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3D-Integrated single photon detector

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 3D-COUNT (3D-Integrated single photon detector)

Période du rapport: 2016-02-01 au 2017-07-31

The aim of the present ERC Proof of Concept (PoC) 3D-COUNT was to develop and test an integrated on-chip communication platform prototype, comprising single photon detectors, which are efficiently coupled to single mode fibers, using an innovative laser written device. The achieved benefits of such platform will be the simplified production process, high optical fiber coupling efficiency and small size of the end product. Such features will lead to significantly improved cost efficiency and performance levels. This technological platform has the potential for a strong impact on the market of high quantum efficiency single photon detectors.

We carried out a precise study on single-photon counting modules (SPCM) market and the related end-user markets and their current key trends. In terms of end-user market, the proposed device can be applied for quantum communication, quantum computing and quantum cryptography applications. Our analysis investigates these and related markets and provides information to support the commercialisation paths and models for 3D-COUNT PoC project.

The device developed and tested in the PoC directly addresses a market need for an integrated and efficient on-chip communication systems. Current available systems have limitations involving high costs, complex production, and inefficient coupling of detectors to optical fibers. The proposed platform will offer 1) a simplified production process, 2) high optical fiber coupling efficiency 3) improved performance levels, 4) high cost efficiency, and 5) compactness. Such systems can be applied in a wide range of communication and non-communication applications, such as free-space optical communication, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, DNA sequencing, single molecule detection and material analysis. Moreover, the future commercialisation of quantum computing is expected to create a vast demand for these communication systems.

Presently, the detection efficiency of our approach is lower compared to another technology, and for this reason it might be necessary to investigate the potential to improve the detection efficiency. We will consider adding some extra-features which strengthen our approach before its commercialisation.