In an effort to bring science and society together in Europe, and consequently increase the continent’s international competitiveness, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education must be more relatable to European youths to raise their interests and involvement in STEM careers. This project proposes an educational platform with multi-level components, designed and developed on the base of a well-researched pedagogical framework, which aims to make STEM education more attractive to young people from age 10 to 18 years old. Universities, schools, teachers, students, parents, business and media partners come together to complete a circle in which STEM becomes a part of the daily life of youths through an educational portal that also prepares them for future careers.
The socially motivational platform for emotional and educational engagement, herein referred to as the STIMEY (Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Education for the Young) platform, will combine:
- social media components and entrepreneurial tools (present),
- robotic artefacts (the future),
- radio (the past)
to educate, engage and increase the youth’s interest in STEM education and careers. The platform, with individual e-portfolios, will be designed to tap into the children’s curiosity and motivations from a young age. The platform will take into account the specific needs of girls and boys, to be attracted and stay with STEM in a social collaborative environment with serious gaming and healthy competition among peers.
The platform will give teachers the necessary modern tools to deliver STEM education in an attractive and engaging manner in-class, while also following up on students’ progress even outside of class.
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
11003 Cadiz