Periodic Reporting for period 2 - STRADE (Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe)
Reporting period: 2017-06-01 to 2018-11-30
STRADE concentrated its research on primary raw-material with a strong regional focus on Africa, Latin America and China. Within Europe, STRADE addresses European Union (EU) level policies and not those of individual Member States.
Core recommendations dealt with the following issues:
• Social license to operate and responsible mining practices as one key issue for ensuring access to raw materials in resource-rich countries
• EU engagement for solution-oriented resource governance dialogues
• Practical implementation of EU principles
• EU support for more economic contribution from mining in Africa and developing countries
• EU and MS engagement for governance in resource rich developing countries with weak gov-ernance
• EU and MS support of integrated rural development schemes supporting sustainable artisanal mining
• Dialogue on an alignment of the EU Raw Material Strategy and the African Mining Vision
• EU support of European companies for due diligence and CSR
• Global dialogue including EU-China dialogue on the promotion of responsible mining and sourcing
• EU cooperation with resource-rich industrialized countries
STRADE’S main conclusions and recommendations are summarized in a brochure and are described in detail in the final report. A full list of publications is available on STRADE’s website (
The EU’s future raw-material policy must be based on partnership. Whether this is through leading multilateral dialogues on responsible mining and sourcing or supporting the creation of international knowledge networks, the EU must play a leading role in shaping the future of the global raw-material sector.