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Smart-grid optimisation using rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) to rapidly balance power grid network frequency - enabling more widespread use of unpredictable renewables and minimising blackouts

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OptiGRID (Smart-grid optimisation using rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) to rapidly balance power grid network frequency - enabling more widespread use of unpredictable renewables and minimising blackouts)

Reporting period: 2016-03-01 to 2016-05-31

Endeco have been operating as an aggregator in the smart grid energy space for a number of years in Ireland and Great Britain. It offers a capacity provision Demand Respond product in Ireland (capacity response within minimum of 1 hour for a maximum delivery time of 2 hours) and static frequency response balancing services in GB (capacity response within 2, 10 or 30 seconds for a maximum delivery time of 30 minutes). Along with the smart grid revenue generation products, it also offers energy efficiency and price efficiency controls, and energy metering and reporting to customers to generate energy savings. Endeco’s customers to date have primarily been medium to large industrial and large commercial sites where large demand reduction capability has ensured an ROI of between 6-12 months.
The grid systems across the world are changing and with these changes new balancing product types are becoming available for service providers to assist with grid balancing into the future. These products, while more lucrative, require both a smarter and faster response to deal with the increasing balancing challenges.
Based on these new product requirements, faster and more robust sensing, control and communications are required to deliver the required response across an aggregated generating unit. Endeco is planning the development of OptiGRID, a platform with advanced sensing, control and communication functionality to enable demand side participation for customer sites in the most lucrative smart grid schemes into the future.
During our Phase 1 project, we have validated customer demand for OptiGRID, and examined potential competition with respect to intellectual property. We have concluded that there are no significant current barriers to our participation in the market with OptiGRID. We have also produced a robust development plan for OptiGRID, including identification of additional resource requirements, and reviewed our business ambition through development of our business plan. With successful implementation, OptiGRID is planned for launch within two years.