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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Social Innovation Community


Evaluation and case study report

Throughout the WP we will evaluate the experiments and link practice to research. The focus will be on understanding barriers and drivers of cross-sector and transnational collaboration, processes for engaging uusual suspets ad poesses fo salig. We ill oie a atio leaig appoah ith a opaatie case study approach across all participating local centres by: Baseline network mapping, policy analysis and stakeholder interviews in each case study area; Collaborative identification of success indicators and outcomes to measure; Observations and interviews at each stage of the co-creation and development process; Case studies of social innovations selected for the innovation development process; Convening cross-seto atio leaig sets to feed ack into the ongoing process and evaluation. We will also act as a bridge to WPs Research, Learning, and Engagement and Dissemination by a) widely disseminating experimentation results, b) identifying the research needs of innovators and encouraging EU and gloal eseahes esposes, ad haellig WP ‘eseah outoes to loal “I patitioes.

Ethical guidelines

The Project Leader will provide guidelines to the WP Managers for assisting them in managing and monitoring ethical issues throughout the duration of the project. It will be assisted in this by ethics expert advisors. The quality management will ensure that the ethical guidelines are implemented along the project's milestones. It will cover: The pojets ethial paties, esuig that the ethial paties set foth i this poposal ae folloed. This will include ensuring that proper procedures are followed with regards to: working with vulnerable users; explaining voluntary participation and right to withdraw to stakeholders involved in the project; providing information about the project and specific studies to stakeholders; obtaining informed consent; secure data storage, access and disposal of data; data confidentiality and participant anonymity; and dissemination of data. All potential ethical issues which may arise; All ethical issues which may arise through discussion with the Advisory Board, PEB, PSG and stakeholders; Any gender issues which arise during the project and oversee the promotion of gender equality in the project.

Final analysis report

The report will focus on the final analysis comprising results from monitoring (quantitative data) and case studies (qualitative data) that will have been conducted and supplemented by a meta-analysis of governance and sustainability strategy impact. The results of the impact measurement will be communicated broadly to the wider community of interest by making use of different communication tools and the channels of WP Engagement and Dissemination.

SIC Vision

A vision will be developed in conjunction with SIC networks and actors. This will deliver a common understanding of SI in particular among SIC actors, but we are also aiming to create a common understanding beyond SIC actors (in conjunction with WPs Policy and Research).

Quality assurance report - Part V

We will report on the progress made in ensuring the quality of the deliverables, 5 times along the duration of the project.

Initial network map and plan

Together with Network Facilitators, we will co-create a Network Map of both the usual and the unusual suspects, showing inter alia, how network actors connect or not with each other, which will be used as a baseline against which to assess later network developments. This exercise will make use of digital technologies (e.g. social network mapping software) to create an engaging visual map of key networks and their relation to one another. This network map will be revised half way through and at the end of the project.

Findings from stocktaking will be incorporated into a joint curriculum

We will first take stock of the existing tools and methodologies for incubation, scaling, replication, etc., (e.g. as used by TRANSITION, BENISI, DRIFT, SIL). This will inform the development of a transnational innovation development curriculum, building on existing materials to be applied in the different regional contexts. Findings will be incorporated in the Learning Materials Repository (WP Learning T4.5).

Quality assurance guidelines

The Project Leader will ensure that proper guidelines for quality assurance and risk management are available to interested parties, and that measures are taken to properly implement them. The other WP managers will use these guidelines as a benchmark against which to assess the quality of the project deliverables with respect to its objectives and requirements. An appropriate quality and risk management plan will be issued at the beginning of the project and will be included in the Project Management Manual. The other WP Managers will report to the Project Leader. More specifically, activities include the following: Developing a detailed Quality Control and Risk Management strategy and criteria for each project deliverable; Overseeing the conformity of all Consortium deliverables with the initial criteria and in accordance with the work plan of the project; Ensuring the timely production of technical outputs.

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report - Part III

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report.

Progress reports - Part II

The Project Leader will be responsible for ensuring that all the progress reports required contractually are delivered on time and are of the expected quality. These will be delivered every six months.

