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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Methodology and questionnaire for the quantitative survey

The documentation of the online survey will provide information on the methodology, the development of the questionnaire, the quality insurance and the programming of the survey. It will also include the “informed consent” statement.

Documentation of the scientific contributions (execution report)

The deliverable will provide a documentation of the contributions to the scientific discourse by the members of the consortium. It will highlight their publications and conference presentations as well as their attendance of workshops and symposia at the intersection of research and practice.

Literature exploration and open access bibliography

The collection will include a broad and interdisciplinary approach to the literature on OC and TN. It will be clustered and categorized along the main dimensions of the proposed model in order to make it usable for the model development. The exploration of the literature will furthermore be documented in an open access bibliography as a service for other researchers.

Empirical Research Report

The Research Report will contain a comprehensive multi-variate analysis of the data and it will present the outcomes of the quantitative survey. In addition to the text, state-of-the-art visualizations and graphs will support the argumentation of the report. Furthermore, the outcomes of the qualitative research will be reviewed, analysed and integrated into the Empirical Research Report.

Symposium report

This deliverable will consist of a documentation of the TAKEDOWN symposium, where representatives from key stakeholder groups will be invited. The deliverable will include the presentations and the key outcomes of the discussions.

European Baseline report on current OC/TN specifics and collection of sources

The European Baseline Report will sum up the exploration of the body of literature and will particularly illustrate the clustering of the knowledge along the main layers and perspectives of the proposed TAKEDOWN models. It will furthermore illustrate the analysis of existing OC and TN models, and how they might have an impact for TAKEDOWN regarding the modelling. Additionally, it will shed light on the European and international OC&TN landscape in terms of stakeholders, representatives, responses and solutions. The open collection of sources and literature, which is part of this deliverable, is conceptualized as a resource-pool for the research community and can be accessed, when the “Open Information Hub” is online.

Communication program execution report 3

According to the communication program, the factsheets, newsletter and information material will be distributed through various channels and the activities will be documented in execution reports deliverable.

Initial practitioners-toolkits and policy recommendations

A toolkit structure will set the frame for the development of the toolkits. Based on the structure, a set of toolkits will be developed for different target groups as well as practitioner groups and a variety of topics.

Communication program execution report 4

According to the communication program, the factsheets, newsletter and information material will be distributed through various channels and the activities will be documented in execution reports deliverable.

Communication program execution report 2

According to the communication program, the factsheets, newsletter and information material will be distributed through various channels and the activities will be documented in execution reports deliverable.

Communication program execution report 1

A communication program will be developed, which aims at creating awareness for the project. Factsheets, newsletter and information material will be produced and distributed through various channels during the whole project period. The activities, which will start at an early stage of the project, will be documented in execution reports.

Validated practitioners-toolkits and policy recommendations

The deliverable will consist of the final versions of the toolkits after the validation by practitioners in trainings and multi-stakeholder joint evaluations. The deliverable will also include the final versions of the policy recommendations – after they were validated by policy makers.

Project website and social media accounts

The project website will be up and running. Continuous updating is performed to ensure the timeliness of project-relevant data for interested stakeholders. The TAKEDOWN project have taken place on the full spectrum of social media channels and the third-party platform profiles have been setup and ready to use.

Data management plan

Setup a detailed data management plan.


Towards a Linked Information Architecture for Integrated Law Enforcement. LINKDEM@IJCAI 2017: 15-27

Auteurs: Wolfgang Mayer, Markus Stumptner, Pompeu Casanovas, Louis de Koker
Publié dans: Linked Democracy. IJCAI 2017, 2017, Page(s) 15-27

An Architecture for Establishing Legal Semantic Workflows in the Context of Integrated Law Enforcement.

Auteurs: Markus Stumptner, Wolfgang Mayer, Georg Grossmann, Jixue Liu, Wenhao Li, Pompeu Casanovas, Louis de Koker, Danuta Mendelson, David Watts, Bridget Bainbridge
Publié dans: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017
Éditeur: Cornell University Library

Legal Compliance by Design (LCbD) and through Design (LCtD): Preliminary Survey

Auteurs: Pompeu Casanovas, Jorge González-Conejero, Louis de Koker . TERECOM@JURIX 2017: 33-49
Publié dans: TERECOM. JURIX 2017, 2017, Page(s) 33-49
Éditeur: CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Semantic Workflows in Law Enforcement Investigations and Legal Requirements

Auteurs: Wolfgang Mayer, Pompeu Casanovas, Markus Stumptner, Louis de Koker, Danuta Mendelson
Publié dans: TERECOM. JURIX 2017, 2017, Page(s) 51-63
Éditeur: CEUR Workshop Proceedings


Publié dans: Safety and Security Engineering VII, 2017, Page(s) 429-441, ISBN 9781-784662110
Éditeur: WIT Press
DOI: 10.2495/SAFE170391

A multi-language approach towards the identification of suspicious users on social networks

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Max Muhlhauser
Publié dans: 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 2017, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-1585-0
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CCST.2017.8167794

Supporting the Identification and the Assessment of Suspicious Users on Twitter Social Media

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Gaurav Bhatia, Archit Jain, Max Muhlhauser
Publié dans: 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Numéro annual publication, 2018, Page(s) 1-10, ISBN 978-1-5386-7659-2
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/NCA.2018.8548321

