Periodic Reporting for period 4 - ROBUST (Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games)
Reporting period: 2021-06-01 to 2022-08-31
Along the line of research proposed in the original proposal, I have developed necessary analytical tools and apply those tools in some applications. The conclusion of the action is three-fold: First, in certain environments, robustness concerns in mechanism design necessitates the use of ``classical’’ robust concepts such as dominant-strategy incentive compatibility, though not always. In particular, with common/interdependent-values, alternative notions of robustness would be necessary. Also, other kinds of robustness (than informational robustness) would be relevant depending on the applications. Second, if the designer can actively control certain aspect of the agents’ information, that could benefit the principal significantly, and the form of optimal information design can be analyzed with the developed tools. Third, robust predictions in general game settings can be analyzed with the developed tools. Interestingly, it seems to have a close connection with the robust mechanism design problem in terms of the methodology (this last observation is briefly discussed in one of the papers with Shintaro Miura, ``Robust prediction in games with uncertain parameters’’, and its further investigation is left for future research).
The other perspective concerns the design of information in principal-agent relationships. Related to the recent trend of research in Bayesian persuasion / information design, I have developed this line of research signigicantly. For example, ``Optimal Persuasion via Bi-Pooling'' with Arieli, Babichenko, and Smorodinsky develop novel theoretical tools in complex (in the sense of a continuum state space and action space) Bayesian persuasion environments; and ``Information Design in Concave Games'' with Smolin develop the duality-based machinery for information design in game environments. In terms of applications, ``Optimal public information disclosure by mechanism designer'' and ``Type-contingent information disclosure'' with Zhu consider seller-buyer trading, ``A Mediator Approach to Mechanism Design with Limited Commitment'' with Lomys study dynamic mechanism design with limited commitment, and ``On the Veil-of-Ignorance Principle: Welfare-Optimal Information Disclosure in Voting'' with Van der Straeten apply some of these techniques in voting environments.
Regarding the robust prediction, ``Robust prediction in games with uncertain parameters'' with Miura develop the notion of robust equilibrium prediction without a common prior. Different from the existing studies which usually concern both robustness with respect to information and with respect to equilibrium selection, we focus on robustness with respect to information only. This adds flexibility in the obtained prediction, and is more suitable in certain applications such as robust mechanism design, where one is often interested in partial (or the ``best equilibrium’’) implementation. In ``Order on types based on monotone comparative statics'' with Kunimoto, we develop the notion of robust comparative statics with respect to the players’ information, and show that the ``higher-order’’ stochastic ordering (which we call common certainty of optimism) captures the appropriate idea of robust comparative statics in the class of supermodular games.