Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PUMPED (Poor Man's Differential GNSS for Drones)
Reporting period: 2015-10-01 to 2016-03-31
Concerning the present feasibility study, objective is twofold: to assess the concept feasibility and viability both from a technical and an economical point of view. Therefore, the project activities will be devoted, on one hand, to carry out a technical feasibility study, and on the other hand to evaluate the consistency of the envisaged business model for the commercial exploitation of the concept with the elaboration of a Business Plan.
Economical viability: This sub-task consists of the development of a business plan for the commercialization of the PUMPED idea. The business plan will include:
• Market study (Segmentation of the market and target market identification)
• Market needs definition based on the contacts with few UAV operating companies,
• Definition of the business model that best suits the market introduction of PUMPED idea (including product description and pricing/commercial policy)
• Financial Plan
• Marketing Plan
o Calendar: T0 + 6 months
Technical feasibility: This sub-task will consist of the development of a technical proof-of-concept for PUMPED in order to verify the technical feasibility of the solution. In addition, a preliminary performance study will be carried out with the proof-of-concept in order to assess the potential improvement in positioning accuracy of a PUMPED product. The work of the proof-of-concept development will be organized in three sequential steps: design, development and validation. This task includes too the writing of a technical note reporting about PUMPED technical feasibility.
o Calendar: T0 + 6 months
Results achieved so far suggest the idea is feasible both at technical and economical levels. The outcome of the project is a technical note with the description of the technical validation of the PUMPED concept core technology as well as Business Plan document to be the road-map to transform PUMPED idea into a profitable business.