A review of network vulnerabilities scanning tools - types, capabilities and functioning

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Wojciech Mazurczyk, Max Mühlhäuser
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES 2018, Numéro Annual publication, 2018, Page(s) 1-10, ISBN 9781-450364485
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3230833.3233287

Cybercrime and Organized Crime

Auteurs: Václav Jirovský, Andrej Pastorek, Max Mühlhäuser, Andrea Tundis
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES 2018, Numéro Annual publication, 2018, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 9781-450364485
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3230833.3233288

Limits in the data for detecting criminals on social media

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Leon Böck, Victoria Stanilescu, Max Mühlhäuser
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES '19, 2019, Page(s) 1-8, ISBN 9781-450371643
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3339252.3341483

Similarity analysis of criminals on social networks: an example on Twitter

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Archit Jain, Gaurav Bhatia, Max Mühlhäuser
Publié dans: The 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N), 2019
Éditeur: IEEE

Tracking Criminal Events through IoT devices and an Edge Computing approach

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Humayun Kaleem, Max Mühlhäuser
Publié dans: The 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N), 2019
Éditeur: IEEE

Propozycja zmian modelu szkolnictwa policyjnego w Polsce na bazie doświadczeń formacji mundurowych z wybranych państw członkowskich unii europejskiej. Zarys problematyki. Część II

Auteurs: Jacek Dworzecki, Andrzej Urbanek
Publié dans: Zeszyty naukowe WSFiP, Numéro no. 3/2017, 2017, ISSN 2084-1809
Éditeur: Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law
DOI: 10.19192/wsfip.sj3.2017.10

Propozycja zmian modelu szkolnictwa policyjnego w Polsce na bazie doświadczeń formacji mundurowych z wybranych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Zarys problematyki. Część I.

Auteurs: Jacek Dworzecki, Dominik Hryszkiewicz
Publié dans: Zeszyty naukowe WSFiP, Numéro no. 3/2017, 2017, ISSN 2084-1809
Éditeur: Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law
DOI: 10.19192/wsfip.sj3.2017.9

The Radicalization of Democracy: Conflict, Social Movements and Terrorism

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero
Publié dans: Critical Criminology, Numéro 25/4, 2017, Page(s) 593-607, ISSN 1205-8629
Éditeur: American Society of Criminology
DOI: 10.1007/s10612-017-9373-8

Hybrids: on the crime–terror nexus

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero
Publié dans: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Numéro Annual publication, 2017, Page(s) 1-12, ISSN 0192-4036
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2017.1411283

The impact of rewarding medium effort and the role of sample size

Auteurs: Ido Erev, Gail Gilboa Freedman, Yefim Roth
Publié dans: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2019, ISSN 0894-3257
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/bdm.2125

Political Violence: A Typology

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero
Publié dans: Kriminologijos studijos, Numéro 5, 2018, Page(s) 43-63, ISSN 2538-8754
Éditeur: Vilnius University Press
DOI: 10.15388/crimlithuan.2017.5.11732

Fiction, war and criminology

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero
Publié dans: Criminology & Criminal Justice, Numéro 18/5, 2017, Page(s) 604-616, ISSN 1748-8966
Éditeur: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1748895818781198

Front-line practitioners versus received theories of crime and terrorism

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero
Publié dans: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Numéro 57, 2019, Page(s) 59-69, ISSN 1756-0616
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2019.02.002

Specjalne użycie broni przez funkcjonariuszy Korpusu Policji Republiki Słowackiej

Auteurs: Jacek Dworzecki
Publié dans: Specjalne użycie broni. Stan obecny, zagrożenia, propozycje rozwiązań, 2017, Page(s) 43-78, ISBN 978-83-7462-582-1
Éditeur: Police Academy in Szczytno

Legal and organizational aspects of the fight against terror-ism by the Police in Poland. An outline of the issues

Auteurs: Jacek Dworzecki, Izabela Nowicka
Publié dans: Aktuálne otázky trestného práva v teórii a praxi: Zborník príspevkov z 5. roč. interdisciplinárnej celoštátnej ve-deckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou, (ed.) V. Marková, 2017, Page(s) 36-46, ISBN 978-80-8054-729-5
Éditeur: Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave

Jihadism, Foreign Fighters and Radicalization in the EU - Legal, Functional and Psychosocial Responses

Auteurs: Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, Humberto M. Trujillo Mendoza (Eds.)
Publié dans: 2018, ISBN 9780-429468506
Éditeur: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9780429468506

Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks

Auteurs: Vincenzo Ruggiero (Ed.)
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 9780-429786990
Éditeur: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9780429435102

On the importance of Semiotics in Organized Crime and Terrorism field

Auteurs: Andrea Tundis, Max Mühlhäuser
Publié dans: 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC 2017), 2017, Page(s) 1
Éditeur: European Society of Criminology

Prywatne firmy ochrony osób i mienia na terenie Republiki Słowackiej. Ujęcie organizacyjne i legislacyjne

Auteurs: Jacek Dworzecki
Publié dans: Globalne i lokalne perspektywy bezpieczeństwa państwa, 2018, Page(s) 555-568, ISBN 978-83-229-3636-8
Éditeur: Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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