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Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics


Launch of mobility grants schemes for scholars, staff and students

Launch of 3 types of mobility grants schemes: 1. short-term mobility grants scheme for scholars and staff, 2. long-term mobility grants scheme for professors and researchers, 3. mobility grants scheme for students.

Summer schools

Organizing of three annual summer schools by M9, 18 and 27.

Kick-off meeting
Launch of the European certificate in Environmental Migration and the Chair in Environmental Diplomacy
Residential seminar on climate change narratives
Conferences on Environment and Security

Three annual conferences on Environment and Security, taking place by M10, 20 and 30.

Website of the project
Publication of the State of Environmental Migration

Publication of the State of Environmental Migration (2017 edition and 2018 edition)

Analysis and cartography of climate change narratives

Analysis of climate change narratives on social media and a cartography of the climate change narratives

Circulation of a global climate change narrative
Database (clearinghouse) and web-portal on environmental migration datasets
List of publications in high-impact journals

List of publications of EUBA in high-impact journals prior to the signature of the Grant Agreement


"Publication of special issue of Journal of International Relations Publication of a joint volume in the ""Sustainable Development"" series at Presses de Sciences Po Publication of at least 10 jointly-authored papers"


Development-Induced Displacement: The Case of Dam Construction in Slovakia and the Czech Republic - Under review, online RePec

Published in: Journal of Economics, 2019, ISSN 0013-3035
Publisher: Slovak Academic Press Ltd.

Donbas: Transmisia 2.0? currently under review

Author(s): GODA, S.
Published in: Territory, Politics and Governance, 2017, ISSN 2162-2671
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Malthus is still breathing: Environmental concerns and attitudes towards immigration in Europe

Published in: Mondes en développement, 2019, ISSN 0302-3052
Publisher: Institut de Sciences Mathematiques et Economiques Appliquees FRA

Evaluation of sustainable water consumption in selected administrative regions of water intensive country: integral criterion of sustainability. - in review

Author(s): RANETA, L., KUNYCHKA, M.
Published in: Geografie, 2017, ISSN 1212-0014
Publisher: The Czech Geographic Society

From Environmental Reporting to Environmental Performance

Author(s): Michaela Bednárová, Roman Klimko, Eva Rievajová
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 11/9, 2019, Page(s) 2549, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su11092549

Solutions for Smart Urban Environment Air Quality, Transport and Energy Systems: Knowledge from Helsinki and lesson to be learned for Bratislava

Author(s): BACULÁKOVÁ, K.
Published in: Geopolitics of Energy, Issue Vol. 41, February 2019, 2019, ISSN 0273-1371
Publisher: Canadian Energy Research Institute

Environmental policy of the EU: insights for further development

Author(s): Marta Vovk, Boris Dziura, Martin Grešš
Published in: Geografický časopis - Geographical Journal, Issue 71/1, 2019, ISSN 0016-7193
Publisher: Slovak Academic Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.31577/geogrcas.2019.71.1.02

Keynes vs Smith in the climate tipping arena: who wins the battle in the case of massive forest diebacks in Slovakia? - under review

Author(s): ČERNOTA, M., PUŠKÁROVÁ, P., SLIVINSKÝ, J. (2019).
Published in: Land Use Policy, 2019, ISSN 0264-8377
Publisher: Elsevier BV

Consequences of rapid ice sheet melting on the Sahelian population vulnerability

Author(s): Dimitri Defrance, Gilles Ramstein, Sylvie Charbit, Mathieu Vrac, Adjoua Moïse Famien, Benjamin Sultan, Didier Swingedouw, Christophe Dumas, François Gemenne, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden
Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Issue 114/25, 2017, Page(s) 6533-6538, ISSN 0027-8424
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1619358114

How can migration serve adaptation to climate change? Challenges to fleshing out a policy ideal

Author(s): François Gemenne, Julia Blocher
Published in: The Geographical Journal, Issue 183/4, 2017, Page(s) 336-347, ISSN 0016-7398
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12205

Long-term solutions to cross-border disaster displacement: Lessons from West Africa.

