CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
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This deliverable includes annual report on the advance and main strategies to obtain buy-in from companies.
Dissemination Plan for ChainReactThis report captures the dissemination plan per T8.1 in a draft version (T+12), and in a final version (T+24).
Annual review of Corporate Network Maps – IThis deliverable includes annual report on the advance and main strategies to obtain buy-in from companies.
Periodic project progress reportsMonth of delivery: Quarterly reports, including the final report (T+3, T+6,…,T+36) This deliverable consists of quarterly progress reports which discusses a variety of topics, as defined within the Project Management Handbook (D 1.1)
Interim report on Collective Awareness researchThis report will describe research activities conducted over the first half of the project. It will also establish a research agenda for the remainder of the project and outline plans for disseminating research findings and anonymised data.
Corporate Network Mapping data availabilityAn investigation into the availability of data which could be used to construct corporate network maps will be conducted, and this deliverable will report on the outcomes of that research. For each of the relationship types described in section (Corporate control, Brand, Supplier) this report will describe where the available data can be found and the form that it takes (i.e. structured, semi-structured, unstructured). This report will allow us to make an informed judgment about which data collection approaches will be most useful in relation to each relationship type, and which of these approaches to prioritise. This report will also determine whether there are significant gaps in the availability of data – allowing us to subsequently address these gaps through outreach to companies and/or reporting campaigns.
Execution evaluationThis report will review the reporting campaigns that have been executed during the project term, and will provide recommendation for future reporting campaigns.
Interim report on research informing designThis interim report will provide, for each of the tasks under WP2 a synopsis of primary research conducted for the project along with updates on relevant research conducted externally to the project. It is anticipated that this report will focus on T2.1 (which should be completed by M18) and T2.3, while also describing our approach to the validation of design decisions (T2.2). This report will provide an assessment of both the research which has been conducted and the effectiveness of resulting design decisions, it will make recommendations for improvements for the remainder of the project term.
Specification of Quarterly Priorities - wikirate.orgThis deliverable provides an overview of the expected schedule of huddles and their main themes. It is to be updated as appropriate.
Establishing an Ethics Advisory Board and Ethics Response to ECOne of the first tasks for WP2 will be to establish an Ethics Advisory Board (see Proposal Part B – section 5) which will oversee development plans for the TalkFree platform. This deliverable will report on how the Ethics Advisory Board was created and offer a comprehensive description of its role within the project. Further, this deliverable will provide suitable responses to the various Ethics questions raised by the European Commission.
Project Management HandbookThis is a report that will describe the methodology for communicating and reporting, the internal quality assurance procedure, and the setup of appropriate project management tools.
Annual review of Corporate Network Maps – IIThis deliverable includes annual report on the advance and main strategies to obtain buy-in from companies.
Report on reporting campaign preparationThis deliverable consists of a detailed overview of the preparations done for the reporting campaigns.
Lessons from existing platformsThis report will provide an overview of Collective Awareness Platforms which are relevant to ChainReact, with a focus on citizen reporting. The aim of this deliverable is to produce a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the citizen reporting area, highlighting lessons which can be learned from existing platforms and offering guidance on whether/how to adapt the positioning of ChainReact platforms in response to what is learned.
Community engagement SMART targetsFor this deliverable we will identify SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, time-bound) targets which the project should realise for effective engagement with both frontline communities and consumers of the eventual information. These targets will effectively stage the balance between data generation, processing and working with NGO networks to leverage their follower base to engage with the data contributed on Targets will include reach of the information, as well as how the information is reused both on and off the platform. Special attention will be paid to how WalkFree and the ChainReact consortium can generate sufficient energy and publicity around the processed information to maximise impact and the 'ChainReaction'. This deliverable will be a living document which is maintained as part of T7.2.
Specification of Quarterly Priorities - TalkFreeThis deliverable provides an overview of the expected schedule of huddles and their main themes. It is to be updated as appropriate
This is the Data Management Plan (DMP) as required by the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon2020.
A week before the quarterly “huddles”, described above and in 3.3.1 (Development Coordination), a short internal 3-page report (what we call a “Pre-Huddle”-report) on the progress in regards to each of the tasks. This annual deliverable is a more exhaustive version of a Pre-Huddle report, which discusses the implemented features to date.
Annual dev. review and prototype - – IIA week before the quarterly “huddles”, described in WP6 and in 3.3.1 (Development Coordination), a short internal 3-page report (what we call a “Pre-Huddle”-report) on the progress in regards to each of the tasks of WP7 is circulated. This annual deliverable is a more exhaustive version of a Pre-Huddle report, which discusses the implemented features to date.
Annual dev. review and prototype - – IA week before the quarterly “huddles”, described in WP6 and in 3.3.1 (Development Coordination), a short internal 3-page report (what we call a “Pre-Huddle”-report) on the progress in regards to each of the tasks of WP7 is circulated. This annual deliverable is a more exhaustive version of a Pre-Huddle report, which discusses the implemented features to date.
Annual dev. review and prototype - - IIIA week before the quarterly “huddles”, described in WP6 and in 3.3.1 (Development Coordination), a short internal 3-page report (what we call a “Pre-Huddle”-report) on the progress in regards to each of the tasks of WP7 is circulated. This annual deliverable is a more exhaustive version of a Pre-Huddle report, which discusses the implemented features to date.
The project website according to T8.1 will be implemented very early in the project. T+3 is the outside target for this deliverable. Efficiencies will be though with any CAPS-project wide website.
Richard Allister Mills, Stefano De Paoli
Published in:
Data Technologies and Applications, Issue 52/1, 2018, Page(s) 16-33, ISSN 2514-9288
Emerald Publishing Limited
Guenette Thornton, Isabel, Ella McPherson, and Matthew Mahmoudi
Published in:
The International Journal of Human Rights, 2018, ISSN 1744-053X
Taylor & Francis
Vasiliki Gkatziaki, Symeon Papadopoulos, Richard Mills, Sotiris Diplaris, Ioannis Tsampoulatidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Issue 18/4, 2018, Page(s) 1-21, ISSN 1533-5399
Association for Computing Machinary, Inc.
Mahmoudi, Matthew S., Ella McPherson, and Isabel Guenette Thornton
Published in:
Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation and Accountability, edited by Sam Dubberley, Alexa Koenig, and Daragh Murray, 2019
Oxford University Press
Jonak, Ł., Rudnicka, A., & Włoch, R.
Published in:
Sustainable Logistics and Production in Industry 4.0 – new opportunities and challenge, 2019, ISSN 2193-4614
Springer Nature
Vasiliki Gkatziaki, Symeon Papadopoulos, Sotiris Diplaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
Internet Science, Issue 10673, 2017, Page(s) 266-280, ISBN 978-3-319-70283-4
Springer International Publishing
Vasiliki Gkatziaki, Sotiris Diplaris, Symeon Papadopoulos, Richard Mills, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
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