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Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - STIMEY (Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young)

Reporting period: 2017-12-01 to 2021-03-31

In an effort to bring science and society together in Europe, and consequently increase the continent’s international competitiveness, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education must be more relatable to European youths to raise their interests and involvement in STEM careers. The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the increase in competitiveness of the European Union economy, oriented towards a wider European integration largely aimed at the Eastern European Neighbourhood, with results that will capacitate young people from ages 10 to 18 to become highly competent in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and be motivated to pursue scientific careers in the future.

To accomplish the overall objective STIMEY (Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the Young) and its researchers and developers have developed a set of novel pedagogical approaches grasping a holistic vision of the challenges described above to offer an educational multichannel solution that integrates social media, social robots, broadcasting STEM radio, serious gaming, collaboration and creativity tools as well as individual responsibility of teachers, families, and children, into a complex educational platform that comprises multi-level components which aims to make STEM education more attractive to young people from age 10 to 18 years old. Universities, schools, teachers, students, parents, business and media partners come together to complete a circle in which STEM becomes a part of the daily life of youths through an educational portal that also prepares them for future careers.
The STIMEY Learning Environment (STIMEY LE) platform, combined:
- serious games, social media components and entrepreneurial tools (the present),
- robotic artefacts (the future),
- radio (the past)
to educate, engage and increase the youth’s interest in STEM education and careers. The platform, with individual e-portfolios, was designed to tap into the children’s curiosity and motivation from early childhood education until they embark on their own careers in STEM. While taking into account the specific needs of girls and boys, to be attracted and stay with STEM in a social collaborative environment with serious gaming and healthy competition among peers.

STIMEY LE novel educational platform provides teachers with the necessary modern tools to deliver STEM education in an attractive and engaging manner in-class, while also following up on students’ progress even outside of class. It also enables parents to keep track of their children’s progress, and easily communicate with their teachers to collaborate on the children’s development. Moreover, the open platform which was developed to allow businesses to invest in the development of children’s talents and skills in line with the economic and labour market needs through entrepreneurial tools, activities and competitions.

In summary, STIMEY LE development, based on extensive research, testing and European-wide collaboration, intends to revolutionize STEM education and bring it on par with the younger generation’s interests and expectations for a brighter Europe.
The following deliverables were delivered according to the Grant Agreement.
D1.1 - STIMEY Project Plan
D1.2 - STIMEY Quality Assurance and Risk Assessment System (QA&RAS)
D1.3 - STIMEY Yearly Progress Report.
D1.4 - STIMEY Yearly Progress Report.
D1.5 - STIMEY Yearly Progress Report.
D1.6 - STIMEY Audit Report
D2.1 Pedagogical framework, V1 (initial version).
D2.2 Pedagogical design principles, recommendations and guidelines.
D2.3 Pedagogical framework, design principles, recommendations and guidelines
D3.1 Initial Concepts and Guidelines
D3.2 Social Media Design and Uploading.
D3.3 Social media components first update
D3.4 : Social media components second update
D4.1 End-users and stakeholders records for Europe
D4.2 Methods for involving Stakeholders V1.
D4.4 End- user requirements and use case V1.
D4.3 Methods for involving Stakeholders V2
D4.5 End- user requirements and use case Version 2
D4.6 Final recommendations for the learning-- centered design of e-portfolios
D5.1 STIMEY Platform Prototype 1.
D5.2 STIMEY Platform Prototype 2.
D5.3 Chat tool and Physical engine for STIMEY platform.
D5.4 Mental Calculator for STIMEY Platform and Graphical Object Editor for Physics Engine of STIMEY Platform.
D5.5 Chemistry engine for STIMEY platform
D5.6 STIMEY Platform Prototype Final Version
D6.1 Theoretical background analytical report. STOC evaluation methodology handbook and tests manual.
D 6.2 STOC testing results
D7.1 Social framework and students’ needs.
D7.2 Robotic artefacts prototypes.
D7.3 Results of pilot implementation and conclusions.
D8.1 Pedagogical and didactic fundamentals for the entrepreneurial tools.
D8.2 Serious games on entrepreneurship and innovations.
D8.5 Tools improvement road maps version 1.
D8.3 Concept, rules and IT tool “Issues market” for tournaments in entrepreneurial skills.
D8.4 Tools on-line testing reports.
D8.6 Tools improvement road maps version 2.
D9.1 Component + Attribute Identification.
D9.2 Component language, System interfaces and Data exchange mechanisms definition.
D9.3 Implementation of System Interfaces, Data Exchange Mechanisms and Component Description Language.
D9.4 Component adoption editor implementation.
D9.5 Integration of external components.
D10.1 Web-Portal of STIMEY Project
D10.7 A Data Management Plan.
D10.2 Information seminars for the internal target groups at each partner University and information days for the external target groups at each partner University
D10.3 A brochure on the outcomes and output
D10.4 Business plan
D10.5 Newsletters for school children, specific target groups and Scientific publications in research journals about the results of the STIMEY pedagogical
D10.6 A documentary film on the project

The Milestones (MS) reached during the lifecycle of the projects are:
— MS1 The initial background for STIMEY implementation which includes :
— MS2 The launch of the STIMEY which includes:
— MS3 STIMEY Platform components development and integration. Stage 1.
— MS4 STIMEY Platform components development and integration. Stage 2.
— MS5 STIMEY platform components development and integration. Stage 3.
— MS6 STIMEY platform finalization and business plan.
Some socio-economic and societal impacts that have been achieved and will be achieved with time:- Increasing EU’s economic competence by providing tools to support the development of quality STEM teaching and learning. Made way for future STEM professionals while integrating Eastern European countries such as Belarus in the European development and others through the STIMEY educational platform. Created technological innovations which can be commercialized to create businesses through the STIMEY Robotic Artefacts, Radio STIMEY and STIMEY LE Platform. Published scientific publications to support the research-based development of technological learning solutions. Connected STEM teaching and learning with the labor market through integrated social media in a safe space with STIMEY Broadcasting Radio and Robotic Artefacts. To support future innovation and business to exploit the results of STIMEY a Business Plan is available on request to the STIMEY Consortium at
We make Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the Young our goal