Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SYNCHRONVERTER (Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability)
Période du rapport: 2018-03-01 au 2018-08-31
The Smart grid and its technology evolution to optimize its service quality, costs, operations and management is the key for an efficient use of renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed energy storage (DES). One of the goals of a smart grid is to promote active customer participation and decision making as well as to create the operation environment in which grid operators, electricity users and producers influence each other. Utilities can improve reliability through the demand response programs, adding distributed generation or energy storage at substations, and providing automated control to the grid. When the proportion of decentralized generation exceeds 15-20%, large fluctuations in frequency, grid voltage and power flow occur thus the grid can become unmanageable and lead to power outages.
With the wide spread introduction of renewable energy sources into traditional and smart grids, a new grid-stability challenge is being realized by grid operators, inverter and energy storage manufacturers. While renewable generation sources are increasingly playing a role in goals related to emission reduction, energy independence, and efficiency, they fall short in the proven grid-stability functionality offered by traditional synchronous generators. As a result, when the proportion of renewable energy sources in a grid is sufficiently high, the lack of stabilizing functionality, together with the intermittent nature of renewable generation devices, may cause large fluctuations in power angle, grid voltage and power flow. Such fluctuations can cause frequent disconnects of renewable sources – thus reducing yield, and, in more extreme situations, may lead to a cascade reaction and cause damages on both utility operations and on load-side equipment alike. These grid stability concerns limit the utilization of renewable generation in traditional grids, as well as in micro solar/ wind topologies, considering that all this has a very high cost for the electricity consumers and grid operators.
By the end of the project, we intend to develop an improved inverter which will allow higher volumes of renewable energy sources to be implemented to the grid while maintaining stability.
The most interesting market for us is Europe due to its position in the global market and the expectations for the following years. Germany, with its retrofitting program, is one of the most attractive market and where we will start introducing our solution. The lower power ranges (below 200 kW: for residential and commercial sectors) represents our primary target market.
Our solution is being developed with the needs of several groups of end users in mind. The final steps before commercialization will be designed in close collaboration with those groups aiming to adapt the SynchronverterTM to their expectations.