Consortium Meetings reports - Part III

We will produce the reports relating to the regular consortium meetings. These will be produced every 12 months.

Progress reports - Part I

The Project Leader will be responsible for ensuring that all the progress reports required contractually are delivered on time and are of the expected quality. These will be delivered every six months.

Quality assurance report - Part II

We will report on the progress made in ensuring the quality of the deliverables, 5 times along the duration of the project.

Quality assurance report - Part III

We will report on the progress made in ensuring the quality of the deliverables, 5 times along the duration of the project.

Mid-point network map and plan revision

Together with Network Facilitators, we will co-create a Network Map of both the usual and the unusual suspects, showing inter alia, how network actors connect or not with each other, which will be used as a baseline against which to assess later network developments. This exercise will make use of digital technologies (e.g. social network mapping software) to create an engaging visual map of key networks and their relation to one another. This network map will be revised half way through and at the end of the project.

Annual State of the Union reports - Part III

Month 34 report: We will assess the impact of socially innovative approaches to achieve policy objectives, with a particular focus on the ten priorities of the Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change. Different ways in which EU policy and programmes have been used to foster social innovation will be considered (e.g. structural funds, financial instruments, the EuSEF label, the Social Innovation Europe Platform and initiatives put forward by the Social Business Initiative). Examples from different national, regional and local contexts will also be considered and evaluated from an EU perspective to produce a succinct report which considers the extent to which the approaches have (not) contributed to achieving policy objectives, and the structural conditions (or ecosystem) which have contributed to success or served as barriers. Clear recommendations will be made as to how policymakers can best use these instruments to maximum effect and how innovators can adapt and respond to different contexts and policy challenges. EU and Member State policy linkages with important global policymakers will also be examined.

Legal and IPR guidelines

The Project Leader will provide guidelines to the WP Managers for assisting them in managing legal and IPR issues which may arise during this project. It will cover: Applying the consortium's rules with regard to solving conflict; Developing guidelines for managing legal and IPR issues; Ensuring that these are communicated to interested parties, for implementation

Progress reports - Part IV

The Project Leader will be responsible for ensuring that all the progress reports required contractually are delivered on time and are of the expected quality. These will be delivered every six months.

Report on SIC Networks' Learning needs

The report will focus on the SIC networks common and specific learning needs. A mix of tools will be adopted and adapted to understand users' learning needs across all networks such as financing, governance structures, scaling up, SI business models etc.), as well as those that belong to specific networks. Transversal learning needs will be the basis for designing the SIC networks Learning events (Summer School and Social Learning Workshops); specific needs will be met through targeted learning activities developed with WPs Experimentation, Policy and Research.

SIC Research Landscape Report

This task aims to understand and give an overview of SI research, initiatives and actors in Europe and beyond. We will engage the consortia of current and recent research projects like SI-DRIVE, TEPSIE, TRANSIT, SIMPACT, CASI, ILINC, EUWIN and members of research networks like EMES and ESSI and seek to host breakout sessions during their project and network meetings to share the concept and potential of SIC, identify further actors and networks relevant for the community and, identify specific opportunities for involvement in SIC events. These sessions will also be used to identify and discuss (a) transversal research questions and topics; (b) methodologies, with a focus on transdisciplinarity (linking to the methods used in WP Experimentation); and (c) reseahes specific interests to draw up a social innovation research map. We will also make use of digital technologies as part of this mapping exercise to create simple and engaging visualisations. The latter will identify emerging research trends, interests and capacities, and identify gaps and priorities for future research. Results will inform WP Learning (T4.1 SI Learning Principles and Processes) in terms of the new knowledge, skills and competences needed to diffuse a new SI culture.

Progress reports - Part III

The Project Leader will be responsible for ensuring that all the progress reports required contractually are delivered on time and are of the expected quality. These will be delivered every six months.

Consortium meetings reports

We will produce the reports relating to the regular consortium meetings. These will be produced every 12 months.

