Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MAGPLANT (Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices)
Reporting period: 2016-09-01 to 2018-08-31
During the MAGPLANT project, localized electrochemical techniques like micro-ISE (Ion-Selective Electrodes), SVET (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique) and microamperometry have been used to investigate Mg corrosion processes in various corrosion environments including the magnesium/cellular interface.
The remaining tasks of each work package were developed at the host institution, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.
The second work package was set to clarify aspects of localized corrosion of pure magnesium. Two main topics of interest were developed in this work package: the influence of dissolved oxygen on the corrosion of magnesium and characterization of microgalvanic corrosion caused by transition metal impurities. Two scientific publications resulted from this work package, one which is already published under open access. The second one is undergoing final internal revision and is to be submitted soon.
Additionally, pure magnesium was characterized in terms of pH mapping under immersion in electrolytes with increasing complexity towards real physiological conditions: NaC < SBF < α-MEM < DMEM. This task from WP2 was used as a starting point for characterization of four selected magnesium alloys in WP3: Mg0.51Ca Mg10Gd, Mg0.2Ca0.5Zn Mg0.2Ca4Zn. The alloys were characterized in similar media as pure magnesium in WP2. The corrosion products of all materials were analysed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in order to establish a possible correlation between immersion conditions and influence of alloying elements.
WP4 was designed to gather information about tribocorrosion on magnesium. The measurements would consist on assessing localized corrosion on the friction zone of Mg-alloys, using a pin-on-disc setup with a microelectrode coupled to the rider, at different distances from the contact zone, in NaCl, PBS and SBF. Despite the success of the remaining work packages, WP4 was not executed due to technical reasons, as there were difficulties on setting an exact distance between the microelectrodes and the pin-on-disc rotating setup.
The last work package concerned the characterization of magnesium corrosion under cell culture conditions. As a model system brain tumour cells were cultured in FBS supplemented DMEM with pure magnesium as a substrate. Local pH measurements were conducted in DMEM. The choice for tumour cells derived from the expected establishment of an acidic extra cellular environment. The high pH created by corroding magnesium allowed a more straightforward and conclusive interpretation of the collected data. Besides pH mapping of the near-surface of cell covered magnesium substrates, linear pH gradients were characterized along the Z axis, from the bulk electrolyte, across the cell layer until the magnesium surface. The latter set of experiments proved very important in the assessment of the interface between magnesium and the cell layer. The characterization of this region is vital for understanding the evolution of corrosion rate over time, as well as determining cell viability conditions.