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O.M.P.M LiferCraft Fabrication Innovative Tool Tail

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - OLFITT (O.M.P.M LiferCraft Fabrication Innovative Tool Tail)

Reporting period: 2019-07-01 to 2020-03-31

The aim of this proposal is to develop, design, manufacture and deliver to the Core Partner of the Call For Core Partner AIR-02-02, the prototype manufacturing tooling to fabricate all composite parts of the LifeRCraft Rotorless Tail that belong to the WP_B4.1 Rotorless Tail for LifeRCraft i.e.:
• Tail Boom
• Horizontal Stabilizer (except injection tooling for RTM Inner structure)
• Vertical stabilizer
• Control Surfaces
• Fairings
According to the call, composite parts could be fabricated using a variety of materials and process to be defined before activities start. In terms of cost, schedule reduced fabrication flow, reduced environmental impact, the proposal outlines different tooling approach in relation with the different process outlined in the call. These include prepreg and out of autoclave technology for which, taking in account preliminary shape and dimension of part, main tooling issues like materials, configuration, thermal behavior etc. are evacuate on the basis of proponent know how.

As a matter of fact, it is necessary to produce innovative hardware worth to fly with a tight budget and challenging schedule handling also the necessary change deriving from ground and flight test.
Therefore, this proposal is focused on innovative tools configurations allowing low cost, tight schedule and suitable to implement rapidly changes in part configuration likely to happen following the CDR and flight test indications.
It is also to be considered that the proposed approach is based in a closed integration between new knowledge in composite part fabrication with innovative tooling technology that it is the key to reduce cost and echo impact (pollution, energy consumption) of the sector.
In the main time the technology developed in terms of low cost materials, energy saving, echo design, process simplification and flow time reduction will contribute to the general advancement in design and fabrication of composite parts for all the prototypic needs within aerospace sector.
In the First and Second Period:

To better drive the activities the necessary tools has been divide in the families grouping similar tool for technology (i.e. autoclave or RTM), shape (inner structure, leading edges) function (layup/cure, trimming etc.).
Conceptual layout and 3D models have been developed by partner using Catia solid model with an accompanying Power point presentation. The PDR was held in OMPM facility on 15th and 16th of May. After it, many changes were agreed between OMPM and AHE:
- After important mitigation actions (for example in Marignane on 5th July, Bruxelles, on 24th July, letter of agreement signed at the beginning of September 2018) in order to conciliate technical and financial deviation, some changes have been agreed between OMPM and Topic Manager. Below, they are reported the most important actions:
- Leadind Edge tools (3) from RTM to Prepreg;
- Small curing tools are moved from steel to aluminium;
- All tools for manufacturing single parts of Horizontal Stabilizer will be developed, manufactured and delivered by OMPM to OUTCOME, with the only exception of the Injection tooling for HS Inner Structure in RTM
- OMPM will invest in a laser projector in order to give the equipment in loan of use to OUTCOME for the length of task of plies and honeycomb positioning avoiding to produce all honeycomb and plies positioning templates according to the Attachment 6 of Implementation Agreement.
- No NDT tools, single parts transportation Boxes, Heating Controls Units;
- In accordance with the Technical Specification requirements, tolerances for the special case of curing tool thickness must be ±2 mm. In order to this requirement, AHE is willing to purchase the required quality. According to AHE, a qualified provider has been selected to satisfy this quality requirement for the major critical parts. Currently,
some these tools are completed and validated.
- Leading Edges technology is Composite Hand Lay-up.
- The CDR was held in OMPM facility on the 7th and 8th of May 2019.

In the Third Period:
After CDR, the tooling design activity was completed in next two months, except for Karman. Having received the advanced data about karman tools between half October 2019 and February 2020, OMPM completed definitely this tooling design in March 2020, launching the tools manufacturing as soon as models were ready.
In the third period, the tooling manufacturing has been completed. Agreed with TM, several tooling check reviews were held in OMPM, during which the tools ready were inspected and tested, in order to receive the green light proceeding with the delivery to ICSA (Tail Boom Group) or FIDAMC (Prepeg and RTM Group), in which the tools will be used to produce the parts.
The first feedback from ANN are positive. They do not have any special comments, because we have done a lot of work in advance during the design phase and also during the visits, in which the tools have been inspected.

A dedicated deliverable has been prepared, known as D13: Dissemination and Exploitation. Due to COVID19 outbreak and some delays in the release of frozen Data about karmans tools, it wasn’t possible to complete the follow-up activities for assisting Aernnova (ANN), Topic Manager, during the manufacturing process at its facilities and sharing feedbacks on the use of tools (in particular for RTM). Being this visit of great importance to learn how the tools are used , what are the key factors that affect the manufacturing process and in particular, check RTM mold functionality , agreed with Topic Manager and JU, however it will this takes place if outside of the project to assure the exploitation of the project results.
Taking into account the current state of the art the beneficiary confirm that results expected at the end of the project have been achieved.
From the point of view of the expected impact, it can be pointed out that the preliminary selection of tool configuration performed in agreement with Topic Manager do not include the use of composite tools and use of recovered Prepreg scraps as planned in the original proposal. This was due to technical and schedule reason.
Any way the goal of reducing energy consumption and environmental impact has been maintained on all the tool lay out configuration. In fact tool mass and usage of raw material (aluminium or steel ) has been reduced to minimum. For example, some tools have been produced by aluminium Lost foam casting process and then have been finished to obtain the final shape. This solution reduce the waste of material and energy saving in comparison to machining only the tool
Particular care has been devoted to thermal design of RTM tool that require a significant amount of energy for heat up the tool. Therefore the tool layout has been developed carefully balancing the needs of tool structural strength (necessary to hold injection pressure) with the needs of mass reduction to reduce energy consumption.

OMPM needs to collect other information (lesson learned) about the tool usage.
Currently, the results achieved have allowed the study of possible application of project results (in particular RTM):

• To enlarge the OMPM products portfolio;
• To optimize or upgrade the current products portfolio;
• to improve the functional, environmental and energetic requirements;
OLFITT project summary