Periodic Reporting for period 4 - Tesseract (Best Curved Adapted Meshes for Space-Time Flow Simulations)
Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2022-09-30
(O1) Curved meshing for adaptivity:
- Automatically imposing incremental boundary displacements for valid mesh morphing and curving.
- We present a nodal interpolation method to approximate a subdivision model.
- We answer the questions of the high-order technology focus group (HO-TFG) about the mesh generation for the high-lift common research model of the 4-th high-lift prediction workshop.
(O2) Anisotropic resolution for curved meshes:
- Defining a regularized shape distortion (quality) measure for curved high-order 2D elements on a Riemannian plane.
- An optimization method to adapt straight-edged and curved piece-wise polynomial meshes to the stretching and alignment of a target metric.
- We detail how to use Newton’s method for distortion-based curved r-adaption to a discrete high-order metric field.
(O3) Quality measures for curved meshes:
- Imposing boundary conditions to match a CAD virtual geometry for the mesh curving problem.
- We present a distributed parallel mesh curving method for virtual geometry.
- We present a specific-purpose solver to approximate curves with super-convergent rates.
- We present a new disparity functional to measure and improve the geometric accuracy of a curved high-order mesh that approximates a target geometry model.
(O4) Adapted 4D curved meshing for space-time flow simulation:
- To refine meshes, we have proposed a parallel distributed approach that preserves the curvature of a target geometry.
- Local bisection for refinement of 4D simplicial meshes. We have proposed a recursive refine to conformity procedure in two stages.
- A simple tool to visualize 4D unstructured pentatopic meshes. The results show that the method is suitable to explore 4D unstructured meshes visually.
- To locally refine, we propose a new method to mark for bisection the edges of an arbitrary 3D unstructured conformal mesh.
- We present an n-dimensional marked bisection method for unstructured conformal meshes. We devise the method for local refinement in adaptive n-dimensional applications.
-An augmented Lagrangian formulation to impose boundary conditions for distortion based mesh moving and curving
-Subdividing triangular and quadrilateral meshes in parallel to approximate curved geometries
-Automatically imposing incremental boundary displacements for valid mesh morphing and curving
-Local Bisection for Conformal Refinement of Unstructured 4D Simplicial Meshes
-Defining a Stretching and Alignment Aware Quality Measure for Linear and Curved 2D Meshes
-Imposing Boundary Conditions to Match a CAD Virtual Geometry for the Mesh Curving Problem
-Isometric Embedding of Curvilinear Meshes Defined on Riemannian Metric Spaces
-Pre-conditioning and continuation for parallel distributed mesh curving
-Measuring and improving the geometric accuracy of piece-wise polynomial boundary meshes
-Generation of Curved Meshes for the High-Lift Common Research Model
-An Efficient Solver to Approximate CAD Curves with Super-Convergent Rates
-High-Order Metric Interpolation for Curved R-Adaption by Distortion Minimization
-Bisecting with Optimal Similarity Bound on 3D Unstructured Conformal Meshes
-Automatic Penalty and Degree Continuation for Parallel Pre-Conditioned Mesh Curving on Virtual Geometry
-Conformal Marked Bisection for Local Refinement of n-Dimensional Unstructured Simplicial Meshes
-Interpolation of Subdivision Features for Curved Geometry Modeling