CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
D4.6 Guidelines for thematic activities in the CIVITAS community (task 4.2) (month 34)
CIVITAS Forum conference reportD6.1a-d CIVITAS Forum conference report (task 6.2) (month 16, 28, 40, 52)
Guidelines for selection of cities for peer-to-peer knowledge exchangeD4.1 Guidelines for selection of cities for peer-to-peer knowledge exchange (task 4.1) (month 2)
Second results report on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with CIVITAS 2020 projectsSecond results report on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 1.1) (month 34)
Results report on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with RIA projectsD1.2a-d Results reports on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with RIA projects (task 1.1) (month 4, 12, 24, 38)
Report on selected thematic activities in the CIVITAS SATELLITE projectD4.7 Report on selected thematic activities in the CIVITAS SATELLITE project (task 4.2) (month 48)
Updated CIVITAS 2020 Corporate Design HandbookD5.2 Updated CIVITAS 2020 Corporate Design Handbook (task 5.1) (month 2)
CIVITAS Forum conference 2019 report6.6 CIVITAS Forum conference 2019 report
Minimum CIVITAS evaluation framework for RIA projectsD2.4 Completed CIVITAS process and impact evaluation framework
Overview of long-term impact of CIVITAS measures in previously funded CIVITAS citiesD2.14 Overview on long-term impact of CIVITAS measures in previously-funded CIVITAS cities (task 2.4) (month 40)
Advisory Groups Annual ReportD6.3 Advisory Groups Report
Focus reports on results from CIVITAS measures, on optimal combination of different types of CIVITAS measures and on cross-cutting aspecs of implemented CIVITAS measuresD2.9 a-b-c Focus reports on results from CIVITAS measures (a), on optimal combination of different types of CIVITAS measures (b), and on cross-cutting aspects of implemented CIVITAS measures (task 2.3) (month 46)
Guidelines for cities participating in work placementsD4.2 Guidelines for cities participating in work placements (task 4.1) (month 4)
Policy briefingsD5.8a-d Policy briefings (task 5.2) (month 12, 24, 36, 48)
Results report on third needs assessment with CIVITAS 2020 projectsResults report on third needs assessment with CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 1.1) (month 38)
Third results report on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with CIVITAS 2020 projectsThird results report on survey of plans, opportunities and synergies with CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 1.1) (month 38)
Thematic Groups annual work plansD4.5a-d Thematic Groups annual work plans (task 4.2) (months 6, 18, 30, 42)
Needs assessment on demand for tools and methodologies from CIVITAS 2020 projectsD4.10a-c Needs assessment on demand for tools and methodologies from CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 4.4) (month 6, 20, 34)
Long-term success stories from cities funded by CIVITASD2.15 Long-term success stories from cities funded by CIVITAS (task 2.4) (month 44)
Overall synthesis of the CIVITAS SATELLITE evaluation experiencesD2.11 Overall synthesis of the CIVITAS SATELLITE evaluation experiences (task 2.3) (month 48)
Annual summaries of impact reports on work placementsD4.3a-d Annual summaries of impact reports on work placements (task 4.1) (month 13, 25, 37, 48)
Summary of evaluation findings from RIA projects for IA projectsD2.8 Summary of evaluation findings from RIA projects for IA projects (task 2.2) (month 28)
CIVITAS 2020 Policy recommendationsD2.13 CIVITAS 2020 policy recommendations (task 2.3) (month 48)
State-of-the-art report on EU-China exchange on urban mobilityD4.8 State-of-the-art report on EU-China exchange on urban mobility (task 4.3) (month 46)
Report on peer-to-peer exchanges 2018-2020D4.4 Report on peer-to-peer exchanges 2018-2020 (task 4.1) (month 52)
Communication and dissemination strategy and visual identityD5.1 Communication and dissemination strategy and visual identity (task 5.1) (month 4)
