Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Defera (Defera - Service Platform for Visual Language Users and Interpreters to Communicate with Spoken Languages Users)
Reporting period: 2016-03-01 to 2016-08-31
• Language as a barrier to social interaction
• No immediate interpreter availability
• Too few language-pair choices within current services
• Service providers don’t meet with needs
• Lack of affordable interpretation
• More demand than supply.
Defera builds a “one-stop-shop” service platform – branded Chabla - for connecting sign language users with interpreters with a push of a button, from anywhere any time. It provides a wonderful free communication experience for all deaf and hard of hearing people, coupled with high quality product and free calls from deaf to deaf. Defera will make a huge difference to all its customers!
The DEFERA project was run in order to:
1. Define the precise scope of work for the technical activities required to take Defera to full commercialization by the end of 2018.
2. Research to further detail the go to market strategy, commercialisation and financial plan, and establish business models for targeted markets with partners for future exploitation.
3. Set specific risks and prevention/contingency/mitigation measures related to market saturation.
Initial market research completed and the product and service have been tested with an international testing panel for these first five countries. Go-to-market strategy has also been developed. The project also assisted in creating an IPR strategy and a partnering strategy with the right local actors.
The SME 1 finalised the business plan for the new product and provided a clear way forward.
Impact on users will be better quality of life and better job opportunities for both users and interpreters. It will be also easier for many governments to make the recognition and promotion of the use of sign language a reality, implementing the “European Disability Strategy for 2010-2020” and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, through a business-driven service provision.