Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IRRISAVE (Smart Irrigation Control System with 40% Savings in Water for Universal Use)
Reporting period: 2016-02-01 to 2016-05-31
• IRRISAVETM is managed by an intelligent software with a feedback self - correction system: Accurate and real time predictions that do not need calibration because it is self-calibrated by iteration.
• Track the location of the wetting front, final position of drainage front, and active root zone. This ensures that the optimal moisture is reached in the active root zone.
• Water savings of up to 40% in crop fields and up to 50% in urban lawns. This means that IRRISAVETM not only saves water, but also, in the same proportion, energy needed to irrigate and the associated CO2 emissions. The technology also reduces fertilizer leaching and soil salinization.
• It is reliable. The risk of crop damage caused by incorrect irrigation management is avoided. An excess or deficiency of irrigation (e.g. root diseases, crop mortality, etc.)
• 100% adaptability to end used requirements (urban or agricultural), and potentially all kinds of irrigation systems.
• Economic savings: water (40%), energy (50%) and approx. 1200€/Ha money savings per year (only from water savings).
• Easy installation and user-friendly interface.
After Phase 2, YODFAT aims at commercializing IRRISAVETM first in the EU and Israel and, after three years, expanding the sales to USA and Australia. The estimated sales will be approx. 6500 units during the first year in the European target countries plus Israel, the Return on Investment, ROI, will be 2.94 in 2023 when our expected turnover will be 22 M€ with a total profit of about 8.9 M€. We will reach the payback in 2021. 40 people will be hired thanks to IRRISAVETM during the first 5 years.