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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2017-10-01 to 2018-03-31

1. Assess the current developments in the ATC/ATM including aircraft ADS-B avionics, relating to surveillance for airspace separation requirements and issues.
Fulfilling Objective 1 has been the primary objective of work package 1. As described in detail in below this work package has been completed by submitting the Work Package deliverables . Representing the ANSP view beneficiary NAV Portugal has described the current practice of air traffic control in general and also with a specific emphasis on the Santa Maria FIR. By analysing the needs of the air traffic controller user requirements for the air traffic surveillance “market” to reduce separation minima have been identified. This has been supplemented by a survey of the present state of the art of space-based ADS-B in research institutions and industry together with a discussions of what performance can be achieved on what timescale and the regulatory framework to implement this technology in an operational setting. With the completion of work package 1 objective 1 has been met in the framework of the SALSA project providing the basis for the work package 2 and 3 to embark on derivation of suitable system concepts catering to the needs of the user and assessing their ensuing benefits on air traffic and reduction of separation minima in particular in oceanic and airspaces as well as their impacts on prevailing processes and flight safety standards.
1. Work Package 1

The main objective of WP1 was to provide an assessment of current state of the art in ATC/ATM with particular focus on separation minima in non-radar airspace (NRA) as well as in space-based ADS-B out of which a summary of high-level requirements as the starting point and driver for the rest of the work packages of the SALSA project. For this purpose the beneficiaries involved have scrutinized the available publications and regulatory documents as well as analyzed current procedures in air traffic control centers.

WP1 was divided into three tasks:
• Task T1.1 focused on the ATC/ATM perspectives, the developments/issues relating to the separation minima in the non-radar airspace (NRA). It addressed related issues, constraints and on-going developments irrespective of the technologies.
• Task T1.2 focused on the current development of the space-based ADS-B (SB ADS_B). It assessed the industry development (e.g. Iridium) and in particular European development (e.g. PROBA V), highlighting the issues, benefits and aspirations of the industry.
• Task T1.3 focused on a high-level summary of User Requirements for multi-source ADS-B. T1.3 reflected the assessments made in T1.1 and T1.2 and provided a perspective of requirements from the end-users (such as ANSP).

With the submission of these documents and their final acceptance by SESAR JU work package 1 has been successfully concluded.

2. Work package 2

The objective of WP2 (Multi-Source ADS-B System Modelling) was to build on the WP1 results and to deliver a high-level reference architecture for a multi-source ADS-B System, and a simulation/models to study and validate the system to achieve new separation standards for potential use, with proven benefits.
WP2 was divided into five tasks:
• T2.1 is for developing an outline concept of architecture for Multi-source ADS-B Surveillance.
• T2.2 is independent analytical work, and provides models for generating and validating revised separation minima and airspace capacity.
• T2.3 is driven by T2.1 and T2.2 to ascertain the performance requirements for the SB ADS-B.
• T2.4 provides a Multi-source ADS-B data chain model, taking into consideration the data requirements for both spacebased and non-space based ADS-B.
• T2.5 is the consolidated summary of Multi-source ADS-B System/Performance study, reflecting the end-to-end performance requirements in alignment with the findings of T2.2 T2.3 and simulation of other sources of ADS-B data (vessel-based, air-based).

Work package 2 has been successfully concluded.

3. Work package 3
The main objective of WP 3 was to discuss preliminary design alternatives for a Space-based ADS-B system and assess the impacts of the introduction of new separation standards in the context of Multi-source ADS-B.
It comprises of two streams of work:
One stream relates to the impact assessment due to the introduction of new separation standards in the context of Multisource
- T3.3 focuses on the procedural impact assessment for the revised separation standards.
- T3.4 is for the assessment of the impact of system performance on flight-safety.

The other stream relates to the preliminary design of SB ADS-B and high-level assessment to support the
recommendations for way-forward actions for the Multi-source ADS-B
- T3.1 focuses on space segment design and analysis
- T3.2 focuses on the ground segment
The activities in tasks T3.1 and T3.2 were able to support WP4 in drawing up the project conclusions and recommendations in a timely manner.

Work package 3 has been successfully concluded.

4. Work Package 4
The expected impacts as initially indentified (Section 2.1 of the DoA) continue to remain valid as the study-in-progress confirms.
Additionally, two observations have been reinforced as the result of the study and feedback from the industry (e.g. EUROCONTROL, ANSP)
1. Enhanced Air-Ground communication capabilities for ATC across all phases of flight is critical in order to leverage on the enhanced global surveillance and the revision to the Separation Minima standards for the maximum impact for the future ATM operations. For example, the application of enhanced surveillance capabilities and revisions to SM standards in supporting 4D-trajectory management, flight route optimization and dynamic route changes etc., require an auguring data link capabilities and performance.
2. Application of global surveillance and SM revision in the ATM/operations will lead to chnages in the concept of operations and/or procedural revisions for the ground and air operators. Therefore undertanding the operational impacts and addressing the gaps through appropriate and timely ‘Training’ are to be planned.