechanismsD26 will report on novel approaches to enrich and extend semantic knowledge graphs by its usage patterns
Analysis of the current practicesThis deliverable will provide a SoA analysis on the best current practices that are related to PROFIT.
PROFIT Knowledge GraphThis deliverable will report on the PROFIT Knowledge Graph representing large portions of relevant entities, their labels, relations and many other specific attributes. Ontologies from the PROFIT core knowledge model (D2.1) will be further extended by more relation types and additional classes of entities and corresponding (business) rules.
PROFIT Incentive MechanismsThis deliverable will provide an overview and thorough description and analysis of the inventive mechanisms that will be used in PROFIT for the motivation of users active participation to the platform.
User opinion acquisition toolkitThis deliverable will present the interactive tools and algorithms to be created in order to extract the user feedback on current financial trending issues
Evaluation Plan and FrameworkThis deliverable will describe the evaluation framework (evaluation strategy, participated user groups and assessment tools).
Dissemination and communication activities report - 2nd versionThese periodic deliverables M12 M24 M36 will report on the various dissemination and communication activities including the outcome of the various workshops open days and user days that will be organised
Visualizations and information widgetsThis deliverable will report on the visualisation frameworks like D3js, expressive widgets, etc. to be developed within PROFIT in order to facilitate the access to information to the users.
PROFIT Privacy and Personalisation ServicesThis deliverable will report on the privacy and personalised services the PROFIT platform will provide to its users
Integrated Financial Educational ToolkitThis deliverable will provide details on the design of the PROFITs financial educational toolkit
PROFIT Use Cases and User ScenariosThis deliverable will report on the PROFIT user requirements and use case scenarios.
Intermediate Pilot ResultsThis deliverable will report the intermediate findings of the pilots to be used for D55
PROFIT core knowledge modelThis deliverable will provide a detailed description of the PROFIT’s core knowledge model.
Verification and Validation Report for final version of PROFIT platformFinal PROFIT platfotm and compilation of findings from validation and testing of proofofconcept platform documenting how well platform satisfies requirements from WP1
Third version of the platform having integrated assessment from pilot organizations coming from D62
This deliverable will describe the various functionalities of PROFIT website, and include the various PROFIT leaflets and brochures.
Satsiou, A., Revenko, A., Praggidis, I., Karapistoli, E., Panos, G., Bouzanis, C., & Kompatsiaris, I.
Published in:
Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems, Leipzig, 12-15 September 2016, 2016
conference organiser
Gasparini, G.L., Prospero, A, Katmada, A., Satsiou, A., Konecny, M., and Hanečák, P.
Published in:
2nd Int. Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2017, 2017
Apergis, N. and Pragidis, I.
Published in:
European Financial Management Association
Theodora Tsikrika, Spyridon Symeonidis, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Anna Satsiou, Stefanos Vrochidis and Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
2nd Int. Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2017), 2017
Victor Mireles and Artem Revenko
Published in:
nternational Workshop on Hybrid Statistical Semantic Understanding and Emerging Semantics (HSSUES), 2017
Georgios Panos, Tatja Karkkainen, Daniel Broby and Andrea Bracciali
Published in:
2nd Int. Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2017), 2017
Montagnoli A., Moro, M., Panos, G. A., & Wright, R.E.
Published in:
Working Papers in Responsible Banking & Finance, 2016
Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance, University of St. Andrews – School of Management
Montagnoli, Alberto and Moro, Mirko and Panos, Georgios A. and Wright, Robert
Published in:
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10633, 2017
niversity of St. Andrews; University of Glasgow
Antonios Sarigiannidis, Paris-Alexandros Karypidis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis and Ioannis-Chrysostomos Pragidis
Published in:
2nd Int. Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2017), 2017
Hobel H., Revenko A.
Published in:
Collective Online Platforms for Financial and Environmental Awareness book, 2016
LNCS Springer International Publisher
Panos, G., Gkrimmotsis, K., Bouzanis, C., Katmada, A., Satsiou, A., Gasparini, G.L., Prospero, A., Praggidis, I., Karapistoli, E.
Published in:
Collective Online Platforms for Financial and Environmental Awareness book, 2016
LNCS Springer International Publisher
Loughran, T., McDonald, B., and Pragidis, I.
Published in:
Financial Management Association
Katmada, A., Diplaris, S. and Kompatsiaris, I.
Published in:
Katmada, A., Satsiou, A., & Kompatsiaris, I.
Published in:
Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2016) published by LNCS International Springer, 2016
Pragidis, I., Plakandaras V., Karapistoli, E.
Published in:
Collective Online Platforms for Financial and Environmental Awareness book, 2016
LNCS Springer International Publisher
Katmada, A., Satsiou, A., Kompatsiaris, I.
Published in:
Collective Online Platforms for Financial and Environmental Awareness book, 2016
LNCS Springer International Publisher
Gasparini, G.L., and Prospero, A.
Published in:
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