Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SMARTHE (Smart Thermostat Évolution)
Reporting period: 2015-12-01 to 2016-03-31
Smarthé is the natural evolution of Qivivo’s current thermostat and its main new features will be enhanced learning algorithms and multi-zoned management. We have performed a Feasibility Study in which the viability of the project has been confirmed after reviewing all the relevant technical, commercial and financial aspects. It also has allowed us to define the work plan and to estimate the project budget, which will be mostly covered by the SME Instrument grant. After the execution of the project, Qivivo’s new thermostat will be launched to the European markets.
2. Market Analysis: A very detailed market analysis have been performed showing that our solution has a huge market opportunity. Besides our home market (France) we will start deploying Smarthé in UK, Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia and Italy.
3. Partnerships: we already have a wide and stable network of stakeholders in France. We plan to duplicate this strategy at European level by contacting professional installers and agents from the public housing sector.
4. IPR analysis: No FTO arises within Europe regarding the uniqueness of our learning algorithms. Two patents for our SW are currently under revision.
5. Business plan: A strategy based in a gradual market introduction in different European countries has been planned. Different scenarios have been described in order to follow up the development of the sales. A conservative sales scenario forecasts a revenue of €100 million for 2022 (the 5th year of our solution in the market).