3 Annual State of the Union reports - Part I

We will assess the impact of socially innovative approaches to achieve policy objectives, with a particular focus on the ten priorities of the Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change. Different ways in which EU policy and programmes have been used to foster social innovation will be considered (e.g. structural funds, financial instruments, the EuSEF label, the Social Innovation Europe Platform and initiatives put forward by the Social Business Initiative). Examples from different national, regional and local contexts will also be considered and evaluated from an EU perspective to produce a succinct report which considers the extent to which the approaches have (not) contributed to achieving policy objectives, and the structural conditions (or ecosystem) which have contributed to success or served as barriers. Clear recommendations will be made as to how policymakers can best use these instruments to maximum effect and how innovators can adapt and respond to different contexts and policy challenges. EU and Member State policy linkages with important global policymakers will also be examined.

Governance manual

A participatory and open governance system will be elaborated for the networks, groups of actors and individuals identified in WP Engagement and Dissemination. A manual will be created which will include representation mechanisms for networks and actors, formal and informal participation channels (developed in WP Engagement and Dissemination), rules for co-decision making and guidelines for implementing activities. This governance system will enable isolated actors and networks to become transformative agents of a SIC. There will be a strong link between this task and the network facilitation task (Task 1.1) in WP Engagement and Dissemination.

Quality assurance report - Part I

We will report on the progress made in ensuring the quality of the deliverables, 5 times along the duration of the project.

Annual State of the Union reports - Part II

Month 22 - report: We will assess the impact of socially innovative approaches to achieve policy objectives, with a particular focus on the ten priorities of the Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change. Different ways in which EU policy and programmes have been used to foster social innovation will be considered (e.g. structural funds, financial instruments, the EuSEF label, the Social Innovation Europe Platform and initiatives put forward by the Social Business Initiative). Examples from different national, regional and local contexts will also be considered and evaluated from an EU perspective to produce a succinct report which considers the extent to which the approaches have (not) contributed to achieving policy objectives, and the structural conditions (or ecosystem) which have contributed to success or served as barriers. Clear recommendations will be made as to how policymakers can best use these instruments to maximum effect and how innovators can adapt and respond to different contexts and policy challenges. EU and Member State policy linkages with important global policymakers will also be examined.

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report - Part II

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report.

Report on SIC Social Learning Workshops

The report will focus on the learnings from 3 short term training workshops, open to all SIC networks to: (a) satisfy SIC transversal learning needs as identified in T4.2 and (b) to boost and promote cross fertilisation, cocreation and knowledge transfer among networks, and (c) support learning across the SIC networks in order to promote and diffuse a new SI culture. Training workshops will be: face to face events which will exploit different formats (study tours, peer review visits, placements/job swaps, action learning and a range of other types of experiential learning; and online, in the form of open seminars devoted to specific network's needs and or SI topics. The task will be delivered in collaboration with network facilitators. These workshops will be held in Northern and Eastern Europe to ensure that activities undertaken as part of the project have a good geographic spread.

Final network map and sustainability plan

Together with Network Facilitators, we will co-create a Network Map of both the usual and the unusual suspects, showing inter alia, how network actors connect or not with each other, which will be used as a baseline against which to assess later network developments. This exercise will make use of digital technologies (e.g. social network mapping software) to create an engaging visual map of key networks and their relation to one another. This network map will be revised half way through and at the end of the project.

SIC Vision 2.0

The vision will be further elaborated by incorporating a broader audience (all interested in SI within Europe and beyond; SIC Vision 2.0). This is important in order to build a common identity for the SIC within a global context.

Consortium Meetings reports - Part II

We will produce the reports relating to the regular consortium meetings. These will be produced every 12 months.

Quality assurance report - Part IV

We will report on the progress made in ensuring the quality of the deliverables, 5 times along the duration of the project.

