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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

The Magnetised Cosmic Web

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MAGCOW (The Magnetised Cosmic Web)

Période du rapport: 2020-09-01 au 2022-02-28

This project investigates the origin of observed extragalactic magnetic fields in the Universe, combining advanced numerical simulations and existing or new radio observations.
All publications produced in the course of the project are closely related to the above topic, in the attempt of obtaining the widest and most complete ever of the origin
and effects of cosmic magnetism at cosmological scales.
To this end, in our projects we investigated, both, purely theoretical models of the cosmic web, real observations, or combined the two methods.

All publications of the project were made timely available via the arXiv repository ( always soon after official acceptance by the editors, and often even before this, as preprints.
Moreover, the open access to all publications produced by the project is also timely enabled by its submission to the open access official repository of the University of Bologna.
Continuous activity of production and analysis of new, challenging magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of cosmic structures.
Modelling of existing radio data, guided by theoretical analysis.
Activity of proposing new radio observations to fill existing gaps in our understanding of cosmic magnetism and evolution.
Innovative analysis and modelling techniques to extract information on cosmic magnetism from radio observations.
Simulations of small-scale interactions between cosmic rays and magnetic fields, using Particle-In-Cell simulations.
1. First successful simulation ever of the growth of small-scale dynamo in a simulated galaxy clusters (thanks to unprecedent high spatial resolution): Vazza et al. 2018 MNRAS-Dominguez-Fernandez et al.2019 MNRAS
2. Most complete suite of cosmological MHD simulations to-date (~25 models) comparing the observable outcomes of magnetogenesis scenarios on different scales (Vazza et al 2017 CQG).
3. First simulations of magnetogenesis scenarios in constrained resimulations of the Local Universe (Hackstein et al. 2018 MNRAS).
4. First simulation ever of the "Harrison mechanism" for the seeding of magnetic fields during recombination (Hutschenreuter et al. 2019 CQG).
5. Most detailed ever simulations of polarized emission in radio relics (Stuardi et al. 2019 MNRAS, Wittor et al.2019 MNRAS).
6. Discovery of a giant magnetic intracluster bridge between A399 and A401, possibly the first of an entirely new class of diffuse large-scale emissions tracing the cosmic web (Govoni et al.2019)

With future works, until the end of the project, we aim at getting a positive detection of the signature of magnetic fields in intracluster filaments connected to the outer regions of nearby galaxy clusters (a quite challenging task).
The discovery of a giant magnetic intracluster bridge between A399 and A401 (from Govoni et al.2019)
The discovery of a giant magnetic intracluster bridge between A399 and A401 (from Govoni et al.2019)