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ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - TECNIOspring PLUS (ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer)

Reporting period: 2020-07-01 to 2022-02-28

The Catalan economy aims to gain competitiveness by promoting innovation and the incorporation of technology in production processes and organisations. In this regard, attracting and training competitive human resources is fundamental. TECNIOspring PLUS has helped to achieve this goal by supporting researchers in the process of achieving professional maturity, attaining and/or strengthening a leading independent position, and developing more industry- and entrepreneurship-oriented research careers.

The aim of the TECNIOspring PLUS programme has been to engage highly talented and motivated experienced researchers and to give them the opportunity to develop their research career, initiating or further developing an international career and creating and reinforcing links with other European or international institutions, thus, contributing to develop the transnational dimension of the fellow’s research career. To achieve this, the programme has included two different schemes: an incoming mobility and an outgoing mobility with a return phase. Incoming mobility scheme will attract to Catalonia experienced researchers from the entire world and incorporate them into a Catalan host organisation. Outgoing mobility scheme has offered experienced researchers the possibility of implementing their research projects in any country worldwide during the first year of their contracts. The return phase has encouraged fellows to come back to the European Research Area, being reintegrated in the Catalan host organisation.

TECNIOspring PLUS has offered experienced researchers the opportunity of working in one of the areas of expertise of research and technological centres and companies. Among them, there are several top research entities that host promising young researchers and recognized senior scientists working in a variety of disciplines, participating in European R&D projects and collaborating internationally with other entities. The diversity of domains that TECNIOspring PLUS covered has assured candidates’ freedom of choice regarding research topic and institution. Moreover, the outgoing mobility scheme offered fellows the possibility of collaborating with a renowned internationally host organisation based on any country in the world. Thus, researchers have been able to benefit from international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaborations.
TECNIOspring PLUS has been implemented for 68 months by ACCIÓ, the Catalan Agency for Business and Competitiveness, attached to the Ministry of Business and Labour of the Government of Catalonia. With an approved budget of 10.195.200€, the project has addressed experienced researchers to develop projects with a focus on technology transfer. The host organisations, Catalan companies and entities of the Catalan research and technology transfer system, are the beneficiaries receiving a grant for contracting the researcher for a period of two years.

TECNIOspring PLUS has been the follow-up of a previous COFUND project managed by ACCIÓ entitled TECNIOspring and funded under FP7 grant agreement nº 600388. It has also been the predecessor of TECNIOspring INDUSTRY, another COFUND project funded under H2020 grant agreement nº 801342, more focused on industry and companies.

TECNIOspring PLUS has granted Catalan entities, offering high-quality professional opportunities for researchers. During the lifespan of the project, three calls have been published allowing fair competition between applicants through open, merit-based selection processes. Funded projects have focused their research on one of the cross-cutting enabling technologies and sectors identified in the Smart Specialization Strategy of Catalonia (RIS3CAT): ICT; Nanotechnology; Advanced Materials; Photonics; Biotechnology; Advanced Manufacturing; Chemistry, energy and resources; Food; Industrial Systems; Sustainable mobility; Design industries; Health industries; and Experience-based industries.

After the three calls, 65 researchers (35% women) of 22 different nationalities have joined 40 Catalan host organisations and 31 abroad host organisations from 12 countries.

Researchers have attended 118 congresses; undertook 187 presentations invited to talks; made 112 supervision of PhDs and Master studies and guidelines standards; and participated in 490 meetings, conferences and/or workshops. In terms of scientific publications, 249 papers have been submitted for publication in Journals and Books, and 185 have been accepted, with 179 Open Access publications.

Researchers have gained a wealth of experience from working at the business end of applied research. They have further counted with the support of an experienced and internationally recognized scientific supervisor and a career development plan. Additionally, a wide range of soft and complimentary skills trainings with a focus on technology transfer have been offered. Researchers have attended 611 trainings related to their field of scientific knowledge and 225 on soft and complementary skills organised by ACCIÓ. They have also carried out 63 public awareness activities and published 70 press releases.
Catalonia is the backdrop to one of Europe’s most thriving start-up ecosystems, with more than 1,900 start-ups. Catalonia has been developing connections, networks and funnels for researchers and their projects to feed directly into industry. The Return on Investment (RoI) in developing careers, innovations and creating priceless far-reaching professional relationships has been and continues to be substantial.

Bolstered by a mature research ecosystem in Catalonia, TECNIOspring PLUS provided a means for talented researchers to develop applied research projects, nurturing innovation for industries. The project has been a catalyst for technology transfer and for building careers in R&D. The projects have contributed to the excellence of the Catalan research and technology transfer system by targeting applied research in one of the crosscutting enabling technologies and sectors identified in the Smart Specialization Strategy of Catalonia (RIS3CAT).

13 researchers have been hosted by Catalan companies (20% of the total projects) and 4 researchers, by abroad companies. 47 researchers have undertaken 59 secondments in 12 different countries. Researchers have had more opportunities of enhancing their skills and increasing their industry contacts and thus, their employability.

A wide number of collaborations with world leading institutions and companies have been established. Researchers have participated in more than 150 meetings with companies and 200 meetings with other entities other than companies and have collaborated in more than 300 joint projects.

The applied research projects have resulted in the submission of 14 patent applications, 1 utility model, the development of 59 prototypes, have signed 3 license agreements and have created or and in process of creation of 3 spin-offs.
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EU funding