Report on SIC Learning Principles and Processes

The report will focus on what learning means for researchers, social innovators, citizens and policymakers in SI and how it is fostered in institutional/top down environments (universities, schools, public agencies and organisations) and in non-institutional/bottom-up contexts (intermediaries, facilitators, makers). By analysing how different types and leels of leaig elate to ho soial ioatio atos sole soial poles o halleges ad sale-up local solutions the task will offer insights on how learning works in several SI contexts: (a) in SI incubators and accelerators across Europe; (b) in SI cases; and (c) in the SI ecosystem. These efforts will be connected with on-going EU FP7-funded research projects (SI DRIVE, TRANSIT, BENISI, TRANSITION, SIMPACT and CRESSI). Together with WP Strategy Development and Impact Measurement, and WP Research, this task will assess what works and what does not in terms of learning principles, processes and contents. Results will be directly used for setting up T4.3 (Summer School), and T4.4 (Social Learning Workshops).

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report

Annual brief with Commission Officers and MEPs on the State of the Union report.

Sustainability strategy

A sustainability strategy will be designed and implemented that helps to self-sustain the SIC in Europe and beyond. The implementation comprises open reflection cycles and annual workshops (in conjunction with other SIC events) examining both what works and what doesn't work in SI (developed in cooperation with WP Learning). Thus learning from failure can be made possible in constructive environments. The reflection will also include the SIC business model in order to find ways to achieve sustainability beyond the life of the project.

Transformative Research Brief

Five sessions with at least five different SI networks will be held to examine the role and relevancy of research in the respective network context. These sessions will serve as places for network participants and researchers to meet and a) discuss the potential of approaches and instruments of (transformative) research for networks in meeting societal challenges; b) discuss expectations and concrete suggestions for how research and practice can interact to increase societal impact and lead to better SI practice and relevant research; c) potentially assist with specific network needs such as identifying and sharing relevant research, developing a research agenda or linking with relevant researchers. Results of these sessions will be shared with policymakers, researchers and practitioners in a Transformative Research Brief.

SIC Research Community Roadmap

We will develop a roadmap to reflect the progress made in the SI research community, the potential of research for the SI community as a whole, and outline further steps necessary to further improve the impact of research on SI practice, as well as suggest priority areas for future social innovation research. It will specifically draw on the results of T2.3 and T2.4.

Delivery of 3 day collaboration events

Each centre will hold a 3 day event, bringing together local actors from public, private and social sectors to co-create social innovation solutions to the defined challenges from T3.3. They will be joined by social innovators from across Europe who can showcase examples of how they have addressed a similar challenge. These examples may serve as inspiration for new innovations or trigger an exploration of their potential for scaling or replicating into the local context. This will create opportunities for Member States to inspire one another, translate ideas between contexts, and foster transnational learning. The events will follow a process of open innovation and aim to engage actors who do not currently self-identify as part of the field. The resulting models of social innovation are likely to include strategic partnerships, social ventures and social movements or campaigns. In this way, we aim to test the effect of transnational collaboration and sharing of key lessons between innovators in different states.

Declaration on framework conditions for SI

The SIC governance system and findings from the State of the Union report, prepared in WP Policy, will form the foundation for developing a SIC strategic framework. Activities include the development of agreed framework conditions for SI that will take stock of current systems at the micro-, meso- and macro- level as well as interaction between systems) and set out how existing SI infrastructures can be strengthened and amended to contribute to building up a European infrastructure in support of an inclusive, innovative and reflective society.

5 Hot topic workshops - Part II

Five workshops on emerging research topics will be organized. Both the SIC Research Landscape (T2.1) and Transformative Research Sessions (T2.2) activities will inform the selection of topics. Hot Topic Workshops will connect with relevant SIC networks. In order to guarantee high expertise and a diversity of perspectives on the different topics, non-European SI researchers, policymakers and practitioners will be actively involved. Results of the tasks 2.2 and 2.3 will be exploited to inform contents of WP Learning (T4.3 Summer School) and vice versa.

5 hot topic workshops - Part I

Five workshops on emerging research topics will be organized. Both the SIC Research Landscape (T2.1) and Transformative Research Sessions (T2.2) activities will inform the selection of topics. Hot Topic Workshops will connect with relevant SIC networks. In order to guarantee high expertise and a diversity of perspectives on the different topics, non-European SI researchers, policymakers and practitioners will be actively involved. Results of the tasks 2.2 and 2.3 will be exploited to inform contents of WP Learning (T4.3 Summer School) and vice versa.

