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Emerging population issues in sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-checking and promoting demographic data for better action


Atlas on families and socio-economic indicators.

Electronic/web publication presenting families and socio-economic indicators in Burkina Faso, Mali et Senegal

Contributions on household structures in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal

Working paper summarising the main findings of task 1 under WP4, on household structures in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal

Working paper : higher education graduate

Working report summarizing the main findings of task 3 under WP5, on trajectories of graduate, professional and family destiny of graduates and migration and diploma in three African countries.

Working paper “Mortality levels and trends: measurement issues – insights from the DEMOSTAF project

Working paper “Mortality levels and trends: measurement issues – insights from the DEMOSTAF project Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 1 under WP3, including insights on methodological issues (probabilistic and manual linkages between HDSS and census data), evaluation of the quality of census data, and coverage and content errors and their impact on demographic estimates, and insights on impact of data quality issues in urban/rural differences of mortality estimates.

Working paper “Investigating the double burden of disease – insights from the DEMOSTAF project

Working paper “Investigating the double burden of disease – insights from the DEMOSTAF project Working paper summarizing main findings of task 3 under WP3, including maps of TB-clusters in Antananarivo, analysis of cause of death patterns in Ouagadougou and Nouna HDSS and analysis of trends and risk factors in child mortality related to diarrheal diseases.

Working paper “Identifying health risks in mobile populations and effects of human movements on vector-borne diseases – insights from the DEMOSTAF project

Working paper “Identifying health risks in mobile populations and effects of human movements on vector-borne diseases – insights from the DEMOSTAF project Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 4 under WP4, including the migration-health relationship in Ouagadougou, insights on measurement of migration effect on health using data collection and statistical tools and role of rural-urban migration as intensifying factor for urban malaria.

Inventory of national data sources

The inventory of data sources on four African countries will be made available to the general public. It will provide access to the list of data collection, documentation, analysis reports and individual data that are available on those four countries, and will include their localisation as well.

Report of the kick off meeting

Report of the project kick off meeting

Policy paper 1

Policy paper

Manual HDSS data use

Manual to study event-histories with HDSS data

Quality and comparability of data on household and family structures. Methodological Contributions.

Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 3 under WP4, on methodological contributions to quality and comparability of data on household and family structures.

Progress report 1

Progress report on first year of activity

Working paper “Improving the collection and interpretation of cause-of-death data – insights from the DEMOSTAF project

Working paper “Improving the collection and interpretation of cause-of-death data – insights from the DEMOSTAF project : Working paper summarizing main findings of task 2 under WP3, including proposal for protocols for pilot studies of VA in urban vital registration offices, feasibility of supplementing routine death registration with verbal autopsies in African capitals.

"Policy brief on ""Family systems and quality of life"""

Policy brief summarising the main findings of WP4 on « Family systems and quality of life » written on the basis of national workshops conclusions.

Working paper : contribution to data collection tool on abortion safety

Working paper summarising the main findings of task 3 under WP2, in particular recommendations to improve data collection on abortion safety at the community level

Draft collective book on SDGs

Results of the project will be gathered to form a collective book. We do not anticipate to publish it before the end of the project, but the preparation of the book will be launched before month 48.

Progress report 2

Progress report

Report of the first General Assembly Meeting

Report of the first general assembly of the projetct, including project review

Working paper: Out of school children

Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 1 under WP5, on out so school children in three African countries.

Working paper : contribution to understanding African fertility stalls

Working paper sumarising the main findings of task 1 under WP2, focusing in particular on HDSS data compared with DHS information

Policy paper 2
Contributions on family environment, gender and intergenerational relations.

Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 2 under WP4, on family environment, gender and intergenerational relations

Internal four pages newsletters

Four pages newsletters, two per year, to keep the dynamics of the network

Draft collective book on data and methods

Results of the project will be gathered to form a collective book. We do not anticipate to publish it before the end of the project, but the preparation of the book will be launched before month 48.

Working paper : Non-literacy and illeteracy

Working paper summarizing the main findings of task 2 under WP5, on the situation of non-literacy and illiteracy on five African countries

Peer-reviewed paper on the theme “The roles of National Statistical Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa for monitoring health changes: the case of Senegal, Burkina and Madagascar”
Report of three restitution meetings with stakeholders on “Improving the measurement and interpretation of mortality data in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Report of three restitution meetings with stakeholders in Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Madagascar on the theme “Improving the measurement and interpretation of mortality data in Sub-Saharan Africa”.

Working paper: contribution to understanding family formations leading to low fertility

Working paper summarising the main findings of task 2 under WP2, attempt to draw patterns of family formations

Project website

The website of the project will be launched on the occasion of the kick off meeting. It will be updated during the whole project life.

Internal scientific seminar

This scientific seminar will be restricted to the project participants, however the presentations will be made available through the project website.

Final conference

The final open conference will focus on emerging population issues in the frame of the SDGs. It will bring the project participants as well as key identified stakeholders. We expect to bring around 100 participants in Paris for this meeting. Presentations will be made available via the project website.


Facteurs de risque pour les maladies diarrhéiques chez les enfants à Dakar : une analyse multi-niveaux avec variables latentes.