Optimised CIVITAS process and impact evaluation frameworkD2.1 Optimised CIVITAS process and impact evaluation framework (task 2.1) (month 3)
Overview on tools and methodologies from previous CIVITAS projectsD4.9 Overview on tools and methodologies from previous CIVITAS projects (task 4.4) (month 4)
Basic evalution reporting template for RIA projectsD2.7 Basic evaluation reporting template for RIA projects (task 2.2) (month 22)
Summary report on CIVINET Activity Fund activities and outcomesD6.2 Summary report on 3rd CIVINET Activity Fund activities and outcomes
Refined and completed CIVITAS process and impact evaluation frameworkD2.3 a-b Refined (a) and completed (b) CIVITAS process and impact evaluation framework (task 2.1) (month 12, 26)
Calendar and overview of potential synergies of learning activities planned in CIVITAS 2020 projectsD3.1a-d Calendar and overview of potential synergies of learning activities planned in CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 3.1) (month 4, 12, 24, 38)
Minutes of Political Advisory Committee meetingsD6.5a-h Minutes of Political Advisory Committee meetings (task 6.6) (month 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52)
Results reports on needs assessment with IA projects and CIVINETsD1.1a-b Results reports on needs assessment with IA projects and CIVINETs (task 1.1) (month 4, 38)
Political Advisory Committee 2-year work planD6.4a-b Political Advisory Committee 2-year work plan (task 6.6) (month 6, 30, 38)
D2.2 Series of webinars on evolving CIVITAS process and impact evaluation framework
Standard PowerPoint presentation on CIVITAS InitiativeD5.9 Standard PowerPoint presentation on CIVITAS Initiative (task 5.4) (month 3)
CIVITAS Research and Innovation Action projects funded 2015-2018 – A summary of lessons learnedD5.10 CIVITAS Research and Innovation Action projects funded 2015-2018 – A summary of lessons learned (task 5.6) (month 28)
1st SATELLITE online course on CIVITAS Learning CentreD3.4 1st SATELLITE online course on CIVITAS Learning Centre (task 3.4) (month 34)
CIVITAS 2020 Internal newsletterD14al CIVITAS 2020 internal newsletter task 12 month 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
2nd SATELLITE online course on CIVITAS Learning CentreD3.5 2nd SATELLITE online course on CIVITAS Learning Centre (task 3.4) (month 40)
Video presentation/podcast on results of completed IA and RIA projectsD5.13 Video presentation/podcast on results of completed IA and RIA projects (incl. condensed notes) (task 5.6) (month 54)
‘Welcome to CIVITAS’ bookletD5.6 ‘Welcome to CIVITAS’ booklet (task 5.2) (month 4)
Online marketplace on tools and methodologiesD4.11 Online marketplace on tools and methodologies (task 4.4) (month 15)
CIVITAS roll-upsD5.7 CIVITAS roll-ups (one for each IA project, one on CIVITAS Initiative) (task 5.2) (month 4)
Fourth calendar and overview of potential synergies of learning activities planned in CIVITAS 2020 projectsD3.6 Fourth calendar and overview of potential synergies of learning activities planned in CIVITAS 2020 projects (task 3.1) (month 38)
CIVITAS Research and Innovation Action projects funded since 2016 – A summary of lessons learnedD5.12 CIVITAS Research and Innovation Action projects funded since 2016 – A summary of lessons learned (task 5.6) (month 54)
CIVITAS postcardsD5.5 CIVITAS postcards (task 5.2) (month 3)
CIVITAS MOVE newsletterD5.3a-p CIVITAS MOVE newsletter (task 5.2) (months 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48)
SATELLITE thematic webinarsD3.2 SATELLITE thematic webinars (task 3.2) (month 47)
Infographics on measures of IA projects and photo documentation of measures of IA projectsD5.14 Infographics on measures of IA projects and photo documentation of measures of IA projects (task 5.6) (month 54)
D1.3 Activities Database (task 1.2) (month 7)
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