Delivery of 3 month innovation development processes

The chosen solutions will be supported through an intensive, three month innovation development process. This phase will be based upon existing accelerator methodologies refined through T3.1. Each host centre will be expected to adopt the methodology (licensed at no cost) so common methods are used. Centres will be trained in the methods before delivering independently with support from the WP

Recruitment of 5 local centres

We will then identify five local geographic hosts centres though a call for innovation centre partners with a focus n Portugal, Italy, Norway, Croatia and Estonia. These countries are under-represented in the European social innovation ecosystem and hence offer strong ground for experimentation. We will work closely with WP Engagement and Dissemination to share the opportunity with a diverse range of potential centres.

SIC Learning Materials Repository integrated in SIC Online Platform and fully developed

The task has two aims: first, to take stock and catalogue case studies, toolkits, digital resources, articles and books, and other resources on SI developed in previous projects in an open-access repository; second, to continuously collect new contributions from associate partners, networks and stakeholders. The first objective will entail a process of selection of SI learning materials on the basis of the following criteria: quality (in terms of clarity, effectiveness and novelty); availability (open access); languages (accessibility by different audience); audience (policymakers, activists, intermediaries, entrepreneurs, trainers). The second objective will comprise the design of three interactive learning paths: Experimentation, Policy, and Research. Learning paths are the dynamic components of the SIC learning repository. Learning paths will be designed in response to networks learning needs (T4.2) and combine materials and results from WPs Experimentation, Policy, and Research. Learning paths will support cross-sectorial learning and policy uptake and sharing knowledge between policy, practice and research. The repository will be integrated into the SIC digital platform.

Enlargement strategy

An enlargement strategy will be designed and implemented jointly by all partners and link to activities in other WPs/networks. The strategy aims at an ongoing identification of up-coming topics and trends (based on social needs) and thus strongly links with WP Research. The strategy defines the enlargement of SIC with regard to these new topics/trends and actors/networks.

Completion of policy master classes

We will work with Network Facilitators to set up ten Master Classes, designed to accelerate the policy impact of each network. These will draw on the learning principles established in WP Learning (Task 4.1) and will be tailored to each network's needs.

Results of landscape mapping

Starting with reports from EU-funded social innovation projects, we will identify policy recommendations that different actors have made, tracking policy trends and change over time, and showing where current priorities lie, at a cross-cutting level and within the thematic areas of the SIC Networks. We will synthesise and disseminate findings using a range of media such as graphics, vox pops and video interviews.

Assignment of second SI Assembly

We will establish a self-sustaining body, the SI Assembly building on the Policy Forum established in WP Policy that can continue to engage with policy makers on issues relating to SI beyond the end of the project.

Regular newsletters (sharing news of entire project) - Part I

External communications: We will ensure the project activities and results are disseminated beyond the immediate SIC community and people connected to the project. To do this, the project will devise innovative ways of disseminating project results, making use of social media channels (such as LinkedIn and Twitter groups, Pinterest, and Google hangouts) and multi-media content (such as infographics, videos, podcasts) as well as more traditional methods such as newsletters, publications and events (both online and offline). Newsletters sharing key information about the project including summaries of key reports and digital content will be published quarterly and translated into 4 languages (German, Spanish, Polish and French).

Launch event

We will organise a broad range of events during the term of the project. Events are a key part of network development as they enable partners to interact personally which enhances the online interactions that subsequently take place. Additionally, events are an opportunity to engage new parties. Some events will be standalone events, others will be collaborations between WPs, and others will connect to events organised outside of the SIC project. Events will be spread evenly across all parts of Europe, in particular in regions where SIC is not well represented in order to help bring new people into the network. We will work across all WPs and networks to coordinate all events and activities organised within WPs. We will also connect existing events, either hosting them alongside or in collaboration, similar to the SI Live 2014 model in Lisbon, which brought together four EU funded projects, TRANSITION, BENISI, TEPSIE and SI-DRIVE. We will also ensure SIC has workshops as part of other existing events, and use the opportunity to create Social Innovation road-shows. We will also coordinate at least 2 events where all of the networks that are part of the SIC project come together. This will include the following: Launch festival – this 2.5 day event will be a celebration of social innovation across Europe, and of the EUfunded social innovation projects which have already ended. It will also help set the agenda for the project and begin to establish connections and collaboration between WPs. It will also communicate the key activities of the project to people not (yet) involved in the project. Final event/launch of future event – to keep momentum towards the end of the project and plan for how the community will continue in a sustainable way (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This event will not be framed as a final event, rather it will be a future looking event, kicking off the project which succeeds SIC.

