The final project results will be disseminated through an international conference to secure and enforce further discussions about how to design, monitor, evaluate and re-design GE measures in order to ensure a maximum impact on RTDI processes and outcomes. The evaluation framework will be presented and discussed internationally twice: the first event is planned in the course of WP3, when the first draft of the evaluation framework is developed. The target group are evaluators from different national backgrounds, heads of large RPOs like the Max-Planck-Society, Universities, companies as well as the Commission Services (particularly the Evaluation Unit of DG Research). The final conference will be held at the end of the project, after WP5, when the evaluation toolbox has been validated. It will bring multiple stakeholders together: policy-makers, governmental bodies, professional organizations, private sector organizations, scientific and policy experts in the field of gender, R&D and innovation. The main objective of the conference is to raise awareness of the success of gender initiatives and to sustainably secure project impacts and outcomes
Synthesis ReportAfter completing the evaluations of the selected case studies the EFFORTI team will reflect on the results on two levels: 1) the methodological level: the experiences gained during the execution of the evaluations and while applying the EFFORTI evaluation framework will be documented throughout the work done in WP4. Therefore all researchers will keep detailed research and methodological. The research notes will be used for analysing the feasibility, reliability and adequacy of the proposed evaluation framework which then will be further elaborated in WP5. 2) the content level: based on the evaluation results we will apply a comparative approach between all evaluated case studies to see whether measures have been implemented well and exhibit good results. Based on this comparative analysis EFFORTI will identify good practices. We will - also based on the developed evaluation framework - define relevant criteria for good practices. Each good practice will be described in detail along a predefined template. This description will be included in the toolbox developed in WP5. The description of good practices will also take into account the wider innovation and gender equality context in which they are located. Therefore this task will incorporate results of WP2. Apart from the description of good practices, we will identify generic lessons learnt based on comparing all evaluation case studies. This will provide further guidance for policy-makers and science managers when implementing gender equality measures. The findings of the comparative analysis will be compiled in a comprehensive synthesis report, which will be made available to the interested public
"""Comparative Background Report"""Based on the partners' reports, the WP Leader will carry out a comparative analysis of innovation systems, welfare and gender equality policy initiatives as well as of evaluation cultures in the EFFORTI countries. The comparative report will focus on the interfaces between these three domains and how they are reflected in gender equality programmes in RTDI. A special emphasis will be put on how gender equality policies are embedded in and aligned with national innovation policies. Moreover, results from the WP2 national and comparative reports will be used as a background framework for the development of the evaluation framework
Good PracticesAfter completing the evaluations of the selected case studies the EFFORTI team will reflect on the results on two levels: 1) the methodological level: the experiences gained during the execution of the evaluations and while applying the EFFORTI evaluation framework will be documented throughout the work done in WP4. Therefore all researchers will keep detailed research and methodological. The research notes will be used for analysing the feasibility, reliability and adequacy of the proposed evaluation framework which then will be further elaborated in WP5. 2) the content level: based on the evaluation results we will apply a comparative approach between all evaluated case studies to see whether measures have been implemented well and exhibit good results. Based on the comparative analysis EFFORTI will identify good practices. We will - also based on the developed evaluation framework - define relevant criteria for good practices. Each good practice will be described in detail along a predefined template
Draft Proposal of the Evaluation Framework"The draft proposal of the evaluation framework, which can be tested and refined in the validation Phase, will be based on the tentative conceptual model on how measures could affect output and other outcomes, via policies to increase the number of women within the organizations or via more gender equality and diversity oriented organizational cultures and changes in structures; definition of the most important ""good practice examples"" in terms of output-based on the results of WP2 as to context, policies and selection of cases"
"Seven ""National Country Notes"""Each country report will include at least five sub-sections. In the first part, the partners will present the description of the structure and governance of the innovation system in his/her country. In a second part, they will provide the results of the mapping of gender equality and welfare policies. The third part will be dedicated to the presentation of the status quo of gender equality in the whole society and in RTDI especially. The fourth part will describe the national evaluation cultures and in the last part conclusions on the interfaces and relations between the different domains (innovation system, welfare regime, gender equality and evaluation systems) shall be formulated (M 10)
WorkshopsThe good practices and the lessons learnt will be presented at a workshop with policy-makers, stakeholders and members of the Advisory Board. The aim of this workshop is to validate the lessons learnt and discuss the relevance of the identified good practices.
