Located in Emilia Romana, EMMETI is a world leader in the field of palletization and depalletization thanks to its vast
experience and the high quality standards of its machines. In the last 5 years, our sales figures have reached € 30 million.
Established in 1976, and thanks to the huge investments made in the past, and with more planned in the future, EMMETI
guarantees consistency of its high technological standards and the competitiveness of its products in a market that continues
to demand higher performance. The majority of our quality work is based on long-term relationships with key customers who
rely on our company to find solutions that provide added value to their products in terms of production processes. Our
customers require our expertise to provide in-house research and having found some common direction, we wanted to find
an effective unwrapping solution that would improve and speed-up production, reduce costs and guarantee safety at work
stations. The result is our AUNPALL project, a novel machine which aims to automate the process of unpacking filmwrapped
pallets in the packing line before its depalletization, in a rapid, reliable and safe way.
Fields of science
Funding Scheme
SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Coordinator
The organization defined itself as SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.