Author(s): Rautu Iulia, Dos Santos Stéphanie, Schoumaker Bruno
Published in: African Population Studies / Etude de la population africaine, Issue 30(1), 2016, Page(s) 2203-2212, ISSN 0850-5780
Publisher: Union pour l'etude de la population africaine

Stalls in Fertility Transitions in sub‐Saharan Africa: Revisiting the Evidence

Author(s): Schoumaker Bruno
Published in: Studies in family planning, 2019, ISSN 0039-3665
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Inc.

Impacts socioéconomiques des inégalités de genre sur la fécondité à Ouagadougou: Eclairages à partir des données de l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou

Author(s): Millogo Modeste, Rossier Clémentine, Soura Abdramane, Cisse Siaka
Published in: African Population Studies, 2018, ISSN 0850-5780
Publisher: Union pour l'etude de la population africaine

Influence du statut de la femme dans le recours à la contraception moderne chez les femmes en union au Togo.

Author(s): Betébe D, Sawadogo N
Published in: African Population Studies, 2018, ISSN 0850-5780
Publisher: Union pour l'etude de la population africaine

Do adult health outcomes in urban population reflect local health risk? A matched cohort analysis of migration effects in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Author(s): Philippe Bocquier, Abdramane Bassiahi Soura, Souleymane Sanogo, Sara Randall
Published in: BMJ Open, Issue 9/7, 2019, Page(s) e029059, ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029059

Risk factors of becoming a disaster victim. The flood of September 1st, 2009, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

Author(s): Stéphanie Dos Santos, Jean-Paul Peumi, Abdramane Soura
Published in: Habitat International, Issue 86, 2019, Page(s) 81-90, ISSN 0197-3975
Publisher: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.03.005

Estimating cause-specific mortality in Madagascar: an evaluation of death notification data from the capital city

Author(s): Bruno Masquelier, Gilles Pison, Julio Rakotonirina, Anjarasoa Rasoanomenjanahary
Published in: Population Health Metrics, Issue 17/1, 2019, ISSN 1478-7954
Publisher: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12963-019-0190-z

Cohort profile: Moramanga health survey in urban and rural areas in Madagascar (MHURAM project)

Author(s): Rila Ratovoson, Rindra Randremanana, Fanjasoa Rakotomanana, Soa Fy Andriamandimby, Reziky Mangahasimbola, Bruno Masquelier, Vincent Richard, Patrice Piola, Gilles Pison, Laurence Baril
Published in: International Journal of Epidemiology, 2019, ISSN 0300-5771
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyz215

The dynamics of the family network during childhood: A genealogical and longitudinal approach to rural Mali

Author(s): Aurélien Dasré, Olivia Samuel, Véronique Hertrich
Published in: Demographic Research, Issue 41, 2019, Page(s) 231-262, ISSN 1435-9871
Publisher: Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research/Max-Planck-institut fur Demografische Forschung
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.9

Returning home to die or leaving home to seek health care? Location of death of urban and rural residents in Burkina Faso and Senegal

Author(s): Bruno Lankoandé, Géraldine Duthé, Abdramane Soura, Gilles Pison
Published in: Global Health Action, Issue 11/1, 2018, Page(s) 1475040, ISSN 1654-9716
Publisher: Co-Action Publishing
DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2018.1475040

Inégalités face au décès entre milieux urbains et ruraux chez les adultes au Burkina Faso: Mesures et effets de la migration

Author(s): Lankoande Bruno
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Ined

Enfants hors l’école, (an)alphabétisme et fréquentation de l’enseignement supérieur au Sénégal : analyse des métadonnées et mesures

Author(s): AWISSI Madon, BARRY Adjibou Oppa , WADE Khoudia, DELAUNAY Valérie, MOGUEROU Laure , GOUDIABY Jean-Alain
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Observatoire démographique et statistique de l’espace francophone (ODSEF), Université Laval

Enfants hors l’école, (an)alphabétisme et fréquentation de l’enseignement supérieur au Burkina Faso : analyse des métadonnées et des mesures

Author(s): WAYACK-PAMBE Madeleine, BOUGMA Moussa, BOLY Dramane, GUISSOU Sibi, GNOUMOU THIOMBIANO Bilampoa, KOBIANE Jean-François, KABORE Idrissa, BELEMWIDOUGOU Esther
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Observatoire démographique et statistique de l’espace francophone (ODSEF), Université Laval

Enfants hors l’école et analphabétisme au Mali : analyse des métadonnées et des mesures

Author(s): BOUARÉ Issa, COULIBALY Aminata, MARCOUX Richard, PILON Marc
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Observatoire démographique et statistique de l’espace francophone (ODSEF), Université Laval

Analyse des métadonnées et des indicateurs relatifs aux enfants hors l’école et à l’(an)alphabétisme. Le cas de l’Ouganda

Author(s): Kakuba, Christian; Nankinga, Olivia J.; Mushomi Atwebembeire, John; Golaz, Valérie
Published in: Issue 5, 2019
Publisher: Observatoire démographique et statistique de l’espace francophone (ODSEF), Université Laval

Configurations familiales et situation des femmes. Le cas du Mali à travers les données du recensement.

Author(s): Sauvain-Dugerdil Claudine., Nouhou A-M, Cissé Siaka, Diawara Abdoul Karim, Gakou Doumbia Assa
Published in: Observer, décrire et analyser les structures familiales, 2018
Publisher: AIDELF

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