Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DR-BOB (Demand Response in Block of Buildings)
Période du rapport: 2017-09-01 au 2019-08-31
- Integrate existing technologies to form the DR-BOB Demand Response Energy Management solution for blocks-of-buildings with a potential ROI of 5 years or less.
- Demonstrate the DR-BOB integrated solution at 4 sites operating under different energy market and climatic conditions in the UK, France, Italy and Romania with blocks-of-buildings covering a total of 274,665 m2, a total of 47,600 occupants over a period of at least 12 months.
- Realise up to 11% saving in energy demand, up to 35% saving in electricity demand and a 30% reduction in the difference between peak power demand and minimum night time demand for building owners and facilities managers at the demonstration.
- Provide and validate a method of assessing at least 3 levels of technology readiness (1-no capability, 2-some capability, 3-full capability) related to the technologies required for consumers’ facilities managers, buildings and the local energy infrastructure to participate in the Demand Response Energy Management solution at any given site.
- Identify revenue sources with at least a 5% profit margin to underpin business models for each of the different types of stakeholders required to bring demand response in the blocks-of-buildings to market in different local and national contexts.
- Engage with at least 2,000 companies involved in the supply chain for demand response in blocks of buildings across the EU to disseminate the projects goals and findings.
Potential impacts of the project are:
- Demand response implemented at the level of blocks of buildings without unreasonable effort and complexity.
The solution was demonstrated at 4 pilot sites: Teesside University campus in Middlesbrough (UK), Fondazione Poliambulanza hospital complex in Brescia (Italy), Montaury business/technology park in Anglet (France) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca buildings in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). In total, the implementation included 17 assets/buildings. Implementation activities also included installation of additional monitoring equipment to improve the DR technology readiness level of each building. Calculated payback time amounted to 2-5 years of operation.
- Added value of installing demand response facilities for building blocks and on the willingness of consumers to participate in demand response.
To demonstrate the added value of blocks of buildings, the scenarios defined as part of the project included several DR programs involving assets belonging to more buildings within the same block. Five generic scenarios were defined and tailored to specific technical and market conditions for different pilot sites. Each pilot site included at least three scenarios in which building occupants were engaged in DR activities. Over 20,000 occupants participated in realisation of DR scenarios. The implementation and running of the scenarios was followed by a qualitative assessment indicating the willingness of consumers to participate in DR on a regular basis.
- Measured energy and cost savings.
Energy and cost savings resulting from the DR-BOB solution were measured in each pilot site, amounting up to 23% reduction in electricity and energy demand and up to 37.5% reduction in the difference between peak and minimum night time demand.
- Willingness and capability of consumers to participate in demand response solutions.
DR-BOB introduced and demonstrated application of 4 levels of technology readiness for consumers’ buildings and local energy infrastructure to participate in demand response.
- Environmental and social impacts.
DR-BOB is contributes to EU targets of 40% emission reduction and 27% share of renewable energy sources by 2030. During this time DR-BOB solution could capture up to 600MW DR market, and create up to 1.2 million jobs. Such estimates are based on documented EU DR potential for commercial buildings estimated at 38 GW till 2030 (COWI, 2016).