Kick‐off Meeting, and implementation of the various governance groups

Calling the participants to the kick off meeting, and setting up the various governance groups that are described in the proposal.

Assignment of first SI Assembly

We will establish a self-sustaining body, the SI Assembly building on the Policy Forum established in WP Policy that can continue to engage with policy makers on issues relating to SI beyond the end of the project.

Report on the results of the SIC Summer Schools

Three SIC Summer Schools will be organised where researchers, social innovators, citizens and policymakers from different networks will meet, co-produce and share knowledge by reflecting on current hot topics in SI. The Summer School will have three editions (M 12, 24, 34), will exploit the SIC networks and will take place in Bologna, Vienna, and San Sebastian. Programmes will be developed based on T4.2 Learning Needs as well as in collaboration with WP Research's T.2 Transformative science sessions and 2.3 Hot Topics Workshops and WP Experimentation's dissemination activities (Task 3.5). The SIC Summer School will be multidisciplinary, based on a high level of participant engagement and open to different audiences. Synergies with ESSI (The European School of Social Innovation) will be exploited.

Regional Event series/Roadshows - Part I

We will organise a broad range of events during the term of the project. Events are a key part of network development as they enable partners to interact personally which enhances the online interactions that subsequently take place. Additionally, events are an opportunity to engage new parties. Some events will be standalone events, others will be collaborations between WPs, and others will connect to events organised outside of the SIC project. Events will be spread evenly across all parts of Europe, in particular in regions where SIC is not well represented in order to help bring new people into the network. We will work across all WPs and networks to coordinate all events and activities organised within WPs. We will also connect existing events, either hosting them alongside or in collaboration, similar to the SI Live 2014 model in Lisbon, which brought together four EU funded projects, TRANSITION, BENISI, TEPSIE and SI-DRIVE. We will also ensure SIC has workshops as part of other existing events, and use the opportunity to create Social Innovation road-shows. We will also coordinate at least 2 events where all of the networks that are part of the SIC project come together. This will include the following: Launch festival – this 2.5 day event will be a celebration of social innovation across Europe, and of the EU-funded social innovation projects which have already ended. It will also help set the agenda for the project and begin to establish connections and collaboration between WPs. It will also communicate the key activities of the project to people not (yet) involved in the project. Final event/launch of future event – to keep momentum towards the end of the project and plan for how the community will continue in a sustainable way (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This event will not be framed as a final event, rather it will be a future looking event, kicking off the project which succeeds SIC.

Final event

We will organise a broad range of events during the term of the project. Events are a key part of network development as they enable partners to interact personally which enhances the online interactions that subsequently take place. Additionally, events are an opportunity to engage new parties. Some events will be standalone events, others will be collaborations between WPs, and others will connect to events organised outside of the SIC project. Events will be spread evenly across all parts of Europe, in particular in regions where SIC is not well represented in order to help bring new people into the network. We will work across all WPs and networks to coordinate all events and activities organised within WPs. We will also connect existing events, either hosting them alongside or in collaboration, similar to the SI Live 2014 model in Lisbon, which brought together four EU funded projects, TRANSITION, BENISI, TEPSIE and SI-DRIVE. We will also ensure SIC has workshops as part of other existing events, and use the opportunity to create Social Innovation road-shows. We will also coordinate at least 2 events where all of the networks that are part of the SIC project come together. This will include the following: - Launch festival – this 2.5 day event will be a celebration of social innovation across Europe, and of the EUfunded social innovation projects which have already ended. It will also help set the agenda for the project and begin to establish connections and collaboration between WPs. It will also communicate the key activities of the project to people not (yet) involved in the project. - Final event/launch of future event – to keep momentum towards the end of the project and plan for how the community will continue in a sustainable way (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This event will not be framed as a final event, rather it will be a future looking event, kicking off the project which succeeds SIC.

