Periodic Reporting for period 4 - LYSOSOMICS (Functional Genomics of the Lysosome)
Reporting period: 2021-04-01 to 2022-03-31
One of the first goal achieved by LYSOSOMICS has been the identification of a novel signaling pathway, which we named “non-canonical mTORC1 signaling”, by which lysosomes can elicit selective responses to diverse metabolic signals regulating TFEB activity.
We revealed that this newly discovered pathway plays a crucial role in Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome, a rare inherited cancer syndrome characterized by the formation of kidney cysts and cancer progression. We found that dysfunction of non-canonical mTORC1 signaling in BHD leads to the development of these phenotypes. Notably, by correcting this pathway in BHD mouse models, we were able to rescue the kidney phenotype that characterizes the disease, thus opening the way to the development of new ways of intervention for the treatment of this devastating disease. The above-mentioned results were recently published in Nature (Napolitano et al. Nature 2020). In addition, our results allowed other investigators to demonstrate that dysfunction of the non-canonical mTORC1 pathway identified by our lab also plays a major pathogenic role in the inherited disorder Tuberous sclerosis (Alesi et al. Nat Commun, 2021) and other diseases (Napolitano et al. Trends Cell Biol, 2022). Our main goal is now to pharmacologically target this pathway for therapeutic intervention. Another important achievement reached by LYSOSOMICS has been the generation of genetically modified cell lines as a model to study Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs), another class of metabolic human diseases caused by lysosomal dysfunction, for which current therapeutic options are inefficient or not available. We generated a biobank of genetically engineered cellular models that recapitulate the pathological environment of LSDs, characterized by lysosomal and cellular dysfunction. We have used these cells for an in-depth analysis of the cellular abnormalities observed in LSDs. In addition, these cellular tools have been made available to the scientific community and have been already distributed to several scientists working on LSDs, who used this tool for the characterization of lysosomal gene function and as a platform for the implementation of new therapeutic approaches (Soldati et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2021; De Risi et al Nat Commun. 2021).
We revealed that dysfunction of this mechanism is the main driver of the phenotypes observed in Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome (Napolitano et al. Nature 2020), opening a new prospective for the therapeutic treatment of such disease. In addition, the identification of non-canonical mTORC1 signaling has paved the way to novel important discoveries on how cell metabolism is modulated in both normal and pathological conditions. Finally, LYSOSOMICS allowed the generation of a biobank of LSD cellular models, which have already used by us and other scientists as a unique tool for the study of LSD cellular abnormalities and for the implementation of new therapeutic approaches. We expected to accomplish the final analysis of different LSDs models, in particular the Batten disease (CLN3 KO) and Vici Syndrome (EPG5 KO) models, to clarify the specific function of these two genes and their role in the pathological events that underline these two diseases.