Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HiPower (Development of a commercial manufacturing process for a low cost, small footprint, high efficiency fully electric compressor and power controls to fulfil a market need for use in heavy goods vehicles)
Reporting period: 2016-04-01 to 2016-06-30
We aim to validate and scale-up manufacture of a cost effective electric compressor that enables efficient electrification of commercial vehicles, to meet tightening emission standards. Objectives for this study were to understand potential markets and their likely evolution, confirm freedom to operate and assess opportunities for I.P. protection, identify and engage with partners, align technical specification to market requirements, identify required approvals (along with developing legislation), to develop our business plan, to demonstrate the business case for HiPower products, and to devise a robust development plan through to commercialisation.
HiPower eliminates complexity, and provides greater reliability in a smaller, lighter product envelope, with greater service interval, at a significantly lower cost than is otherwise currently available.