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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC.

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


“The Petrie Museum's Collection of Funerary Wooden Models: Investigating Chronology and Provenances.”

Author(s): Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer
Published in: Archaeology International, 2018, ISSN 2048-4194
Publisher: Ubiquity Press

Un nouvel éclairage sur l’artisanat du bois dans la région Memphis/Fayoum : la collection statuaire du musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel

Author(s): Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer
Published in: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2018, ISSN 0255-0962
Publisher: Institut Francais d'archeologie Orientale

“Middle Kingdom Coffins from Qubbet el-Hawa: Manufacturing Techniques Investigated.”

Author(s): Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer, Alejandro Jimenez Serrano
Published in: Second Coffin Conference Vatican Proceedings, 2019
Publisher: Edizioni Musei Vaticani

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