Published in: African Human Mobility Review, Issue Vol. 3, 2017, ISSN 2410-7972
Publisher: SIHMA

Water Intensive Economy and Environmental issues in the Post-Soviet Transition Country

Author(s): Mykhaylo Kunychka, Leonardo Orlando, and Leonid Raneta
Published in: International Journal of Ecology & Development, Issue Volume 32, Issue No. 2, 2017, Page(s) 81-94, ISSN 0972-9984
Publisher: Indian Society for Development and Environment Research (ISDER)

Water Resource Usage and Air Pollution in Transitive Countries the case of The Republic of Moldova

Author(s): Mykhaylo Kunychka, Leonardo Orlando, and Leonid Raneta
Published in: International Journal of Ecology & Development, 2017, ISSN 0972-9984
Publisher: Indian Society for Development and Environment Research (ISDER)

Eco-efficiency and eco-productivity change over time in a multisectoral economic system.

Author(s): Luptáčik, M., Mahlberg, B.
Published in: European journal of operational research, Issue Vol. 234, No. 3, 2014, Page(s) 885-897, ISSN 0377-2217
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.11.017

Emission discharge permits, ambient concentrations, and a margin of safety: trading solutions with a computer-assisted smart market for air quality

Author(s): Willett, K., Sivák, R., Čaplánová, A.
Published in: Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Issue 14202026, 2015, Page(s) 367-382, ISSN 1420-2026
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10666-014-9436-0

Mangroves depletion: what is the problem?

Author(s): DELIGNY, A. - HOMOLOVÁ, K.
Published in: Getting the shrimp’s share. Mangrove deforestation and shrimp consumption., 2019

Journal of International Relations

Author(s): Zickgraf; Tomety-Puskarova-Gemenne-Ozer;Stanek; Raneta - Kunzchka; Denis; Vovk-Dziura-Braga; De Bruyckere
Published in: Medzinarodne vztahy, Issue 2018/1, 2018, Page(s) 117, ISSN 1339-2751
Publisher: Faculty of International Relations, EUBA

Migrants and the threat of resources shortages: Demystifying perceptions

Author(s): Puskarova, Paula - Zickgraf, Caroline
Published in: 2019
Publisher: University of Economics in Bratislava

Au-delà des frontières. Pour une justice migratoire.

Published in: Centre d’Aciton Laïque., 2018, ISBN 978-2-87504-031-2
Publisher: Liberté j'écris ton nom

The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Displacement and Migration. Routledge.

Author(s): GEMENNE, F., MCLEMAN, R. (Eds.)
Published in: 2018, ISBN 978-1-138-19446-5
Publisher: Routledge

The Atlas of the Anthropocene - L’Atlas de l’Anthropocène - to be published

Author(s): a collective of authors
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Presses de Sciences Po

The State of Environmental Migration 2017: A Review of 2016

Author(s): Collective of authors - Hugo Observatory of the ULg (Eds.)
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Presses Universitaires de Liège

The State of Environmental Migration 2018: A Review of 2017

Author(s): Collective of authors; Editors: Caroline Zickgraf, Elodie Hut & François Gemenne
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Presses Universitaires de Liège

Migrations environnementales: Un phénomène structurel à intégrer dans l’agenda global du développement.

Author(s): HUT E.
Published in: L’Asile en France et en Europe: Etat des lieux 2018., 2018
Publisher: Forum réfugiés-Cosi.

Does enviromnemtal diplomacy reflect new challenges regarding climate change? -Volume of Scientific Papers

Author(s): Baculakova K.; Dancakova I.; Dudasova M.; Dziura B.- Privara A.; Harakalova D.; Harakalova L.; Hlavova N.; Janubova B.; Karas M.; Klenka M.; Kunychka M. - Raneta L. - Braga D.; Raneta L. - Kunychka M. - Ciefova M.; Vovk M. Edited by Eva Vlkova
Published in: Issue Vol. 1, 2017, ISBN 978-80-225-4490-0
Publisher: EKONÓM

Hugo Conference: Environment, Migration, Politics - 3-5 November 2016, Liege, Belgium - Compendium of abstracts

Author(s): Luka de Bruyckere, Francois Gemenne, Pierre Ozer, Caroline Zickgraf (eds.)
Published in: 2016
Publisher: University of Liege

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