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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Country reports: National culture, structures, and innovative approaches

In order to establish a common understanding of the background and embeddedness of social enterprises, scholars will at first undertake a literature review of national structure, culture, and current innovative approaches. Scholars from each team will produce a country report, highlighting the national context in which social enterprises are established and the innovative approaches they pursue.

Comparative Reports

Based on the national reports (deliverable 1.2), the Work Package Leader of WP 1 will compile comparative reports on three topics: a) the evolution of the phenomenon of social enterprises, b) the environment of social enterprises, including their relations to other stakeholders, c) the internal structures and governance arrangements of social enterprises.

Case study reports

Researchers will present their findings from the case studies on successful enterprises in a report. These reports will include lessons learned and address the question of whether - and under which conditions - successful practices from one country could be implemented in another one.

Closing Conference

During the closing conference, the central results of the project will be presented. It will be organised in a workshop-style format to allow for feedback and intensive discussions between researchers, practitioners and invited policy-makers.

Teaching Tool

The teaching tool will build on the comprehensive understanding of the embeddedness of social enterprises and of factors for their success acquired through the first two work packages. The tool will comprise the following: 1. A theoretical introduction into the concept and development of social enterprises. This part will be formed by the comparative reports on the evolution of social enterprises, their environment and internal structures as compiled in Work Package 1 of the project. 2. A best practices part on how to deal with challenges faced by social enterprises in different national and local settings. This part will be based on the case studies and lessons learned from Work Package 2. After the conference (deliverable 3.4), the elements of the best practices guide will be compiled by the partners. Its primary target group consists of (future) managers of social enterprises who shall be equipped with hands-on knowledge of the opportunities and pitfalls of setting up a social enterprise.

Website and Internet Presence

A website will be managed by a project manager to be employed at WWU Münster. It will inform participants as well as external stakeholders about activities of the project partners and give them the possibility to maintain each other abreast of recent developments, publications, and events.


Zivilgesellschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat im Wandel. Akteure, Strategien und Politikfelder

Author(s): Annette Zimmer, Matthias Freise
Published in: 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-16998-5
Publisher: Springer VS

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