Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UMi-TWINN (Reinforcing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in logistics technologies of the University of Miskolc)
Reporting period: 2017-04-01 to 2019-03-31
The specific objectives of the project:
1. Strengthen UMi’s research excellence in Logistics
2. Enhance the research and innovation capacity of UMi and Twinning partners
3. Raise the research profile of UMi and the Twinning Partners
4. Contribute to the research and innovation priorities of Hungary
5. Support research and innovation on a European level
Main activity of project UMi-TWINN was the organization of staff exchanges among the scientific partner institutes, to help knowledge transfer. During the project duration (39 months), 100 different visits are done by the staff of the partner institutes, 49 persons were involved into the project and totally near 60 mobility months were used for this purpose.
Next part of the project was the organizing of different events:
- Workshops, where the project partners can take contact to industrial companies and research institutes of Hungary. During the project duration, 10 workshops were organized for different purposes, as the contact building, the informing, training and discussion on certain topics and the dissemination of the project results. Topics and presentations of the workshops were suited to the actual project task, for totally more than 100 participants.
- Summer Schools for students and employers of the companies. On these one or two week-long events, participants from different countries gained knowledges about the most advanced devices, techniques, methods, research results and future tendencies in the field of logistics. All three scientific partner institutes organized one summer school in their home country, presented their special aspects and state of the art.
- An international logistics conference (May 2017, Budapest). The "Industry 4.0 Logistics 4.0: Challenges and opportunities" conference was the first of its kind and focused on logistic aspects of the Industry 4.0. The 14 relevant presentations attracted about 80 participants from research organizations, the industry as well as Hungarian stakeholders and policy-makers.
On the events and activities, totally 40 trainings were organized for researchers, students and administrative persons. Topics of the trainings were related to the project research fields.
To increase the reputation of the University of Miskolc, during the project duration staff of the partner institutes took part on 24 international conferences, where they presented 60 scientific papers and 5 project presentations, show the project poster and share project leaflets to the participants.
• First year (2016) for gathering information (visits at the partner institutes, meeting with the partner staff, examination of the education structure and materials, studying research methods and procedures, looking into the research projects of the partners, etc.)
• Second year (2017) for engrossment (harmonizing of the education materials, application of the research methods, common research activities with the partner staff, etc.)
• Third year (2018) for results (development of new education modules for the courses, common EU project applications, jointed publications, etc.)
Detailed information about the activities during the project duration:
- 100 staff exchanges were realized between the partners,
- 8 project meetings were organized in administrative matters,
- 10 training workshops were organized,
- 3 summer schools were organized,
- 130 papers were published in 20 national and international journals,
- 14 joint publications were prepared and submitted between the partner institutes,
- 1 study was prepared,
- 60 presentations and papers were published at 24 national and international conferences,
- 5 project applications were submitted, etc.
Any cooperation among scientific partners influences all participating member, especially if they have frequent meeting and joint works. Partners of the project took part in many different events and tasks of the coordinating institution, so they have got significant experiences on a Hungarian university and a developing research institute.
1. Organized trainings for UMi's staff on new topics in order to raise their research profiles and introduced the staff of the coordinating institution into their actual research projects, which applied advanced research methods and technics for the design, production and using of different logistics devices and solutions. Applying the knowledge gained during the project duration, the coordinating institution can execute new research tasks, which can help to increase the competitiveness of the Hungarian researchers and the University of Miskolc.
2. Presented their advanced research results and possible applications related to the general logistic processes. To measure the increasing of the scientific excellence, we can compare the number of the publications of the staff of the coordinating institute during the project duration to the number of the previous 3 years (from 2013 to 2016). The increasing of the number of the publications is more than 100%.
Over the measurable results, the project had effects to the reputation and scientific excellence of the project coordinator, who was nominated as the leader of the Manufacturing and Logistics Work Group of the Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform of Hungary in 2017. This Platform prepared the Industry 4.0 Strategy of Hungary in 2018.
The project raised the interest of the Fraunhofer Institute Headquaters and also the interest of the Hungarian Political leaders, and a preparation procedure have been started for the establishing of a new Logistic Research Institute in Miskolc (Fraunhofer type – in cooperation with the University of Miskolc) supported by the Hungarian Government. Suited to the National research strategy, this research center is taken as a Science Park of the Hungarian research network. If the prepared Logistic Research Institute will be realized, the University of Miskolc can be a very important research centre in the region, which can help to increase the performance and efficiency of the regional economy.
As a result of project UMi-TWINN the University of Miskolc appeared on the logistics map of Europe, as a new research centre. Among others UMi built connection to Austrian logistics networks (VNL) and other researchers in Germany and in Europe.
Using the capacity of the University of Miskolc and the prepared research centre, researchers can solve new, advanced challenges, which can increase the number of companies in the region, developing the economical environment and the social life of the employers.
Development of the research capacities and capabilities in Miskolc will increase the number of research tasks, the number of new companies, the employment rate and the life quality of the peoples in the East-North region of Hungary.