Delivery of 1 day events in each host centre to define local challenges

Host centres will hold a 1-day event to define specific local challenges within key, cross-cutting challenges affecting the EU (e.g. health, unemployment). SIC Network representatives will be recruited via WP Engagement and Dissemination to participate. Other extant SI communities from TEPSIE/SI-Drive/TRANSIT etc. will also be accessed to identify additional partners.

Visual identity

We will also create a visual identity for the Project (comprising a logo, fonts and colours). Using this visual identity will ensure consistency in SIC communication and dissemination. Templates for different types of documents (e.g. MS Word, PPT) will be prepared and made accessible to all those involved in SIC. Templates are important to give a uniform image of the project and to establish a visual language that will indicate that the information presented derives from the SIC project.

Generation and dissemination of policy ideas in [6-10] thematic areas

In collaboration with SIC Networks and other WPs, we will identify up to eight thematic and/or geographic areas where SI policy ideas are underdeveloped and organise participatory activities that aim to fill these gaps, using idea generation workshops supported by online/social media campaigns (in collaboration with WP Engagement and Dissemination). These will be aimed at a broad range of actors. For each theme, we will produce a clear set of policy priorities and policy ideas, presented in an engaging format and disseminated widely.

Editorial calendar

Internal communications: We will develop and implement multiple systems and processes for ensuring a smooth and open flow of information across and beyond the project. These tools will include: A 6-month to 1 year editorial calendar, which lists all key activities (events, reports, etc.) within the projects, and map this onto key events and activities happening outside of the project in the social innovation field in Europe. This will help the overall coordination of the projet, and will make sure the projets' work is visible to relevant external agendas and receives the maximum publicity and visibility, where necessary.

Regular newsletters (sharing news of entire project) - part II

External communications: We will ensure the project activities and results are disseminated beyond the immediate SIC community and people connected to the project. To do this, the project will devise innovative ways of disseminating project results, making use of social media channels (such as LinkedIn and Twitter groups, Pinterest, and Google hangouts) and multi-media content (such as infographics, videos, podcasts) as well as more traditional methods such as newsletters, publications and events (both online and offline). Newsletters sharing key information about the project including summaries of key reports and digital content will be published quarterly and translated into 4 languages (German, Spanish, Polish and French).

Regional Event series/Roadshows - Part II

We will organise a broad range of events during the term of the project. Events are a key part of network development as they enable partners to interact personally which enhances the online interactions that subsequently take place. Additionally, events are an opportunity to engage new parties. Some events will be standalone events, others will be collaborations between WPs, and others will connect to events organised outside of the SIC project. Events will be spread evenly across all parts of Europe, in particular in regions where SIC is not well represented in order to help bring new people into the network. We will work across all WPs and networks to coordinate all events and activities organised within WPs. We will also connect existing events, either hosting them alongside or in collaboration, similar to the SI Live 2014 model in Lisbon, which brought together four EU funded projects, TRANSITION, BENISI, TEPSIE and SI-DRIVE. We will also ensure SIC has workshops as part of other existing events, and use the opportunity to create Social Innovation road-shows. We will also coordinate at least 2 events where all of the networks that are part of the SIC project come together. This will include the following: Launch festival – this 2.5 day event will be a celebration of social innovation across Europe, and of the EU-funded social innovation projects which have already ended. It will also help set the agenda for the project and begin to establish connections and collaboration between WPs. It will also communicate the key activities of the project to people not (yet) involved in the project. Final event/launch of future event – to keep momentum towards the end of the project and plan for how the community will continue in a sustainable way (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This event will not be framed as a final event, rather it will be a future looking event, kicking off the project which succeeds SIC.

