Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ARCDIV (Up-scaling Arctic diversity analysis to link community organisation and ecosystem functioning)
Reporting period: 2016-06-01 to 2018-05-31
Milestones and deliverables were mostly achieved, but statistical modelling approaches have not been finalised yet due to a lack of data. To address this critical gap, I initiated a pan-Arctic information system on benthic biota (PANABIO). Currently it contains >10000 sampling locations, >2500 taxonomic units, >70000 records from the period 1800-2014. We will exploit PANABIO as an open-access webservice that allows on-the-fly exploration of geo-referenced and validated circumpolar benthic biodiversity data. What we are currently investing in, is hosting associated environmental data, species traits, pipelines to molecular-genetic and taxonomic databases, as well as data repositories.
Since polar research was a new field of research for me, I heavily invested in workshops, meetings, and international symposia to establish a new scientific network and solidify my career switch. I am now involved in the Arctic traits project (University of Vienna, Austria), I supervised two BSc-students (University of Oldenburg, Germany) on polar modelling, I supervise a MSc-student from the POMOR-research school (St. Petersburg, Russia) to model regions of common species profiles in the Laptev Sea, and I co-supervise a PhD-student in a joint Russian-German multidisciplinary project focused on the Siberian Arctic (University of Kiel, Germany). Lastly, I am part of an international writing team for the H2020 call "LC-CLA-07-2019: The changing cryosphere".
A paper related to objective 2 has been published in Ecological Indicators. Lastly, I won a postdoc-grant to continue this research and create a unique and independent research-profile at the crossroads between statistical modelling and polar marine research.
Degen R, Aune M, Bluhm B, Cassidy C, Kedra M, Kraan C et al. 2018. Trait-based approaches in rapidly changing ecosystems: A roadmap to the future polar Oceans. Ecological Indicators 91:722-736.