Report on methods and guidelines for evaluating relevant GE measures"The EFFORTI Toolbox and the respective Report will be built around typologies of RTDI systems, characteristics of GE measures, evaluation factors and policy performance indicators, gender equality policy objectives and policy instruments, as detailed in work package 3, and provide selected access to existing practices as produced under work package 4 depending on the specific country situation. To this end, a web-based interactive searchable and ""intelligent"" knowledgebase will be elaborated, which will relate the several categories of information gathered from the findings of the previous work packages. "
three country specific workshopsTo secure the implementation and application of the developed evaluation indicators and methods, interdisciplinary workshops will be conducted with experts in policy-making, gender equality, evaluation, funding, research and innovation. The workshops will be held both at national and international level. Three national workshops will be conducted where participants shall discuss and validate the results of the context and target analysis (WP2), the case studies (WP4) and the evaluation toolbox (WP5). Within the country-specific workshops participants will also learn how to use and apply the evaluation methods and approaches and how to deal with the results of the evaluation. Specific legal, political and cultural circumstances will be addressed and considered. The main objective of the international workshop is to establish a network and communication community where experiences with gender initiatives, their outcomes and evaluation methods can be exchanged and shared
Furthermore, decision and policy-makers shall be addressed through different communication channels and dissemination materials. The project start will be communicated through a press release which will provide a link to sign up for an e-newsletter which in turn will be sent out regularly. Additionally, the project website will provide the option to sign up for the e-newsletter which contains information about the project process, interim results, and current discussions on the subject matter. Also, the consortium will prepare hard copy material (i.e. booklets, flyer, and lightweight brochures) with targeted content, which will be distributed in selected events. Furthermore, project results will be published through scientific papers and international conference papers and speeches. Thus, the knowledge transfer of the project results will be ensured
ppt synthesising main findingsPreparation of a power point presentation, synthesising (in English) the main findings from WP2, which all partners can use as a dissemination tool in their own national context, during presentations to research staff and stakeholder audiences, elaborated by the WP2 Leader
Final version of the EFFORTI Toolbox (EFFORTI 2.0)"The EFFORTI Toolbox will be built around typologies of RTDI systems, characteristics of GE measures, evaluation factors and policy performance indicators, gender equality policy objectives and policy instruments, as detailed in work package 3, and provide selected access to existing practices as produced under work package 4 depending on the specific country situation. To this end, a web-based interactive searchable and ""intelligent"" knowledgebase will be elaborated, which will relate the several categories of information gathered from the findings of the previous work packages "
Project HomepageTo provide continuous information on the project content and progress a project homepage will be established. The homepage will also provide users with the option to sign up for a (monthly/quarterly) e-newsletter. A contact-function will allow users to continuously add feedback and thoughts on the project. Thus, the participation and integration of the society is provided
Clemens Striebing, Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Rachel Palmén
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue 77, 2019, Page(s) 101714, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Clemens Striebing, Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Rachel Palmén, Florian Holzinger, Beata Nagy
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue Volume 77, 2019, Page(s) 101749, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Susanne Bührer, Rainer Frietsch
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue 47, 2019, Page(s) 101752, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Susanne Bührer, Angela Wroblewski
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue 77, 2019, Page(s) 101717, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Rachel Palmén, Lidia Arroyo, Jörg Müller, Sybille Reidl, Maria Caprile, Maximillian Unger
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue 77, 2019, Page(s) 101751, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Rachel Palmén, Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt
Published in:
Evaluation and Program Planning, Issue 77, 2019, Page(s) 101726, ISSN 0149-7189
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Susanne Bührer, Sybille Reidl, Evanthia K. Schmidt, Rachel Palmen, Clemens Striebing AND
Dora Groo
Published in:
fteval Journal, Issue 47, 2019, Page(s) 140-145, ISSN 1726-6629
Austrian Platform for Reseach and Technology Policy Evaluation
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