Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MuCellWall (Seed mucilage envelope as a new structural model in cell wall research)
Reporting period: 2016-09-01 to 2018-08-31
Work performed on the mucilage architecture demonstrated significant differences in the structure and composition within and between diverse taxa e.g. stronger concentration of polysaccharides in the polyploids. It was revealed that the presence of cellulose microfibrils caused the attachment of mucilage to the seed surface and that the matrix polysaccharides were spread on the surface of microfibrils or between them. The results concerning spatial architecture of the mucilaginous cell wall can also be exploit in the bioenergy research e.g. wood technology to analyze the modifications of the cell wall in order to increase the biomass production (caloric value of firewood), in the textile production to analyze (at nano-level) the texture and structure of e.g. commercially obtained fibers.
The performed in this project experiments delivered also the data which demonstrated that the mucilage can help in the diaspore dispersal. It can be suppose that the specific mucilage composition, can be responsible for the dispersal success. The results can be exploit e.g. in the global studies of the seeds and fruits dispersion by animals. They can also be helpful in the environmental protection, agriculture or horticulture e.g. in predicting/preventing the potential of distribution of (invasive) plants which could endanger local floras or cultivations.
The work performed on the physical characteristic of mucilage demonstrated its strong adhesive properties. As it was observed the adhesion seems to depend on the mucilage biochemical composition and architecture. These data can be exploit e.g. in the production of ecological, biodegradable binding materials.