Periodic Reporting for period 4 - MICROLIPIDS (Microbial lipids: The three domain ‘lipid divide’ revisited)
Reporting period: 2021-04-01 to 2021-09-30
A wide range of microbial cultures were analyzed as part of WP1. Through this work many novel lipids have been identified, deepening and broadening our knowledge of the wide diversity of bacterial and archaeal membrane lipids. A wide range of environmental samples were analyzed for the lipid composition as part of WP2. These data sets allowed us to develop a new methodology for environmental lipidomic data workflow using an information theory framework combined with molecular networking based on the similarity of the mass spectra of lipids, enabling the capture of lipidomic diversity and specificity in the environment. As part of WP 3, a range of studies focused on the biosynthetic genes involved in microbial lipid synthesis. These include the biosynthesis of iso-diabolic acid, a major membrane-spanning lipid, and hopanoids in Acidobacteria. We also demonstrated that bacteria of the Fibrobacteres–Chlorobi–Bacteroidetes superphylum encode a putative archaeal pathway for ether-bound isoprenoid membrane lipids in addition to the bacterial fatty acid membrane pathway.
Alejandro Abdala Asbun (technician WP2 and WP3) was hired as a bioinformatics research assistant to provide support in bioinformatic approaches. He has contributed to the establishment of bioinformatic pipelines for the analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, metagenomic analyses and RNAseq analyses, all of them used by the postdocs and PhD students hired in the MICROLIPIDS project. Alexander Westbye (postdoc WP 3; 2017 - 2018). He studied the activity of two ether-lipid biosynthesis genes homologous to those found in the archaeal lipid biosynthetic pathway encoded in a Cloacimonetes bacterium detected in the Black Sea water column. These results supported the synthesis of ‘archaeal/bacterial’ mixed membranes in bacterial groups of the FCB superphylum, missing link in the evolution of lipid membrane acquisition in all domains of life.
The work of Diana Sahonero-Canavesi (postdoc WP3) has focused on the study the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima. She showed the major physiological and metabolic adaptations to its growth phase and temperature including changes on known lipid pathways. This work has expanded the knowledge on the cellular adaptation to extreme conditions and shed light on the role and plasticity of Thermatoga's membrane-spanning lipids. She also studied the model microorganism Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, which synthesizes iso-diabolic acid-based membrane spanning lipids. The results of these studies are key to understand how membrane-spanning lipids are synthesized and by which bacteria.
Ruth Perez Gallego (PhD student WP3) has been working on the identification of genes responsible for the biosynthesis of long chain alkenones and heterocyte glycolipids. Using genomic and transcriptomic techniques on Emiliania huxleyi cultures to determine the genes involved in the synthesis of long chain alkenones, a set of compounds widely used in biogeochemistry to reconstruct past climate environmental factors. Determining the genes involved in this pathway has important consequences in order to understand the biological mechanisms behind the production of these compounds, especially in environments where the proxy is known to be inaccurate, such as in lakes.
Bastiaan von Meijenfeldt (postdoc WP3) performed genomic analysis related to the determination of lipid biosynthetic pathways and assist other members of the group on bioinformatic approaches. Lora Strack van Schijndel (technician WP3) supported the members of the group on molecular and cultivation methods.
The detection of candidate enzymes involved in the synthesis of specific steps of key membrane lipids to understand the evolution of microbial lipid membranes. This information will aid in the identification of specific lipid biomarker producers in the tree of life, with implications for a better application of these molecules for paleoclimate interpretations, and also to determine the physiological advantage of harboring these lipids.