Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LCCMcons (Using Land Cover Change Models to Address Important Conservation Issues)
Reporting period: 2016-05-01 to 2018-04-30
• Bradley, A.V. Rosa, I., Brandão Jr., A., Crema, S., Moulds, S., Ahmed, S., Carneiro, T., Smith, M.J. Ewers, R. M. 2017. A retrospective ensemble of land-cover models to measure impacts of policy intervention on land-cover change. Modelling Earth Systems and Environmental Change.
• Rosa, I., Pereira, H., Ferrier, S., et al. 2017. Multi-Scale Scenarios for Nature Futures. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 1416-1419.
• Rosa I., Gabriel, C., Carreiras, J. 2017. Spatial and temporal dimensions of landscape fragmentation across the Brazilian Amazon. Regional Environmental Change 17: 1687-1699.
And have another four papers currently under review:
• Gough, L., Rosa I., Gill, R. under review in PLOS One. Approach to modelling projections of cropland emergence across Great Britain.
• Kim, H., Rosa, I., et al. under review in Geoscientific Model Development. A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios.
• Guerra, C. and Rosa, I. under review in Conservation Biology. Change vs Stability: are protected areas particularly pressured by global land cover change?
• Rosa, I., Rentsch, D., Hopcraft, G. under review in Landscape Ecology. Effectiveness of different management areas in preventing forest loss.
Apart from these publications, there are a few others being prepared for submission, but these will be submitted in the period post-fellowship. Furthermore, I attended one international conference (TAWIRI 2017 in Tanzania), two national conferences (iDiv annual conference), and several meetings and workshops (particularly related to the work on scenarios development for IPBES). I will continue my research career at the Biodiversity Conservation group at iDiv.