Relevant resources including new and revised innovation development and incubation tools added to Learning Materials Repository

Each year, at the SIC Summer School (WP Learning T4.3) we will bring together the successful (and unsuccessful) outputs of the process across all local host centres. We aim to enable knowledge sharing on the common themes, ideally leading to additional improvements and transnational collaboration on the development of interventions. Additionally, the training modules used in T3.4 will be refined based on feedback from the local centres. These will feed into the Learning Materials Repository (WP Learning T4.5).

Communication material

Internal communications: We will develop and implement multiple systems and processes for ensuring a smooth and open flow of information across and beyond the project. These tools will include: An easy to use internal system whereby up to date information on project activities is presented. All parties in the project have the ability to access it at any time. A template for WPs to report on their activities, so that results are available in an easily digestible format that can be used across different communication tools.

Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan will detail: what types of data the project will generate and collect; What standards will be used; how the data will be exploited and/or shared/made accessible for verification and re- use; how this data will be curated and preserved.

Digital platform

We will develop a digital platform, which takes advantage of the latest digital technologies, to help widely disseminate achievements. This will be mobile friendly, easy to use, and offer clear ways for people to participate and connect to other existing networks. The digital platform will be key to facilitating communication between partners, and to the wider world. The digital platform will store the Learning Materials Repository to be developed by WP Learning and will host resources from all the project WPs. It will also include the Policy Forum (WP Policy) and Research Forum (WP Research). A sustainable platform is also at the core of our sustainability strategy (see WP Strategy and Impact Measurement). This platform will build on the structure of the Social Innovation Europe website and take into consideration the Digital Social Innovation map and


'Annual State of the Union report - Part III: How can ESF+ be optimised for social innovation?'

Auteurs: Sophie Reynolds; Madeleine Gabriel; Laura Whittall; Ningqian Yang; Francesca Rizzo
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2539453

Social innovation policy in Europe: where next?

Auteurs: Reynolds, Sophie; Gabriel, Madeleine; Heales, Charlotte
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.499852

Specialists in building bridges. The SIC Research Community Roadmap. D2.4 of the SIC project

Auteurs: Holtgrewe, Ursula; Lindorfer, Martina; Schwarz-Wölzl, Maria
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563662

D5.6: Annual State of the Union Report – Part 2 How is EU employment policy driving social innovation?

Auteurs: Ahmed, Nabeela; Reynolds, Sophie; Stanley, Isaac; Gulyurtlu, Sandra; Gabriel, Madeleine
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1137699

Exploring the Research Landscape of Social Innovation – A deliverable of the project Social Innovation Community (SIC)

Auteurs: De Laurentiis, Irene; Deserti, Alessandro; Domanski, Dmitri (Ed.); Graetz, Christopher; Heales, Charlotte; Holtgrewe, Ursula; Kaletka, Christoph (Ed.); Kitcher, Hanna; Klaer, Erdmuthe; Kroop, Sylvana; Kuschmierz, Luise; Luna García, Álvaro; Martignetti, Luigi; Proka, Antonia; Rizzo, Francesca; Schwarz-Wölzl, Maria; Wittmayer, Julia
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.825169

SIC Learning Materials Repository integrated in SIC Online Platform and fully developed

Auteurs: Francesca Rizzo; Alessandro Deserti
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: SIC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2574418

Social Innovation Community: Results of Landscape Mapping - Public Policy and Social Innovation

Auteurs: Sophie Reynolds (NESTA) Madeleine Gabriel (NESTA)
Publié dans: 2016
Éditeur: NESTA - SIC consortium
DOI: 10.5281/Zenodo.178697

Introducting Design Thinking in Social Innovation and in Public Sector: A design-based learning framework

Auteurs: Rizzo, F.; Deserti, A.; Cobanli, O.
Publié dans: European Public & Social Innovation Review (EPSIR), Vol 2 (1), Numéro 2, 2017, Page(s) p.p. 127-143, ISSN 2529-9824
Éditeur: Sinnergiak Social Innovation

From Social Design to Design for Social Innovation

Auteurs: Deserti, A.; Rizzo, F.; Cobanli, O.
Publié dans: Atlas of Social Innovation. New practices for a better future, Numéro 1, 2018, Page(s) 66 - 69, ISBN 978-3-921823-96-5
Éditeur: TU Dortmund University

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