Période du rapport: 2016-03-01 au 2016-08-31
Today, the solution passes, on the majority of occasions, on sending from time to time a sample to metrology. In these complicated pieces, given the inherent uncertainty of the material (various steels) and process (welding, cutting, etc..) and due to the extremely close tolerances, to not measure a piece means not having certainty to meet the requirements of the client, and even worse, any changes in line conditions may mean parts out of tolerance until the next measurement.
WIP Industrial Projects is a company that builds industrial bespoke machinery, such as the AUTOMET which implements solutions that allows 100% inspection of the entire production. They use the necessary interface to make changes to the inspection in a simple way and consistent with the times handled in production chains.
The main Business Strategy is to direct sell the AUTOMET system to the potential clients. Furthermore, consideration for clients in China and the USA to assess the possibility of manufacturing the prototype in those countries (for example, through royalties), since the maintenance service can be complicated from such a long distance.
The need of the potential clients has been detected through initial conversations and due to the experience and knowledge of the WIP personnel in the automobile sector (detailed in Canvas table). These needs are such as: efficiency, quality, and costs losses. The current competiting solutions don´t solve the problems in the measurement of complicated pieces, therefore, the automobile suppliers would invest in AUTOMET system. So, the main market for AUTOMET proposal is the European automobile suppliers, due to AUTOMET proposal will benefit at the entities according to the problems explained and support these entities to compete with Chinese and other entities from emerging countries.
• Task 1: Technical Feasibility. Demonstrate speed and run time through testing the prototypes in terms of measurement and better interaction between the software and different mechanical parts.
• Task 2: Risk Assessment. The risks associated to the breaking into a potential market will be defined more thoroughly (the main barrier identified has been the AUTOMET acceptation in traditional methods).
• Task 3: Market Research. There is knowledge about the customers who would be interested in AUTOMET system. But the Feasibility Study will include a complete Market Research with a very accurate number of the potential buyers.
• Task 4: User involvement: A series of in-depth studies and surveys regarding the assessment of the AUTOMET product will be conducted both in relation to clients and the society in general as well.
• Task 5: IP Management: The AUTOMET protection will be studied in depth for the potential export both of the service and the manufacturing of the prototype in the event that somebody is interested in this option.
• Task 6: Business Strategy and Commercialization: The main Business Strategy is to direct sell the AUTOMET system to the potential clients. Furthermore, consideration for clients in China and the USA to assess the possibility of manufacturing the prototype in those countries (for example, through royalties), since the maintenance service can be complicated from such a long distance.
• Task 7: Marketing Plan: The Marketing Plan will collect the strategy of the business model of sales channels and the distribution of equipment, discriminating markets and sectors.
• Task 8: Financial Plan: After determining the overall strategy of placing on the market, a Financial Plan that will reflect the future of the company following this strategy and implementing the project will be developed.
The main results obtained during the phase 1 were a complete market and analisys plans.